Struggling with Insanity

I'm in the last week of month one and really struggling with Insanity. Im finding the workouts to still be strenuous, which is what i want, but im finding the DVDs boring now. I'm really mentally struggling with the fact that I'm gaining, not losing weight, and I'm hungry a lot more of the time than I'm used to. Hubby is assuring me positive changes are happening here, although I cant see them in the mirror or in the progress pictures. So frustrated! Did anyone else struggle with losing while doing Insanity?


  • mat233
    mat233 Posts: 20 Member
    I did struggle, but not till month two. Insanity is definitely working if you are doing it. I loved Insanity month 1 and there has definitely been changes inside and out for me. Maybe your not eating enough to fuel your body through the workouts and the rest of your day? That might be why your hungry more? Lots of people have said they lost more weight after they raised their calorie intake a bit. Make sure your not putting your body in a storing state instead of burning state by not eating enough .

    I'm doing month 1 routines again while waiting for a new workout. Month 2 was a very different story for me. I felt the month two workouts go on forever and I was modifying all the time because I have problems with jumping, especially on one leg. Insanity requires a strong commitment but it will work. Of that I have no doubt.
  • I'm also struggling with Insanity. However its just week one for me! I'm a very lazy person in general, so now that I'm repeating the first workout I did, I'm bored! I need some serious motivation
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    When I did the Insanity the 1st round, on the 4th week I start to feel worn out and no sign of weight loss (lb or inches).
    You should hang on because you will feel better after the recovery week.
    I feel the change after the 5th week by comparing pictures. Pictures are the best way to see the difference for me.
    What helps me a lot to stick to the insanity is my buddies.
    You should add a few friends who are doing insanity.
    Every I log on myfitnesspal, I can see my buddies did their insanity work out the I have no choice but to do my work out.
    Also they can give you tips to stick your insanity schedule.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    Are you eating enough? ALso careful for overexercising. Combo of strenuous exercise and not enough calories can be disastrous. Happened to me when I was doing the 2nd round of Insanity.
  • geo1437
    You definitely need to be sure you are eating enough. I am not following the nutrition plan, however I am eating 5 to 6 small meals a day, taking in close to 2000 calories a day, and i am seeing steady results in terms of weight loss. But I was also rather fat when I started. I'm a 5' 9" tall guy and my start weight was 219 lbs. I obviously had a lot, and still have alot to loose. My fiance on the other hand who is also doing this with me, has not lost a single pound, in fact she has gained 3 or 4. She was feeling the same way as i am sure you are until This past saturday. Now she is 5' 2" tall, and her start weight wasa around 120lbs. We have 11 workouts left before we finish our first round of insanity, and since the end of week 1 she has been saying nothing is happening. Well its obvious she doesn't really have much if any weight to loose, and i have been telling her all a long that she is really firming up.

    A few weeks ago when she was getting dressed, she went to pull her shirt down over her head, whe I told her to stop and strike that pose again. Her back is SHREDDED. but she didn't belive me. This take us to this past saturday. Our wedding is exactly 2 months from today, so on saturday she went for her first dress fitting. It fit when she bought it, and now it doesn't...its too big, it has to bee taken in. She also noticed that her ring is no longer snug on her finger, it spins around and slides on and off with ease.

    I gues what i am getting at is everyone's body is going to react different. Check your measurements. Yuo may not be losing scale weight, but you ARE probably loosing inches. You are also probably gaining muscle, which is what has happened in the case of my fiancee.

    With regards to the boredom....just keep at, get yourself through to month 2. Month 2 is a completely different animal all together. I don't even know how to begin to tell you just how much harder and more intense the workouts become. What I do is I keep a journal of sorts noting when and if i had to take a break in a particular set, how many reps i was able to do, or if i was able to keep up with Shaun T and the gang (which i did for the first time today...for one execise anyway lol). That log gives me something visual to see, and chart my imrovement from an endurance stand point, and also turns each work out into a game against myself..."can I do better this time?". I have a VERY short attention span so i get bored pretty quick with just about anything and everything I do. That log works for me because it is a way to hold myself accountable, and ensures that i am not going to loaf through a workout...because I am a VERY VERY sore loser to boot, so I'm certainly not going want to lose to myself hahaha.

