How often do you weigh in? Does it help/not help?

I noticed a few days ago that I would weigh myself 5-6 times a day- mainly to see what eating or drinking something does to my weight. Mentally I know that when I add mass to myself in the form of food or water, my mass increases for a little while- it does not mean I'm creating fat or muscle.

However, I noticed that I was getting into a really bad mood when I saw the weight go up 2-3 lbs. How could a little meal (300 calories) cause THREE POUNDS to be added on!?!

I decided to put away the scale for awhile and I'll measure my weight and take body measurements on Saturdays now. I'm hoping I'm going to stop beating myself up every day over not losing enough weight quickly enough with it put away- it's honestly so tempting right now to go grab it (it's hidden in my bedroom) and weigh myself in the bathroom.

Has anybody else had to break this habit of constant weighing or does something like this not bother your emotional eating at all?


  • stagegoddess
    stagegoddess Posts: 101 Member
    i weight myself every morning after i got to the bathroom. i log it onto MFP every time it drops to guage how long its taking me to loose the #s and how my eating habits affect my weight. i never weigh myself after i eat anything in the day, so if i forget when i wake up--it doesn't happen. bc it hurts my head to see it not going down. food weighs more when you just ate it then it will add to your weight once its digested, plus water adds a lot.

    a lot of people only weigh themselves once a week at the same time, usually when they first wake up. don't beat yourself up over the number though--make sure you check and log your measurements too.

    hope this helps :wink:
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I used to be a chronic scale user as well. It was harmful for me because I became completely obsessed.
    I now weigh ONCE a week - on Saturday mornings. That usually never disappointed (unless if its the week of my TOM, of which i just don't weigh on that saturday). I measure myself once a month.

    My numbers on the scale have only gone up once...and I knew that was going to happen because I was on a road trip vacation for a week. Next saturday, I will see success on the scale and the measuring tape.

    What is it that you get out of using the scale so much? Sounds like just disappointment...why make this journey a miserable thing?
  • PoisonDartFrog
    PoisonDartFrog Posts: 220 Member
    I weigh myself every morning (after using the facilities). But, I only log it in MYP once a week - Mondays. I find that I loose weight early in the week (Mon-Thurs), then but some on over the weekends when I find it hard to be consistent. As long as I am net down for the week, I feel good about the week. I've only lost 4.5 pounds since joining MFP, but did the same thing prior (and lost 20 #). I do like the ease of the food diary and the exercise diary. I kept a food/diary in a spiral notebook prior. But, I like how these give me "realistic" estimates for my calorie intake based on what I eat. (I think we all tend to underestimate sometimes).
  • ASH0424
    ASH0424 Posts: 49 Member
    Honestly I weigh myself every morning.
    But I only count it on Mondays.
    Sometimes it is the kick in my pants to stop what I have been doing or what to keep doing.
    For me it just helps me keep at it with my personality of liking facts and what not, but I know it is not for everyone.

  • laraat
    laraat Posts: 1 Member
    I was a chronic weigher like you. I would weigh myself multiple time a day and it became an obsession. I actually threw away my scale. I had to do it because it was all I could think about. I am thinking about getting another one but I am super nervous because I don't want to go back to that obsessive state. I try to say it is only a number and without the scale I can actually believe that.
  • dshgna
    dshgna Posts: 54 Member
    I weight myself just once a month.

    The Reasons:

    1. I feel very demotivated if I haven't lost weight after exercise and healthy eating. Weight fluctuates, and by weighting my self just once a month, I get a clear picture of how much I've lost. I would have weighted in more often, but i tend to lose weight slowly, and don't won't to get dis-motivated.

    2. I don't have a digital scale and it's really hard measuring small changes of weight on the traditional scale. Of course I suppose I can buy a new one, but I still thing just counting the decimals of weight lost is pointless.

    3. I can feel my body get slimmer and fitter after exercise. And don't want the scale to give a negative image to my subconscious!