New to Medifast and Looking for Friends



  • andreardr
    andreardr Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Mel - Ithey switched me to the 5_1 plan last saturday so we'll see what happens - averaging abut 80 carbs now and about 800 calories. Has been a very busy week so haven't achieved my goal of five workouts but I feel great! Thanks for asking. They explained that they started me on 5-2-2 because I had more than 100 lbs to lose, but with 30 off and BMW under 40, they said I could switch...a biit of an adjustment from the two lean and greens to 1, but I'm getting used to it now.
  • SexyBoomer
    SexyBoomer Posts: 41 Member
    You're only eating 2 Medifast meals? You are missing some nutrients, make sure you take a multi-vitamen then.
  • blrblr
    blrblr Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, also looking for some medifast friends!!!