POF rant ... yes another one



  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    If you are going to use a online dating site I would stay away from the free ones......you get what you pay for and free always attracks the trash. I met my current girlfriend on match.com; not saying it is the best but at least those not willing to pay cannot communicate. My feelings are if you are truly looking to meet someone you are willing to put out a few dollars. Just my .02 :-)

    This is sound logic, but doesn't always play out in the real world like that. Some of the same riff raff is on Match as POF and OkCupid.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Lol I think since 50 shades more are coming out ..I just got favorited by a guy into "skinny dipping and BDSM" last night...

    what does 'skinny dipping' mean?? :huh:

    Swimming naked usually in a public place

    D'oh! We could have had a lot of fun with Anna with that phrase, especially in that context... I would have responded, "Covering yourself very tightly from head to toe in duct tape and getting lowered into a vat of warm honey."


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You could have!!! I'm kind of disappointed!! I know that skinny dipping is swimming naked, but I thought there was maybe a more perverse meaning to do with BDSM :noway:

    I dont consider swimming naked perverse at all, so wasnt quite sure why the two were mentioned together. :smokin:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Lol I think since 50 shades more are coming out ..I just got favorited by a guy into "skinny dipping and BDSM" last night...

    what does 'skinny dipping' mean?? :huh:

    Swimming naked usually in a public place

    D'oh! We could have had a lot of fun with Anna with that phrase, especially in that context... I would have responded, "Covering yourself very tightly from head to toe in duct tape and getting lowered into a vat of warm honey."


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You could have!!! I'm kind of disappointed!! I know that skinny dipping is swimming naked, but I thought there was maybe a more perverse meaning to do with BDSM :noway:

    I dont consider swimming naked perverse at all, so wasnt quite sure why the two were mentioned together. :smokin:

    The only way I could connect it is in America nudity is not as accepted as it is in Europe so skinny dipping is more risque especially if done in public. If done on public then it would be like exhibitionism which can be a fetish just like BDSM.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I signed up for match and you are right it's the same people as the free sites... I've had lots of creepers and babies. You take the good with the bad
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    so in the last two weeks, I have been messaged 4 times from guys saying they are "doms" and want me as a submissive .... Is this like a new pick up line since 50 shades of Grey came out? .... and yes I said no to all of them. :tongue:

    LMAO!!! If this is a new pick up line it is new to me. Is it cleaver....yes ....does it work much? Prolly not Im assuming..... This is funny as hell. It just made my day. Some guys really need to pick up their game....what a shame. LMAO!!!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    If you are going to use a online dating site I would stay away from the free ones......you get what you pay for and free always attracks the trash. I met my current girlfriend on match.com; not saying it is the best but at least those not willing to pay cannot communicate. My feelings are if you are truly looking to meet someone you are willing to put out a few dollars. Just my .02 :-)
    I had that philosophy when I started with online dating. I have had much more luck going on free sites for short periods (a couple weeks a few times) that I had with two 6 month subscriptions with eHarmony. What a waste of money! I haven't tried match, but my experience with eH makes me think it's really not worth paying for. I think there are so many people using online dating who are too frustrated with it to waste more money on subscriptions and there are some decent people in the pool still! I especially like how OKC is set up, but I have found a pretty good guy on POF I'm seeing again on Saturday.
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    Lol I think since 50 shades more are coming out ..I just got favorited by a guy into "skinny dipping and BDSM" last night...

    what does 'skinny dipping' mean?? :huh:

    Swimming naked usually in a public place

    D'oh! We could have had a lot of fun with Anna with that phrase, especially in that context... I would have responded, "Covering yourself very tightly from head to toe in duct tape and getting lowered into a vat of warm honey."


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You could have!!! I'm kind of disappointed!! I know that skinny dipping is swimming naked, but I thought there was maybe a more perverse meaning to do with BDSM :noway:

    I dont consider swimming naked perverse at all, so wasnt quite sure why the two were mentioned together. :smokin:

    The only way I could connect it is in America nudity is not as accepted as it is in Europe so skinny dipping is more risque especially if done in public. If done on public then it would be like exhibitionism which can be a fetish just like BDSM.

    Haha if you want I could email him and ask why he posted them as his interests. could be a funny answer.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Haha if you want I could email him and ask why he posted them as his interests. could be a funny answer.

