Help me start BR again 12 September

jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
I did three weeks if this and loved it. I stopped because of holidy and didn't start again. I then did day 1&2 last week but overdid it a bit and used stiffness as an excuse to stop.
I want to start again today. Anybody want to buddy up with me??
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  • When are you starting again?
  • I did 5 weeks of it before, but had quit in June. I just started back up on Monday (9/10/12). I am doing the 1,200 cal. diet, but I may not get all 6 workouts in a week because of my crazy work schedule, but I'm trying to double up when possible.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Been a mad busy week so keep putting off starting. DEFINITELY going to start tomorrow.
  • phillips529
    phillips529 Posts: 194 Member
    I finally got my package today...which felt like forever. I'll be starting the program on Monday. Over the weekend I'll be reviewing the workouts 1 & 2, meal plan and the fitness guide... From what I've seen thus far this program will truly deliver results provided that I follow the meal plan and give it my all in the workouts. But I know I will no't be eating 1200 to 1300 calories per day. So I may have to adjust my eating plan for an 1800 to 2000 caloric intake and add in another cardio session, if not I'll be starving all day long!
  • hello,

    im new to both MFP and Body Revolution. however, i am currently downloading it. my biggest fear is not sticking with it. 90 whole days!!! also i'm not sure if i should start right after it downloads today or wait it out til monday. i think i may choose the latter, this way i have time to cleanse myself of the chinese i ate today lol. i'd love feedback from anyone who has done it and maybe even a buddy for when i start monday!