    Good luck, and keep me posted!
  • momar74
    momar74 Posts: 56 Member
    To the OP, great job getting through month 1, a feat in itself. When I did insanity for the first time, I felt the same way as weeks 3&4 were becoming boring and motivation was difficult to come by. I got through it with having mfp buddies, who helped me get through it - like another poster suggested. I also gained about 1.5 lbs between weeks 3&4. I started to eat 'better' during this time also, having protein shakes post work-out and dessert smoothie in the evenings if I have calories left, I also ate back all of my exercise calories. I lost a total of 11 lbs during the first time. Measuring yourself is another way to keep progress. My non-scale victories was, I had to buy a new belt as the others did not fit and had to put additional hole in them.

    I started Round 2 two weeks after finishing round 1 as my body was going through insanity withdrawal (lol). Today, I am on week 3, finished the fit test.

    For you next week, though it is called recovery week, they are still challenging.
  • Mel1509
    Mel1509 Posts: 166 Member
    I'm in the last week of month one and really struggling with Insanity. Im finding the workouts to still be strenuous, which is what i want, but im finding the DVDs boring now. I'm really mentally struggling with the fact that I'm gaining, not losing weight, and I'm hungry a lot more of the time than I'm used to. Hubby is assuring me positive changes are happening here, although I cant see them in the mirror or in the progress pictures. So frustrated! Did anyone else struggle with losing while doing Insanity?

    I am half way through Week 5 and see very minimal change, haven't lost any weight actually gained about 5lb and than went back down. I know this is muscle, etc, etc - surprisingly I am not discouraged, I did up my food intact last week and are feeling better so I would suggest maybe doing that. Just keep pushing through and pushing play. I love Insanity, I have actually grown to looking forward to my daily workouts with Shaun T!
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    I am half way through Week 5 and see very minimal change, haven't lost any weight actually gained about 5lb and than went back down. I know this is muscle, etc, etc - surprisingly I am not discouraged, I did up my food intact last week and are feeling better so I would suggest maybe doing that. Just keep pushing through and pushing play. I love Insanity, I have actually grown to looking forward to my daily workouts with Shaun T!

    But did you lose Body mass? pants size etc? cause like you know. a scale doesn't make the difference between the bones,the fat,the muscles you can weight more but be fit like hell :)
    Keep it up :) I'm doing it too..... GOD IT'S HARD WORK!
  • mrsdobbers
    I'm glad I'm not the only one! I feel the same way... The workouts are still crazy tough, I haven't lost weight, and the videos are getting monotonous. I'm in week four and I can tell I'm stronger, but no crazy results like some people have had.
    I've increased my cals and try to eat 300-400 cal meals 5 times a day, but it gets tough with my busy work schedule.
    I watched the video to do during the "recovery week" and it looks pretty tough. I can only imagine how difficult month 2 is going to be!!
  • 1roseKATgb
    I know how you feel- Month 1 was hard for me even though I considered myself pretty fit with 37 lbs. to lose- I 've worked out over 30 years- The warmups kicked my butt! I'm in month 2,week 2,and that's when I started seeing changes! It takes around 6 weeks to see changes in your body, and I am getting stronger,too- I also weight train-You can and WILL get through this- I am also trying to eat more, which is harder if you're small like me( I'm 4'11 and a half)The scale can't tell the difference between muscle,water and fat-So even though you may not lose lbs, you may lose inches, like me ( I've only lost about 4-5 # since starting Insanity but I'm down from 160!) We're here for you, don't give up,just keep pushing play, focus, eat clean and the results will come!!:happy:
  • jenjones28
    jenjones28 Posts: 66 Member
    So, update.....I took this week off Insanity since I'm working early mornings (3:30 am to 2:00 pm) and I'm just wiped out anyway when I get home. I'll start where I left off next week. I've dropped two pounds this week, but haven't recorded it as a loss yet until I make sure it's not just water weight. The posts from you guys and the weight loss this week has helped encourage me to pick it back up. I have lost inches doing in the insanity program, but it's really just a mind game with the scale and the hunger.
  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
    That's great to hear! Good luck in month two. And if you find yourself getting bored with the dvd again, just do what I do: yell at Tanya and Ariel for making me look bad since I can't keep up with them. :laugh:
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    I have had exactly the same reaction to Insanity. I was so excited to start this programme, and then rather disallusioned when I did. It was this hectic, high impact cardio, all the time and how was I supposed to be encouraged when even the professional athletes in the video can't keep up.

