Day 1: How did you do?



  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    Day 2 of RI30 and loving it. HR was really high and sweated like crazy.........After doing Shred this one seems easier, yes i say that now, wait until weeks 2,3 and 4!
  • bottay
    bottay Posts: 14 Member
    Started yesterday as it was a Monday and had a hen party this weekend. Went to the gym and was delighted to see that even though I have been awful over the last 7 weeks since i felt off the exercise wagon, I have maintained my weight, no loss but at least there was no gain! I was dreading the weigh in. Happy with seeing 72.8kg and not 74/75 as i expected made my workout more pleasurable :P did 50 mins and around 340cals in total.:happy: Got my friends wedding on 29th Sep so hoping to feel a bit more svelte by then with the help of this challenge!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • SRH88
    SRH88 Posts: 15 Member
    After making some pretty bad food choices on Sunday and Monday, I am pleased to report that I had a great day today!

    I have been keeping an eye on how much sugar I eat and was amazed to discover that I consume 80-100 grams of sugar on a typical day. No wonder I feel sluggish by mid afternoon. Therefore I am setting myself a second goal for the month of September - to cut my average sugar intake in half!
  • LvLite
    LvLite Posts: 102 Member
    I did good after having a meltdown on 8/31 - Having a terrific week so far. Watched Biggest Loser and had some killer workouts ;)