    Please don't.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Lucky you, I get all the subbie guys wanting to wear my panties and have me beat them bloody :(
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Lucky you, I get all the subbie guys wanting to wear my panties and have me beat them bloody :(

    I just joined POF and so far I'm not impressed...
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Lucky you, I get all the subbie guys wanting to wear my panties and have me beat them bloody :(

    I just joined POF and so far I'm not impressed...

    its only good if you live in a gigantic metropolis.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Since starting POF again about a month ago I am currently 0-30 on getting a reply... and no I'm not only messaging the best looking and yes my messages are more than just hey how are you?
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    Since starting POF again about a month ago I am currently 0-30 on getting a reply... and no I'm not only messaging the best looking and yes my messages are more than just hey how are you?

    Same boat bro.. I'm using okcupid... you have to have thick skin and keep trying bro.
  • snoopy7501
    snoopy7501 Posts: 46 Member
    Same here. I keep hearing all these stories from women about the jerks who are always messaging some variation of "Hey, ur hot, let's f---" And so I try to be polite, honest, and sincere in my messages, and I get nothing but crickets chirping in return.

    I'm wondering if there's something to the jerk approach. Maybe those guys keep using those lines because they actually work. :wink:
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Same here. I keep hearing all these stories from women about the jerks who are always messaging some variation of "Hey, ur hot, let's f---" And so I try to be polite, honest, and sincere in my messages, and I get nothing but crickets chirping in return.

    I'm wondering if there's something to the jerk approach. Maybe those guys keep using those lines because they actually work. :wink:

    Try the jerk approach. See what kind of responses you get by saying "Hey baby, lets shack up tonight". Your results might be better.. or they might be the same as you're having now. You don't know if you don't try.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    its only good if you live in a gigantic metropolis.

    Why is POF only good in a gigantic metropolis? I tend to think that single people, particular the younger, childless ones, need the gigantic city life to find the right person, particularly if online dating is used, because you're going to need to weed through a lot of nonsense. Areas with a smaller population base may not have the critical mass of members to allow through the weeding out process.

    My cousins found their wives in small to mid sized cities though. Take that for what it is worth. :yawn:
  • kansasbelle
    kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
    Yes , there are some horrible men on POF. I had the show and tell guy who whipped it out on my sofa after dinner. Like he thought I needed desert. I had the cute player who bought me flowers. I had the creapy local guy who I never met because he spooked me out, and now I have just had my 3rd date with a nice guy. Who has been trying to get me to go out with him for 3 months. He looked a lot like one of of my exes. Plus I look super young and he looks his age 43. But I finally acquiessed to be friends with him. I eneded up going to dinner with him. I enjoyed his company so much that we closed the restaurant down. I was surprised when I felt myself attracted to him. He's a nice guy who opens all my doors, pays for dinner, makes me laugh, is a great kisser. he's completely stable and respects me. So we will see what happens. It's just strange to me to be dating someone in their 40's because I haven't in the past. I have always gone for baby faced young men. But this guy hasa good heart. I just feel comfortable around him. Like I have known him forever.
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    Skinny dipping and doms?
    Sorry.. I'd write more but I have to go create my POF account now.
  • kansasbelle
    kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
    its only good if you live in a gigantic metropolis.

    Why is POF only good in a gigantic metropolis? I tend to think that single people, particular the younger, childless ones, need the gigantic city life to find the right person, particularly if online dating is used, because you're going to need to weed through a lot of nonsense. Areas with a smaller population base may not have the critical mass of members to allow through the weeding out process.

    My cousins found their wives in small to mid sized cities though. Take that for what it is worth. :yawn:

    I live in the middle of Nowhere Kansas. 25,000 people and have found more dates on POF than on Match or the other sites out there. Of course they have lived out of town. The most recetn living an hour away. It's more difficult in smaller towns, but I am grateful to have met the man I seeing right now. He makes me laugh and wants the same things I want
  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    PoF is great entertainment. I'm still on it hoping there is ONE good person in my area on it, but I am not sure. I've had offers for being a servant, late night rendezvous, an affair, and numerous other ridiculous offers. I just ignore them and move on. I figure since it's free, you get what comes with it and don't let it bother me.

    OKC has actually had more freaks on it for me, but seemingly also just as many normal people. We'll see, haha.... at least I have great stories to tell for my (lack of) dating life!!