September Whole30 - Halfway Point!

skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
I know we have lots of different starting points and lots of different official halfway days, but since it's the 15th I thought it would be fun to see how everyone is doing.

So, how's your Whole30 going?

What results are you seeing?

Any struggles or continuing cravings?

Anything you know now that you wish you'd known before you started?

What's been easier or harder than you anticipated?


  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    I did sort of my "official" write up on my blog here:, but a few of my results so far quickly:
    skin clearing, hip bones appearing, better sleep, emotional stability, clothes are definitely fitting more loosely, and no cravings (yay!).

    My one big struggle has been cramping in my calves for the past few days. I'm trying to get more potassium rich foods in, and I'm also wondering if maybe I need more salt. Hoping I can get these to go away soon! I don't remember them at all during my last Whole30, so they've been a bit of a nasty surprise.

    Staying Whole30 while traveling and staying with family through a difficult time wasn't easy, but I did it as perfectly as I could...which wasn't 100% perfectly Whole30, but a big success for me regardless.

    I'm so excited to see what other results these next 15 days bring!
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    Congrats on being halfway through it! I am a little behind you - I am on Day 11. I am not seeing too much of a difference in my health yet (ie. skin, joints, etc.), although I really wasn't having problems before. I am definitely sleeping better though and I wake up feeling much more rested! I have also noticed that I am no longer retaining excess water weight. I love that my clothes and rings are all fitting better. I no longer am having cravings which is great too! I have always been a very picky eater concerning meats and veggies - I have always been terrible about marinating all meats in sugary marinades, and dipping everything in some sort of a sauce. The only kind of fish I ever ate was encrusted in some sort of a tortilla, parmesan, etc. So - my most favorite part about Whole 30 so far is that my tastes are beginning to change and I am now enjoying and even craving vegetables, fish and lean meats. Getting away from processed foods is something that I really needed, so I definitely hope to make some long term changes after these 30 days.

    One bad thing I have noticed is that my hair seems to have started falling out. Not in huge clumps or anything, but enough to be noticeable. I don't get it - my macros look the best that they ever have - I am getting more nutrients than ever before. I am hoping this is just a coincidence, because if it gets too much worse, I am not sure what I will do. I have been having some leg cramps too!! Only first thing in the morning and then they go away, but its not a fun way to wake up :smile:

    Good luck on the next half of your journey - looks like you are beginning Tiger Blood, so Congrats!! I can't wait to get there!
  • ajclemons5
    today is my half-way point..yea!! I can definitely tell that my skin has a more healthy glow, am sleeping better, and have definitely lost pounds/inches. I'm wearing jeans i haven't worn in 2 years...woo hoo!!
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    okay, lol Day 1......29 to go:laugh:
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Halfway for me too. The hugest thing for me so far is that my allergies are gone! I had really bad eye allergies, always itching, burning, tearing. Its all stopped completely! I even camping last weekend in the woods, no pills or drops needed! It really makes me wonder what the heck was doing that to my poor eyes all this time!

    The first days were hard, then I went through this 'I can do this forever!' streak. Now I'm back to longing for just a dang cookie or something. So glad to be halfway :)
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    I am finishing up day 12. I too am having leg cramps, need to up the potassium foods too.
    What is everyone eating for breakfast? Don't really want eggs everyday.
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    Weird that so many of us are having the leg cramps - I might message Dallas and Melissa and see if that's as common as it seems to be and what they recommend because I don't remember reading about it anywhere.

    I'm generally happy eating eggs and either some roasted butternut squash or a small amount of fruit in the mornings. I have made homemade sausage that's really good and even eaten last night's leftovers if I'm totally bored.
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    I wonder about the leg cramps I had them too, about 2 weeks ago and that was with me being primal at that time, I hope you post what you find out about it.
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    I am also eating a lot of eggs - usually 1 egg and 2 egg whites scrambled with ghee, plus an apple. That does get a little boring, so If I have leftovers from the night before I have been eating whatever protein I had the evening just to have something different. I have been trying to eat a lot of celery, which has helped with the potassium and leg cramps somewhat . . .
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    Day 8 here....boundless energy, clear skin, flatter tummy, sleeping better & less water retention...loving it!

    A magnesium supplement or increased consumption of magnesium rich foods (oysters, broccoli, spinach, halibut/founder/sole, pumpkin seeds, almonds) should help ease the leg cramps.
    I use Metagenics Fibroplex powder (orange flavour) stirred into mineral water...very refreshing. Also good for easing those horrid monthly cramps, ladies :frown: I take a scoop a day in the 10 days leading up to that time...
    Ethical Nutrients also have a magnesium powder.
  • shinyhappyrae
    shinyhappyrae Posts: 11 Member
    Not quite halfway for me. The main difference is that I find myself feeling much more clear-headed and able to concentrate more at work. I am participating in a workplace weight loss challenge and so have to weigh myself every Friday, and I found I lost 5 pounds last week. The inches seem to be falling quicker as well. My seasonal allergies are still going strong though - no change there.

    I have to confess, however, that my eating would not not pass Whole30 scrutiny (for example, I ate a couple white potatoes, have been drinking almond milk from a carton, have had small amounts of soy, have eaten some deli meats despite additives, and not sticking to grass fed etc meat because I just can't afford to.)
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Today is my official halfway mark. I am doing surprisingly well, although I am having some joint pain in my fingers and my skin hasn't cleared, but those symptoms might have more to do with changing thyroid meds. Without the dairy, I have a lot more energy and am getting plenty of fats. I started out at 160 lbs and have since lost exactly 7 lbs since I began.

    I don't have any feedback regarding breakfast as I typically drink Bulletproof coffee and don't eat lunch until after noon.

    I haven't experienced any leg cramps that I can speak of. I've been an adequate amount of nuts and cooked spinach in my diet, and that helps to get adequate magnesium. I also take Vitamin A, Zinc, and 5000 IUs of Vitamin D nightly. I'm about to add some Evening Primrose oil.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'll be at my halfway mark tomorrow. What I found out is that I have an egg intolerance. I always suspected it because I would get stomach aches after eating them. I don't even like eggs so I wasn't eating them that often but I had to start eating them again on this challenge and the stomach aches started. So, now I have to do this without eggs. I have been eating leftovers for breakfast. I did drop a pound but I think I gained it back. I have to confess to eating too many nuts and dried fruit. No wonder I can't kick the sugar cravings! But I have been good about everything else - no grains, dairy, beans, peanuts, etc. The saddest thing is that my father in law sent me a box of chocolate covered strawberries for my birthday and I couldn't even eat them. My family are enjoying them.