Week #2



  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    month to date:


    actually getting a LITTLE easier!
  • michie27
    michie27 Posts: 421 Member
    I'm up to 15:20/60.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
  • 9/9 5 minutes (2 planche-line - 2 side - 1 reverse)
    9/10 no time for any planks
    9/11 5 minutes (3 minute high-plank plus 1 min. each side as side-plank)
    9/12 3 minutes high plank
    9/13 2 minutes high plank

    total 50 minutes

  • Mrs_Winfrey
    Mrs_Winfrey Posts: 61 Member
    I am SO behind!!! 21/60....will be making up time this weekend and next week as I am now up to at least one full 2 minute plank! Extremely proud of myself :)
  • I had the flu this week so I haven't done any planks since Monday! Boo! Gonna hit them today!
  • sarahwitnh
    sarahwitnh Posts: 16 Member
    9/13- 4 min planks: 1 min (Lt) side plank
    1 min (Rt) side plank
    1 reverse plank
    1 low plank

  • Tandi_S
    Tandi_S Posts: 439 Member
    I think these are helping my posture too!

    Update 9/14:

    9/10: 5 min - 1 min each of hands/toes, elbows/toes, left side, right side, reverse
    9/12: 3 min - 1 min each of hands/toes, left side, right side
    9/14: 4 min - 1 min each of hands/toes, elbows/toes, left and right sides

    MTD: 21/60
  • 9/9 5 minutes (2 planche-line - 2 side - 1 reverse)
    9/10 no time for any planks
    9/11 5 minutes (3 minute high-plank plus 1 min. each side as side-plank)
    9/12 3 minutes high plank
    9/13 2 minutes high plank

    total 50 minutes


    9/14 5 minutes (2 high, 2 underarm-side, 1 underarm)

    only 300 seconds left :-)
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I missed a few days but did 4 minutes worth today bringing my total to 22/60 :)

  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    I completed 22/60 tonight. Just don't seem motivated enough to get them done and forget.
  • 9/9 5 minutes (2 planche-line - 2 side - 1 reverse)
    9/10 no time for any planks
    9/11 5 minutes (3 minute high-plank plus 1 min. each side as side-plank)
    9/12 3 minutes high plank
    9/13 2 minutes high plank

    total 50 minutes


    9/14 5 minutes (2 high, 2 underarm-side, 1 underarm)

    only 300 seconds left :-)

    9/15 5 minutes (2 underarm side, one underam, 2 high) :)

    DONE 60/60 =D

    THANKS tbellamy1 for the trigger => I love planks and I didn't know before :-)
  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    9/15 4 min
    Total 26/60
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Sitting at a total of 21.5/60. Going to get my rear in gear tomorrow and get caught up.
  • rachamack
    rachamack Posts: 5 Member
    Half way there!
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member

    I fell behind a week ago, so I had to catch up and then started doing three minutes a day, just to stay on top of things. I can hold one for two minutes now!!!

    Hubs has joined me :-)

  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    Wow I have gotten so far behind. I did 5minutes and 30 seconds of planks tonight.

    MTD: 28:30
  • rocky6jj
    rocky6jj Posts: 27 Member
    5/60 9/4
    3/60 9/5
    3/60 9/6
    4/60 9/7

    4/60 9/9
    5/60 9/11
    2/60 9/15
    4/60 9/16

    30/60 total as of 9/16