When will my middle catchup???

skrentz Posts: 67 Member
So just started EM2WL a few weeks ago, how liberating to eat again. Never saw any real change in the scale at low cals anyway. Been lifting since January. Went to a trainer and she gave me a 3 day lifting routine with 2 body groups a day with a day rest. Saw small results right away...3 months later, started Stronglifts 5X5, saw big gains in strength and REALLY liked the workouts. Do boot camp HIIT workouts or bike or rest depending on how I feel on the days off lifting. Did that for about 3 months and then did Mad Cow. Similar to 5X5 but with varying weights and reps. I seem to get a bit bored, so I have gone back to the first lifting routine, and will rotate every 3 months or so. 4'10" 130 currently eating 1700 cal or so which is a 15% cut from TDEE. There is my backround. So here is my ??? My arms and legs look way better and my shoulders rock.(if I do say so myself) So when will my middle catch up? ( Just a thought, but could it be at least partially be due to my Mirena? getting it out next month ) It is all bloaty looking and my clothes do not fit better at all. l am somewhat prepared to not see the scale move, but I really want to look like I work out! Aslo I am trying to hit macros, but my diet is a mess some days. Anyone else have this issue and then get a toned middle? Anything I should try or will it just come eventually?
Sorry about the ramble - thanks for reading.


  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I think everyone has a "trouble zone." My middle is coming along nicely, but my hips/thighs are slow. Stage 1 of NROL4W has helped my hips/thighs get with it. Have you looked at their program? It is doing well for my middle too!

    Edit: I have a mirena too, and the mirena is not my problem! It was more a lack of a leg exercise routine because I thought since my hips and legs were already so strong, they didn't need a workout. WRONG!
  • candacekohler
    candacekohler Posts: 7 Member
    Me too. The wonderful extra in the middle. Good ol pilates and ab excercises have cut inches out of my middle. I have 4 kids and twins so my stomach has seen some damage. Planks, sit ups, legs out straight....all these exercises everyday have cut my middle down and I'm looking kinds sexy if I do say so myself. LOL
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Not sure how old you are but I noticed as soon as hit my 40's, I had a much harder time losing my belly fat. My arms and shoulders shape up nicely....those are always the first parts that show progress when I work out. But my middle....it's coming along but very very slowly. We just store fat differently as we get older and, as women, we tend to gain it more in the middle, esp as we get closer to menopause.

    Just keep sticking with your program and eat healthy (esp good fats - MUFAS - which have been shown to help reduce belly fat specifically)
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    I know we all have increased our calories( yay!) But we still must make good choices! I'm 48 What has helped me is staying away from white flour/sugar 90% of the time and eating more brown carbs! You said yourself you diet is off some days, that maybe the answer to your question!
    Make every calorie count not just eating because you can! Hope this helps. What is mirena?
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    It will come eventually. I have been lifting for 7 months and I have just noticed that I now have a harder core, even though my weight has remained the same. My arms seemed to be the first place I noticed improvement, then my legs, now my core. When I notice the fat under my behind disappear, then I will party!! ;)

    Maybe my harder core is a result of recently upping my calories? Not sure. :)

    Mirena shouldn't affect your muscle development, at least mine has not.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    My midsection is a stubborn hag. I don't expect it to go away any time soon. It's frustrating but if you are seeing change everywhere else then don't fret, your midsection will come along in time.

    *plays drums on his sloppy tunmy*
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    *plays drums on his sloppy tunmy*

    What is it about men and 'drumming on their tummy"! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You'd be hard pressed to catch a woman doing that! hehe

    As for that annoying waistline...I figure it tends to come off as it went on. It'll catch up eventually and I think CORE and AB work definitely helps it show a little faster by tightening things up instead of leaving it sloppy as it shrinks.
  • jenniekw
    I have been doing cut now for about 2 months now and this past week I have just notice my stomach deflating...lol Although I haven't seen an of my measurements or weight change.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Oh, I HEAR YOU. I just turned 40 (not sure how old you are) and the hormones and carrying two children has done a number. I often look bloated and/or pregnant compared to my lean frame.

    I've been exercising regularly for a few years now, but I just started the EM2WL philosophy about a month ago and started lifting "heavy"...I am 5'7" and 126 pounds. I don't care about the scale so much...I just want my midsection to "deflate" a little and spread to other areas!!!:)

    I am on a 1700 cal/day program but I eat a lot of my calories back on exercise days. (Used to be a 1200 cal/day girl with binges on weekends...)

    I feel a lot better eating more calories and more 'balanced'...much healthier relationship with food. I just wish I could get rid of the belly!!!! Hoping that with TIME this program will do the trick! Are you eating lots of protein? I am aiming for a 40/30/30 ratio these days...

    I'm interested in the responses to your post!
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    it's always been my trouble area. my legs have always been lean and they always have the quickest changes. i know my tummy fat is going to take a lot of muscle in other areas to help melt it away.

    in all honesty, i'm giving it 2 years to start deflating. you need to be patient. it's a small calorie deficit and muscle (especially for women) takes years to build. and in reality, it may not even be possible to build muscle on a deficit. i know it's going to take some phases of maintenance & cutting or builking & cutting to get the fat off my tummy. but i'm in this for the long haul :)