Vitamins/supplments - what are you taking and why?



  • Stpjudge
    Stpjudge Posts: 129 Member
    I take:

    Calcium / Vitamin D
    Fish Oil
    PGX granules - adds fiber and helps regulate blood sugar
    Chia seeds - adds fiber and omega 3s
    Cinnamon - helps to regulate blood sugar
    CoQ10- helps to make a healthy heart (heart disease runs in my family)
  • fiveholts714
    fiveholts714 Posts: 6 Member
    I take multivit, B complex, calcium citrate, D3, krill oil
  • msette1
    msette1 Posts: 4
    call your dr. and discuss with him/her what u should b taking not only for your own personal health but for your family too
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    Not taking anything, believe in getting all that I need from natural food. So, my meals are usually quite varied. So far so good, last health check, don't need anything except to drink more water.
  • cita175
    cita175 Posts: 16 Member
    Iron 3 times a day and Vitamin D 2 times a day
  • Leimaro
    Leimaro Posts: 148 Member
    Have bad symptoms of PMS. I take a cocktail of vitamins recommended in the research I found on the net to help ease major episodes.
    Magnesium = water retention, energy + muscle assistance
    B6 = emotions
    Vitamin E and calcium for overall symptoms
    Considering to add omega3
    Also take one 81mg aspirin for heart = no problems with it but overweight (for now) and borderline high cholesterol.
  • Cabrinii
    Cabrinii Posts: 43 Member
    I take a multivitamin supplement daily along with a cranberry fruit supplememnt and a vitamin D supplement to regulate healthy body functions. It's very beneficial for my health and wellness to keep myself healthy.
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    I have ground flax on my breakfast.
    Then as I have an irregular cycle I take agnus cactus, evening primrose and b12 to help balance my hormones
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    1. Multivitamin (dietary supplement)
    2. Whey protein (muscle sparing)
    3. BCAA (muscle sparing)
    4. Fish oil (heart health)
    5. Magnesium Citrate (dietary supplement)
    6. Creatine Monohydrate (strength - ATP)
    7. Coconut Oil (carb-up substitute)

    All are GMP certified.
  • PamL66
    PamL66 Posts: 116 Member
    Where do I start?
    I take a daily multivitamin, D3, Green Tea Extract, MSM (for joints - I can't take glucosamine) and calcium. I also just started taking fish oil, ginseng, and red yeast rice. I'm trying to control high cholesterol and lose weight at the same time. Fun.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    OK, this is making me feel old because it's like we're comparing our pills --- which I guess we are. I just recently started supplementing my diet with calcium, iron, and B12. I only take enough calcium and iron to make up for what I didn't get that day with my food. I should probably do more...
  • mdtuba5
    mdtuba5 Posts: 6 Member
    Fish Oil
    5000 IU of Vitamin D (I found out I was deficient)
  • iwanttobestrongagain
    on a daily basis I take a stress b vitamin, a low dose probiotic, and vitamin d. Probiotic because I was on long term antibiotics and at one point my good bacteria was completely wiped out because of it. Even now that I'm off the antibiotics I still have stomach pain if I don't take a daily probiotic pill. Vitamin D, I'm deficient as are most of us here in New England. :)
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    Bump for reference. Thanks y'all!
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    Here's my list....

    Multivitamin (Centrum)
    Calcium (Allergic to Dairy)
    Vitamin D (Allergic to Dairy and I live in a spot with minimal sunshine)
    Vitamin B's (supposed to help sleep issues)
    L-Lysine (leg swelling)
    Aspirin (to help with circulation to prevent leg swelling)
    Iron (I don't eat enough red meat)
    Probiotic (I am allergic to Dairy, Soy and I have a gluten sensitivity) and I like food
  • rhondac46
    rhondac46 Posts: 46 Member
    I drink Shakeology because it is all natural with 70+ vitiamins and superfoods. I am a beachbody coach. I also drink Optimun Whey Protien after my daily workouts. I also am a big fan of Organic Chia seeds I mixed in my shake for added anti-oxidents
  • tersiefrog
    tersiefrog Posts: 9 Member
    I do my multi-vitamin, omega-3s and D both under my doctor's orders. My vitaminD actually gets low enough to alter my moods without it plus it's important in so many other areas.
  • melanie8289
    melanie8289 Posts: 161 Member

    I take the following
    Multivitamin - because I know I must be missing something in my diet *lol*
    glucosamine (no idea if I spelt that correctly but I'm sure you know what I mean) - it really does help stop my joints aching
    probiotic - this is the best think I've ever discovered and is a must for anyone who has ever had IBS
    Oil of primrose - on doctors advise for breast pain - works a treat and the pain is gone as long as I keep taking the capsules
  • mocha106
    mocha106 Posts: 64 Member
    I take a multivitamin, fish oil and D3.
  • GrammyPammy145
    GrammyPammy145 Posts: 48 Member
    B-complex for metabolism
    Safslim safflower oil for belly fat
    Vitamin D3 for energy. I am hardly out in the sunshine
    chromium picolinate for help with sugar cravings.... i could probably stop taking this one, I've been sugar-free for more than 30 days
    zinc to (I am low) to help fight infections and fatigue

    I'd say everyone should take a multivitamin, Some type of B and D3 vitamin at least. We eat lots of fish so I am not worried about taking fish oil. And eat a lot of green leafy so not too worried about calcium.