My first Day of HIIT! / Exercise Log


Did my FIRST Hiit today. I LOVE IT! I actually started giggling through my deep breaths - I did it on the treadmill, at the gym. I'm hooked. But when I tried to add it to my MFP log - there was no option for it. Any suggestions? I only did 16 minutes. But I wanna collect my reward! I put 16 minutes at 6pmh running. Not quite accurate I guess - . I can pay more attention next time to what it says on the treadmill. Just wondered how you guy's were logging it.


  • reweldt
    reweldt Posts: 55 Member
    First of all congratulations woman thats awesome!!! welcome...

    I log mintues at the highest interval rate speed, I use a combination of bike for 5 or 10, then treadmill for 5 or 10, then ellipitcal for 5 or 10 then bike for the last 10 usually. thats my standard but there are variations. often the time on the machine and whats available doesnt match perfect its okay just pick which one you will use and use that consistantly.

    any other ideas? ladies what yall think?

  • ohDeeDeeBehave
    ohDeeDeeBehave Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks Rita :-) I figure I'll also keep an eye on the calories burned on the machine. Did another 16 minutes today. And I'm WIPED OUT! I can walk/run/walk for 45 minutes. But this is incredible. I will try to very the machines too. I imagine the variety is nice.

    Question: would you lift weights BEFORE HIIT? or After? Since I'm only doing about 16 minutes ( with a 10 minute warmup by the way) I figure I'd do them Before my workout. What has worked for you?

  • lyxus
    lyxus Posts: 85
    When i do HIIT on the threadmill i do 11mph for 1min 4mph for 1min

    Get a HRM if you don't have one
  • reweldt
    reweldt Posts: 55 Member
    I do lift weights before i do HIIT, because I am usuing different muscles, but on leg lift days I dont do HIIT.
    I used to do HIIT first and my then trainer had a fit and said I would lose more weight if I did it first. I havnt seen a change in weight either way but I ilke to do weights first, thats just me...
    keep it moving.... you are doing great !!
  • ohDeeDeeBehave
    ohDeeDeeBehave Posts: 30 Member
    When i do HIIT on the threadmill i do 11mph for 1min 4mph for 1min

    Get a HRM if you don't have one

    How do you log it under exercise here? I guess you just log : "running 11mph " for the whole time? Thats what I did. Just trying to get an estimate on calories burned.
  • ohDeeDeeBehave
    ohDeeDeeBehave Posts: 30 Member
    I do lift weights before i do HIIT, because I am usuing different muscles, but on leg lift days I dont do HIIT.
    I used to do HIIT first and my then trainer had a fit and said I would lose more weight if I did it first. I havnt seen a change in weight either way but I ilke to do weights first, thats just me...
    keep it moving.... you are doing great !!

    Thanks Rita,

    I think I'll do the HIIT first weights second. I generally warm up on the treadmill anyway before I lift anyway. I think that It'll even help keep my heart rate up during the work out. :-)

    Thanks again!
  • toolgrl919
    toolgrl919 Posts: 2 Member

    Question: would you lift weights BEFORE HIIT? or After? Since I'm only doing about 16 minutes ( with a 10 minute warmup by the way) I figure I'd do them Before my workout. What has worked for you?


    Why don't you do your weight training as HIIT also. I use the Gymboss app for my phone & set the intervals to the times I want.
  • reweldt
    reweldt Posts: 55 Member
    if you are weight training to build muscle do that first, if you are toning then its okay to do it after :) love life lift
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    I'm incorporating the Phase 1 HIIT 1-4 weeks into my program with my weight training and yoga.. It's so far so good We will see if it's 'really' going to move things along!!! I am excited.
  • reweldt
    reweldt Posts: 55 Member
    thats awesome we are so excited for you
    if you have any questions please ask

  • reweldt
    reweldt Posts: 55 Member
    hey hey hey

    anyone wanna try this HIIT workout?
    2-5 minutes on bike or treadmill
    1-2 minutes on step or jumprope
    then 1-2 minutes rest/walk
    for up to total 15-30 minutes

    I am going to try it either today or tomorrow!