Make it work for YOU. It's your life. You have time.



  • RJ74
    RJ74 Posts: 37 Member
    Ok, not to get all "deep" or anything, but I was actually thinking about this on my way into work this morning. I definitely tend to obsess about each new thing I try, then get frusturated and give up. My tendency is to aim for "perfect" because then if it doesn't work it couldn't possibly be my fault (wink, wink). Anyways, on the radio they were talking about how 9/11 caused alot of people to re-evaluate their priorities and how, on the anniversary, we should once again think about what we focus on. It really struck me that so much of my life is spent focused on my food/exercise/macros/micros/blah,blah,blah that I am missing out on the REASONS for my health: my family! So, thanks again for the reminder to take it slow and enjoy life. :drinker:
  • LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for this wonderful post/reminder. We need to take things a little slower and stop putting so much pressure on ourselves to change everything at once. Slow but steady wins the race, right?
  • BEST. POST. EVER.!!!!!
  • :heart: :heart: :heart: Thank you so much! What awesome advice!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Kiki you are AWESOME, plain and simple and I can't thank you and Lucia enough for your patience in saying the same things over and over again. Unbelievably, I actually get it more every time you say keep it up haha:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LioshaM
    LioshaM Posts: 129 Member
    Love it... Thank you so much. I just went back to my first love in this life long process... walking at lunch time, I simply enjoy it! The weather here is perfect, the sun is shining and the skies are so blue.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I have a close friend who I am helping through the early stages of EM2WL. This is reminding me not to push her too hard! Everyone makes changes at his/her own pace. If you had forced me to eat as cleanly as I do now three months ago, I would not have been able to do it. I got here gradually and so will she!
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Yes!!!! Couldnt agree more. I was feeling so overwhelmed by everything all at once, feeling like I needed to be perfect on everything. And all it was really doing is creating this all or nothing mentality. This is my biggest challenge to overcome in my weight loss journey, that just because I botched one area, that doesnt mean I have utterly failed and its time to throw in the towel and find a pint of Ben and Jerrys. Unfortunately thats the way my distorted mind goes. I was finding myself being more and more nitpicky with my myself, which was actually getting me further away from my cutting goals, and I was bingeing more. Eek. So you know what? I told myself to work on ONE thing, and for me right now my biggest challenge is bingeing. The numbers game was driving me crazy. Now I know there are many who would disagree with this, but I told myself I am going to deal with this binge issue once and for all. So I decided my only goal was to get as close to my cut value as possible but my biggest goal was NO BINGES. I wasnt gonna stress about macros, weighing every gram of spinach, wearing my BMF, etc. Just no bingeing. I can get very obsessive with the numbers very fast, so Im really just guesstimating portion sizes right now. I know I'll get back to being stricter but thats the road I'm walking right now. One thing at a time. Love it.
  • Loved reading this. I'm so frustrated, I literally change something every day or at least every week. The numbers given by MFP, F2F, Scooby, etc. are all hugely different. As soon as I gain a pound, I find the one with the lowest number and switch my goal to that. As soon as I lose a pound, I start thinking maybe I can eat enough to build muscle and switch to the one with the highest numbers. The only time I've given anything enough time to really work was 8 weeks of reset and no scale.

    I'm ready to get back to basics and stick with it. Now to just figure out which calculator numbers will work for me.......

    +1 on the podcast!

    I'm the same way! I'm trying to be less obsessive and let this process work itself out. So I'm just going to take a rough low average of the numbers and run with it for a while. I spend WAY too much time on MFP and thinking about food/exercise. I need to stick with one plan for a while.
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    Kiki... your rambles are one of my favourite parts of this whole journey!!! Thank you ALWAYS :love: :love: :love:
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Thank you Kiki!
  • catti41
    catti41 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you, i have been so concerned that I have not been exercising much recently, but then I am focusing on fueling my body to just get through the day to day. So i know that I will be in a good place when i fit the exercise back in. Love reading what everyone has to say
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member

    Thank you for posting this...patience is not my strength but I am working on remembering that it just takes time.

