8/13 start date -- CHECK IN



  • Hey ladies- I just finished Body Revolution on Monday and am restarting the program tomorrow with WO3, so was excited to find a post where people are on the same workout schedule (approximately) as me. While reading your posts, I read that some of you are concerned with not seeing the scale move, and with this program I didn't lose too much either (about 30)- but definitely take your measurements, as I have never been so toned in my life! You will definitely (and others will too) notice the difference in how your body 'revolutionizes' and tightens up and you just become leaner. I didn't follow her diet plan at all while on it as I am a picky eater, but followed her recommendation of a 1200 calorie diet, which did help with some weight loss. I hope you all love the workouts as much as I did the first time, as there is nothing out there that can deliver such an impact in such a short time...I mean, who doesn't have 30 minutes a day (really) to get in great shape :) Good luck everyone! I can't wait to see everyone's progress!
  • BiancoM
    BiancoM Posts: 15 Member
    On day 4 of Phase 2! Wow! And if you ladies didn't think phase 1 was challenging just wait til phase 2! I am going to have to do this again when I am done just so I can master the moves! LOL Challenging but so worth it! Weigh in and measurements this weekend! So excited! I can see such a difference in muscle tone! Whoop whoop! Keep it up ladies!!
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    I kinda have a question..so I am going to jump in here. I posted before..but didn't get too much of a response. I am doing JM Ripped in 30 right now. Have approx 1 week left.
    I have the BR...but stupid me...LOST the Phase 1 booklet. Yea..so lame I know. But I was hoping if I did the Ripped in 30..then I go into the Phase 2 and Phase 3.
    Has any of you done the Ripped in 30? Will this prepare me enough for Phase 2 and 3 of BR?

    Just curious. :flowerforyou:
  • BiancoM
    BiancoM Posts: 15 Member
    Yes, I have done Ripped in 30 and it helped me get ready for BR. Doing Phase 1 helps bring up the endurance to do her Phase 2 workout but I don't think it would be impossible to go into Phase 2. Phase one gears you up with the basics for a more extreme Phase 2. Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing!
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    thanks BiancoM! I was doing the BR awhile back and then fell off the wagon. So I remembered workouts 1 and 2 (and I do still have my Cardio 1 DVD)...never made it to 3 and 4. When I was geared up to doing it FOR REAL this time...couldn't find that sleeve of Phase 1! couldn't believe it. So..thought maybe if I did this..it would help. Really appreciate the comments and will let you know how I fare out when I go into week 5~! :tongue:
  • amy_wills
    amy_wills Posts: 37 Member
    Hey Aimer! Glad to have you aboard! We're all in this together! I, too, am looking forward to the challenge. (I have my bottle of Advil ready!) LOL
  • amy_wills
    amy_wills Posts: 37 Member
    BiancoM - how did the measurements go? Anything to report to us?
  • BiancoM
    BiancoM Posts: 15 Member
    Hey Motivatedbride! You will do great! I have seen the results and I don't want to stop and I will probably do another 90 once this one is done November 3!
    Hey Amy, I will be measuring and weighing in on Sunday, it is a PMS week but still it is looking good! I think I am finally going to lose my baby belly from having my little guy! I didn't realize how in shape I was until I became pregnant and had my son. He is now 2 1/2 and it is hard to tighten everything back up again, esp. those tummy muscles! I will be posting on Sunday! Whoop whoop!
  • nyssa1231
    nyssa1231 Posts: 120 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm in your "class"! I just started Phase 2 this week. I have to admit, I was a little bit bored with Phase 1, but I'm enjoying Phase 2 so far. It's a bit more challenging.

    Overall, I've been enjoying JMBR so far. I like the exercise, the cast, and the timing. The only thing I don't like are the cardio portions. On a cardio day, I do another cardio dvd or go for a run. Have a good workout!
  • Nyssa- I felt the same way about her cardio...dreaded those days and hated the workouts. I definitely have had a better attitude now that I have substituted another cardio that I don't find so dreadful. Keep it up! Workout 3 is when I felt like she finally kicked it into gear, and the rest of the program is great!
  • nyssa1231
    nyssa1231 Posts: 120 Member
    I did Workout 7 yesterday. All I can say that is that I loathe crow pushups! Looking forward to doing Workout 8 for the first time this morning!
  • BiancoM
    BiancoM Posts: 15 Member
    Workout 8 is killer! Butt kicks with weights! whew! It is working though! The inches are coming off and I am loving the results! Jillian has nailed it; it truly works!
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    I am still on workouts 5 and 6. You all keep making me nervous about 6 and 7!
    I am definitely feeling stronger! Scale not moving ....but I am not trying to focus too much on that!

    Keep up the great work everyone!