Cardio and Keto

Does anyone have good information on this topic? I have searched the wonderful interwebs and most of the information pertains to or was written by body builder types. Although I want to reach my goal weight and maintain a good exercise routine I am not interested in shredding anything! LOL. Basically what I want to know is what effect is has on fat burning and how much is too much or is there a too much? I would really appreciate any fellow ketoers advice on this! Thank you :)


  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Sorry no sources to point you to. Can tell you based on my personal experience that steady state cardio burns me out, I just don't have the energy for it. Could be my age, caloric intake, carb intake, that I have an active job and am just tired, who knows. I do know that HIIT, high intensity interval training has been working out better for me. It is suppose to be just as effective if not more so than steady state cardio and takes 5 - 20 mins instead of an hr. Check some out at
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I agree with High Intensity Interval Training. Other than that, diet is mainly used for fat loss, and exercising is used mainly to tone muscle and build muscle. It's ridiculously difficult to build muscle on a caloric deficit though.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I just started C25K and I try to do that most days of the week. My endurance is getting better, and my heart rate is stabilizing more and more each time I jog (first couple of times my HRM couldn't STFU since I was way over my zone, but it's getting better). Before I started, I did look for info on how keto and cardio go well together and met the same results as you.
  • I'll know more later. I lost 185lbs on a straight calorie in/calorie out diet with heavy exercise. Got up to running 40 miles a week. Unfortunately, I stopped and put 110 back on. I've been in keto for about 2 weeks now, and have started exercising. Put up a 5k on an elliptical machine yesterday while on a fast and felt great afterwards. It should just burn more calories. That's really what cardio does. Some muscle building sure, but it's really just fat burning and building lung strength.
  • I do Keto + C25k. I do the running program every other day, and on off-days I just take a nice 2 mile walk to keep active. Being on Keto shouldn't be a problem for you on Keto, though some people find they need to group the majority of the day's carbs into the meal right next to their exercise for optimal results.

    Just be sure to alter your caloric intake to reflect the exercise, and you should be fine doing light cardio to keep yourself active.
  • Hi! This is my first post :smile:

    I finished C25K while on keto, and have continued running since then (although I've allowed work to take precedence for the last week or so). I didn't start until I was about 3 months on keto, but I never had any issues. I did notice my weight loss speed up when I started exercising! The only time I had unusual difficulty was when I allowed myself to get a little dehydrated. I was a mile from home and had to keep sitting to prevent passing out!

    It seems to be different for everyone. Just listen to your body and see what works for you!
  • IreneAdler221
    IreneAdler221 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm doing keto and c25k and haven't had any issues. I can tell a huge difference in fat loss. Like previous poster said watch your hydration and make sure you are getting enough sodium and potassium.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I'm exercising in keto about 5-6 times a week, some strength, some hiit, some running all totally fine. When my weight is gone I want to be fit, not just thin, yes I may not be building as much muscle as I could as I don't have a calorie surplus but my techniques will be nailed
  • MoleMcHenry
    MoleMcHenry Posts: 7 Member
    C25k sounds awesome! I've never heard of it until now. I've wanted to take advantage of the walking paths in the city. This sounds more fun than just walking.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    C25k is great I'd defo recommend
  • I've read that the initial stages of keto are a bad time to be doing excessive cardio, but after a week or two (roughly) exercising in a casual way to promote weight loss as opposed to structure improvement should actually become easier due to your reduced mass and increased energy resources (fat).
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance" by Phinney and Volek has some good info.