    I need to sit down & write a list of ALL of my goals and then just pick one to start.

    This is my life.....not a diet....

    And I agree with printing this out & hanging it on the bathroom mirror :happy:
  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    Wise words from a very wise woman. :smooched:
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 79 Member
    I can also admit I tried taking on too much at one time and kinda did go insane. I was ready to throw my hands up and say to heck with it I'm gonna reconsider diet pills!!! :) Nope, I did not get any but I had to step back, look again and pick out something I have the hardest time with and try again. Thanks, Kiki, for putting it into words so plainly!!
  • alijane9
    alijane9 Posts: 67 Member
    Just trawling, think this needs to be bumped... :smile: Have a great week!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Just trawling, think this needs to be bumped... :smile: Have a great week!

    WOW~ me too!!:love:

    Sooooo needed in the world did the universe know what I needed today???:heart::heart:
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    I ADORE how more people are realizing that the process requires baby steps. I've noticed (as I'm sure many of you have) that it's the people who try to "change the world" :huh: or do everything at once that have the most difficulty with the entire process. :grumble:

    Increasing cals, trying to hit macros perfectly, doing a reset, decreasing/increasing exercise, adding in weight lifting, running a 10k, going paleo, zigzagging cals, IFing, adding PB back in to the diet, drinking protein shakes, adding HIIT, giving up diet soda, switching to low carb/high carb, going to college, getting a degree, becoming a doctor, inventing a cure for cancer.... :noway:

    ok, so I'm getting carried away...

    But you get what I'm saying. Trying to conquer the world during your first week/month/YEAR of EM2WL, is gonna put you on the fast track to insanity. :sad:

    One step at a time is all we can do.

    Think of all things on your journey that you feel you need to work on (increasing protein? drinking more water? not getting on the scale as much? adding good fats? letting go of quick fix mentality?) and pick ONE that will have the greatest impact.

    Do that ONE thing, until it is second nature. Then add the next step. There is no rush. You have nothing but time, this is the rest of your life.

    **Research shows that when we tackle ONE new thing we have an over 80% success ratio. When we try to tackle TWO things, that rate drops as low as 20%*** :frown:

    "ONE thing at a time!" you exclaim...."but that may take over a YEAR!"

    EXXXXACTLY :drinker:

    Set yourself up for success! :flowerforyou:

    That's my weekly ramble, lol....I'm done :tongue:


    I love this!! I have totally noticed that when i take on too much at a time (too much being 2 things... lol) that i get overwhelmed and give up.

    I also have been trying to tell my self that I don't need to lose 70lbs by this summer, I do have time. I want to take this slowly so it lasts, I don't want to have to battle my weight the rest of my life so i would rather lose .5-1lb a week and have me not reach goal till a year or a year and a half from now (rather than set a dead line for 6 months from now) and still be able to eat, not feel deprived, have enough energy to get through my workouts and not have as much loose skin!

    I have a problem with only thinking of the extremes, so my thought process usually goes a little something like this; I'm either going to be fat or thin and fit at my goal weight.

    BUT in reality my body WILL be changing, things will tighten up i will be getting smaller, 20-30 lbs from now i wont look the same as i do right now. And that's something that i really have to remember.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Love it! S o true! Breaking everything into doable steps is perfect...Thank you!:flowerforyou:
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    This was my icing today!

    Seriously. I'm an all or nothing girl....and I burn out/get bored or frustrated because I've become programmed to wanting things to come quickly.

    I have thrown around the words of lifestyle changes, and habits etc. but I don't think I truly reflected on what all of that meant.

    I have been doing really well separating food from feeling, and making sure that I pause to find the positive in the non-food related moments in my life. The glow of the Christmas tree, the smell of my kids' hair after bath time. Sitting with my feet on my hubby's lap just enjoying being near each other without having to "do" anything.

    I read and reread so many of the EM2WL pinned topics yesterday, and decided today I would up my cals, slowly. I am continuing on with my 30DS program, but not adding in anything new on top of it right now.

    I want to focus on being healthier, being fit, being strong and I have confidence in myself that I will make it happen one day at a time.

    Thank you again!