Level One



  • I don't know why but the jumping jacks and jump rope kill me.

    I am NOT a fan of the jump ropes - at all. I will say today (my day 2) was easier than yesterday, and i actually FELT stronger when I was doing the push ups. I am EXTREMELY sore, especially in my quads. After doing 30DS this morning I did a bike ride, and that didn't help with my soreness. I thought I was going to have to walk my bike at this one hill. Thank God for gears!

    Anytime I stand up or sit down at work is absolute misery - reminds me of the first time I went to a spinning class I made the mistake of going to Good Friday mass the next day with a friend of mine... had no idea catholic people liked to stand up and sit down so much - by the time it was over i was ready to fall down...

    BUUUUUT - having said that... I got to bed later than usual last night, woke up early than planned this morning, and got in a great workout (strength + cardio) and i feel GREAT today! And the pain I do feel in my muscles makes me smile because i know it means what I'm doing is working!

    Looking forward to the next 28 days :)
  • lauralogan2010
    lauralogan2010 Posts: 20 Member
    What do you think about just doing more jumping jacks? Do you think alternating a few jump ropes/butt kicks with mostly jumping jacks would work? I hope your shin splints feel better! I know that is no fun.
  • lauralogan2010
    lauralogan2010 Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah, it's a pretty good burn. On some of the exercises I go at faster than the trainers just because I know I can push a little harder. I use 3 lbs for the squat presses and anterior side lunges/lifts... but 5 lbs on everything else. It's the cardio that gets me... I've started having issues with my shin splints again with all of the jumping... any suggestions on 'substitutes' for the jumping rope or butt kicks?

    What do you think about just doing more jumping jacks? Do you think alternating a few jump ropes/butt kicks with mostly jumping jacks would work? I hope your shin splints feel better! I know that is no fun.
  • eellington
    eellington Posts: 5 Member
    Day 1 done last night. Whew!! I always knew I couldnt do a push up (girly or non), but last night proved it! I made it through about 4! Took a 3 second breather during butt kicks and punches. Loved the chest flies - gave me a minute to lay on the floor and catch my breath!! I did my measurement and pics so hopefully there will be a difference in 29 days! Day 2 later this evening!
  • SaraSapp
    SaraSapp Posts: 26 Member
    I finished day 1 last night. I didn't have any weights, so it wasn't too bad. I'm feeling a little sore today. I'm going to pick up some weights today. Should I get 3lb or 5lb? I want a good workout, but I also want to make it through the whole workout with the weights. Thoughts?

    Get both. You'll find some exercises (like back and chest) you will want a heavier weight, but others, like the lunges and squats, you'll want a lighter weight to start off with. Walmart sells weights really cheap!!

    I only got the 5 pounders. My Walmart only had one 3 pound weight. Maybe it's a sign!
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    Yeah, it's a pretty good burn. On some of the exercises I go at faster than the trainers just because I know I can push a little harder. I use 3 lbs for the squat presses and anterior side lunges/lifts... but 5 lbs on everything else. It's the cardio that gets me... I've started having issues with my shin splints again with all of the jumping... any suggestions on 'substitutes' for the jumping rope or butt kicks?

    What do you think about just doing more jumping jacks? Do you think alternating a few jump ropes/butt kicks with mostly jumping jacks would work? I hope your shin splints feel better! I know that is no fun.

    Yeah, I considered trying more jumping jacks instead since they aren't as bad as the jumping rope and butt kicks. I found that if I don't jump as high, it doesn't hurt as much either... I guess cause it's low impact in comparison. Thanks for the suggestion - I'll definitely try that as well.