Jeans/pants and NROLFW



  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I'd try switching from maintenance as your base (2100) to take the 300 cal. deficit & try 1800/day (plus exercise calories) too. And remember that scales can fluctuate wildly from day to day.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    My guess is that your legs are retaining water from the new lifting program. You need to relax. It will come off during your next rest period! Keep eating what you've been eating. Lifting weights can cause your body to retain water, which probably explains the entire increase on the scale. The same thing happened to me and pants fit again and then I dropped down a size the next week. Don't stress over it.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    weighed this morning (since yesterday i weighed after eating, and the day after lifting) and was 161.

    god I am depressed.

    And stop weighing yourself if it depresses you. If you cannot accept the fact that your body holds onto water while you're doing a lifting program, you need to hide your scale!
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    I may be in the minority saying this...and I promise I'm not saying it ugly...I think you are eating too much. Going by a week or so I saw many days that were WELL into the 2000...even 3-4000 one day. That will add up. On the other hand, I give you a massive standing ovation for being accountable and writing down EVERYTHING you eat. I know on days when I go out to eat or something and eat way too much I never even try to write it down and be accountable for it. That takes good for you girl!!

    I would cut back the cals by a couple hundred and see how that helps. Not low cals...just a bit. Can't hurt? Good luck!!!

    I openly admitted to the 'over' days in my post - or at least I think I did. Emotional eating = almond butter and oreos :) So I know my weighing could have just been all of that catching up with me, along with water retention from lifting, etc.

    I'm sticking much closer to the book's recommended 2100/2400. I want to at least try this for a bit (and limit crazy, going-over days) to see if the book's calories really work. Time will tell!

    I'm nervous about cutting calories because days that I have been under - usually unintentionally - I am sluggish and feel awful the next day. I am from the EMTWL group and prior to lifting did a reset at 2600 cals, so even going under 2100 seems like I'm cutting a lot. I'm hoping seeing the 160's on the scale is the kick in the butt I need to stick more to my calorie goal and not just eat my emotions. That's what I'm telling myself, anyway.

    And yes, every bite is accounted for. if I can't be honest with myself I'll never be successful
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    weighed this morning (since yesterday i weighed after eating, and the day after lifting) and was 161.

    god I am depressed.

    And stop weighing yourself if it depresses you. If you cannot accept the fact that your body holds onto water while you're doing a lifting program, you need to hide your scale!

    I had a great workout this morning, increased my weights in everything.... I am much peppier today! Scale is going out of reach until at least the end of a rest week......if not longer
  • blondepsychobrat
    blondepsychobrat Posts: 55 Member
    Since muscle is denser than fat, you may weight more when you put on muscle. However, if your measurements aren't shrinking it could be that your body fat % is still a little high. I would suggest to look at the macros more than at the calories, make sure that the carb % isn't over 30. Remember that when you eat carbs, your body will store that as glycogen in your muscles. For your body to be able to store that, it also needs to store water! So if you cut the carbs and increas the protein, you could lose the water and look leaner.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    weighed this morning (since yesterday i weighed after eating, and the day after lifting) and was 161.

    god I am depressed.

    And stop weighing yourself if it depresses you. If you cannot accept the fact that your body holds onto water while you're doing a lifting program, you need to hide your scale!

    I had a great workout this morning, increased my weights in everything.... I am much peppier today! Scale is going out of reach until at least the end of a rest week......if not longer
    Awesome!!! You've got this girl. Hide that scale!! ;-)
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    Since muscle is denser than fat, you may weight more when you put on muscle. However, if your measurements aren't shrinking it could be that your body fat % is still a little high. I would suggest to look at the macros more than at the calories, make sure that the carb % isn't over 30. Remember that when you eat carbs, your body will store that as glycogen in your muscles. For your body to be able to store that, it also needs to store water! So if you cut the carbs and increas the protein, you could lose the water and look leaner.

    I eat at 40/30/30 as the book suggestions
  • Carrie3B
    Carrie3B Posts: 45 Member
    I use to be a cardio bunny and was obsessive about getting a big burn. But the last few months, I've been lifting heavier with a trainer and have cut back on some of my cardio. Result--no weight loss (ugggh), but I did lose body fat. BUT, I can't fit my jeans over my thighs (double ugghh)! I'm firmer and more muscular, but I've always wanted to have the slimmer runners legs (and I hate how the tight jeans feel on me). So now I'm cutting back to heavy lifting of the legs only ONCE a week, still doing cardio but not crazy and doing arms 3 times a week. Hoping that I can re-fit in my jeans. My trainer says that they need to make "athletic jeans" for those of us who lift and get nice butt and legs but that don't really fit into the skinny jeans anymore (hmm--I glared at him when he said that--not sure how I feel about that haha). Good luck--it's such a trial and error kind of thing!!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Since muscle is denser than fat, you may weight more when you put on muscle. However, if your measurements aren't shrinking it could be that your body fat % is still a little high. I would suggest to look at the macros more than at the calories, make sure that the carb % isn't over 30. Remember that when you eat carbs, your body will store that as glycogen in your muscles. For your body to be able to store that, it also needs to store water! So if you cut the carbs and increas the protein, you could lose the water and look leaner.

    I eat at 40/30/30 as the book suggestions

    That's a lot of protein! I "gained" 6lbs eating at that macro level. When I slowly dropped my protein back to normal 55c/15p/30f I "lost" the 6lbs...perhaps your body doesn't like all the protein? Some people (like me ! :smile:) have bodies that cannot handle as much protein. I'm still building muscle and losing fat with less protein, so for me, it's not necessary.