Hair and Nails

Have any others of you noticed a change in your hair and nails? I'm seeing much more rapid growth in both, less hair shedding, stronger nails, and oddly enough -- my nail polish isn't chipping anymore.

I would have thought the increased fat = more oil in nailbed = more chipping, but no...the opposite...



  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Yep, it's pretty normal for people to notice an improvement in their skin, hair and nails when doing low carb. It's one of the many nice side effects to eating the way that the human body was intended to.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    My hair is out of control ... I need to get it cut today in fact.

    I swear it's gone nuts since I upped the fat intake.

    Being a 41 year old bloke I should be grateful I have plenty I guess :)
  • mstorvik
    mstorvik Posts: 356 Member
    YES! My hair is way better looking... and my skin OH MY SKIN! I have not had one zit on my face since starting low carb in June. I actually think I may look younger. Usually when I lose weight my face looks gross, but I think it looks ok this time around. My nails usually peel and they stopped doing that, too!!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    A great deal of my hair has grown back (where it belongs) while other areas it has decreased (almost cured from male pattern hairloss/hair growth)...

    My nails have greatly improved but all of the damn typing I do in my line of work really takes its toll on them so I make sure to give myself a good manicure. Damn that Avon lady who works with me, I blew $50.00 in one shot in nail manicuring supplies and nail colors and top/base coats! LOL!!!!

    If you consider the fact that in any of the low-carb methods, we are integrating fresh foods.... that is the key. Naturally occuring vitamins and nutrients found in real foods is exactly what we should be focusing on - even when its in other food-style choices...

    Pair that up with good hydration, then its a recipe for success... and not just for the plate.
  • debk3p2
    debk3p2 Posts: 82 Member
    Yeah. Me too. And I thought the opposite was going to happen because long term dieting is usually so stressful. I have much less hair falling out than before (and that was a real problem for me). Haven't noticed much in the nails but the other thing I noticed was my teeth. They were always so sensitive. Since I started using coconut oil they seem to be much better.

  • LLRider
    I thought it was just me ... my hair has never been this long. My hair dresser mentioned that it has never looked so good. I was attributing this to using WEN hair products but maybe the diet has something to do with it :)
  • aallegri
    Thanks for all the replies, guys.

    I haven't been eating the prepared crap either, good point. It's all freshly made in my kitchen. Takes some getting used to, but it's worth it.

    Another Wen girl! (G)