3 weeks into EM2Wl and i'm not losing anything.



  • So, everyone's TDEE can be different, right? If your maintenance appears very different from that given by the scooby calculator, isn't it possible that your maintenance is just lower? Is it always possible to increase it with a reset?

    I ask because my maintenance also seems about 300 calories lower than what the calculators give me. I think my maintenance is 2500, but scooby gives me 2800.

    36 yo female
    CW 238 lbs
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    So, everyone's TDEE can be different, right? If your maintenance appears very different from that given by the scooby calculator, isn't it possible that your maintenance is just lower? Is it always possible to increase it with a reset?

    I ask because my maintenance also seems about 300 calories lower than what the calculators give me. I think my maintenance is 2500, but scooby gives me 2800.

    36 yo female
    CW 238 lbs

    Yes everybody's TDEE is different that's what makes this such an individualized journey. The only way that you would know for sure-ish of what your maintenance would be other than trusting your instincts, would be to use a device such as a BMF (body media fit), fit bit, or getting your RMR tested.  

    But, yes eating more does raise your BMR the same way that eating less lowers it...so it is very likely that your maintenance is lower now. But that does not mean that if you eat where you're supposed to be that it will not go up. Most of us have a lowered BMR when we come into this journey and therefore we have a lower maintenance level as well but that is because our maintenance has adapted to the lower eating. It will also adapt to eating more. 

    The human body is an amazingly complex thing the way that it adapts to whatever you put it. 

    ~ Kiki 
  • Thanks for your response, Kiki! My fitbit also gives me an average daily burn of around 2500 - 2550 calories, but I'm going to do a slow reset to see if I can raise that. Once I get eating at 2500 down (I was so happy with the extra food the first two weeks that I kind of, um... overshot my calorie goal), I want to try to add 50-100 calories per week to see how my body responds. This will probably take longer than 6 to 8 weeks, but this girl likes to eat, so it's worth it! (I'll do a 200-300 calorie cut after I discover my "new maintenance.")
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Thanks for your response, Kiki! My fitbit also gives me an average daily burn of around 2500 - 2550 calories, but I'm going to do a slow reset to see if I can raise that. Once I get eating at 2500 down (I was so happy with the extra food the first two weeks that I kind of, um... overshot my calorie goal), I want to try to add 50-100 calories per week to see how my body responds. This will probably take longer than 6 to 8 weeks, but this girl likes to eat, so it's worth it! (I'll do a 200-300 calorie cut after I discover my "new maintenance.")

    Lol you sound exactly like me. I just wanted to push the limits because I know that I like food and I needed to be able to eat plenty of it when I was maintaining...so I was willing to push it. It did take me a while though. But it sure was worth it! :drinker:
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Enjoy TDEE and when it is time to cut...SMALL CUT, start with 10% for 4wks, then do TDEE for a week then you can try 15% next 4wks, then TDEE for a week..etc. Keep the body guessing so it doesn't have a chance to adjust to a lower calorie intake.


    I like this idea. I've been doing 10% for 3 weeks now (on my 4th) and I think TDEE for a week fits right in with where I wanna go.
  • donnab83
    donnab83 Posts: 105 Member
  • ezavora
    ezavora Posts: 59 Member
    This was a great read. I read this because I needed a pep talk to keep me going. Im close to 3 weeks of upping my calories and, depending on the time of day, I've either lost 2 pounds or gained 2. I guess that means I've maintained. About 6 weeks ago, in addition to running and swimming I added in HIIT, weights, and body weight workouts. Though the scale has not moved in 7 weeks now, my clothes are definitely fitting different. Im in this for the long haul but really really want to see the scale at a lower number. Im hoping for some downward movement in the next 2 months. Thanks for this post, it fueled me to keep going.