    But, I am very determined and even though I didn't like the workouts, I have stuck them out. I am now about to start week 5 (recovery week). I have not lost a single pound or inch. I am able to make it through just about every workout (from round 1), which I couldn't in the first 2 weeks, but I am very disheartened. I only burn around 300 - 400 cals a workout, so I can't go wild with eating more. I used the formula to calculate how many calories I should be consuming and it told me 1288 - which is bang on for what I do generally eat each day. I am basically at goal, with only 3 more pounds to go, but I was really hoping that Insanity would be the workout that pushed me there. Plus, I really want a flat stomach. lol

    Seriously hoping that month 2 will yield at least a loss in inches, otherwise I will be horribly disappointed. Working this hard and pushing through that intense cardio 6 days a week (well 5 if you don't count cardio recovery), would be totally worth it - if I actually saw a difference in my body.

    Looking forward to hearing how things pan out for everyone.
  • snipalicous
    I am starting phase 2 tomorrow and I can not wait! I was so bored with the first month...Just repeating the same thing over and over. Phase two looks like a beast and I just might fall over after every workout but at least I'm starting something different. I have not had a lot of weight loss on the scale but I have noticed my clothes are not as tight and I'm toning up. I also had to increase my calorie intake because I was not eating enough, it is hard to do if you have a busy work schedule. I only burned 400-500 calories, each workout in month 1 but I noticed my endurance and strength have changed significantly! I was also getting frustrated because I was working so hard and I wanted to see some lbs shead off. I was told by a personal trainer to at least give it 6weeks before you notice a significant I threw my scale out! Anyone doing insanity send me a friends request, we can all use the support and accountability :)
  • scottuk75
    During my first round I did not follow any of the eating plan at all.

    I watched what I ate, but realised I was eating the wrong foods. It really dos come down to eating right.
    This is 80% of your success rate. I found out the hard way. Don't be afraid to eat more (of the right foods)

    Complex carbs, protein etc etc

    Raise your calorie intake and you should see improvements.
  • heyitsadam
    heyitsadam Posts: 70 Member
    I'm in the last week of month one and really struggling with Insanity. Im finding the workouts to still be strenuous, which is what i want, but im finding the DVDs boring now. I'm really mentally struggling with the fact that I'm gaining, not losing weight, and I'm hungry a lot more of the time than I'm used to. Hubby is assuring me positive changes are happening here, although I cant see them in the mirror or in the progress pictures. So frustrated! Did anyone else struggle with losing while doing Insanity?

    Don't feel bad, hun. I finished my 60 days and I was still having trouble toward the end of day 60. I ended up losing 36 pounds and about 4 inches on my waist. I don't think that there was a workout that I was able to do in the whole two months where I 100% kept up with that sicko Shaun T.
  • michellek2012
    hi all, i am almost done my 3rd week of insanity and i love it i sweat so much and feel great doing it, Im nervous to do month 2 as im still just under 200lbs and a bit afraid i cant do most of the next month or atleast nearly keep up with the dvd. Should I just start month 1 over until I feel strong enough or just try my best in month 2 and perservere?
  • runjenrun13
    I finished month 1 a week ago and I don't feel like starting month 2 because I found the workout too boring and I am tired of working out at home. I used to run, skate or cycle outside before doing this but I couldn't do it while doing Insanity. I have to say that I noticed some changes with this workout DVD (clothes fit looser) but I need to enjoy what I am doing. Now I am planning to lift weights for a change and see how it goes.
  • jara1987
    jara1987 Posts: 8 Member
    I too am on the last week of month one insanity workout. But I must admit that the dvds are getting a little boring. I still work hard at it. My husband and sister said they see changes in my face and I see changes in my abdomen area but that's about it. Keep trying and hang in there. By day 60 you will be glade you continued the work out. Good luck.
  • michellek2012
    Ive decided to take this week off, I had to miss my work out yesturday due to a sick baby and hes still sick and clingy today but i will definitly start again on monday and get back to it