Trippiest run ever...

On day 2, so far my energy has been pretty much normal up until the end of the day - except I just had the weirdest run ever. I felt a little foggy mentally (and kind of giddy...) and it felt like I hard to work a bit harder, except I think I also went faster than ever! Unless that was just my body feeling faster because my mind was a bit behind....anyone else feel any effects yet?


  • davidbchu
    davidbchu Posts: 4 Member
    I tried to keep my day pretty normal as far as activity level. Went climbing in the morning and walked a few hours with my dog. Felt a little lethargic/hungry in the afternoon but I think its b/c I'm still trying to figure out meals and what's paleo/what's not. Overall not too bad so far.
  • Jones said this pretty quick in the lecture (so I wanted to repeat it), but it is an important part of battling "carb flu" and staying full longer - eat more fat!

    You will feel less lethargic and more satiated from meal to meal.
  • ksellen1
    ksellen1 Posts: 115 Member
    I started feeling crappy and tired like 3 days in. I read on a different forum on here about bulletproof coffee. It sounds disgusting but it's actually really good and helps me keep my energy up during the day. There is a lot of information about it put there if you google it.