jmbr mealplan

Love Jillians workouts and just got body revolution. Excited to start. How many of you have stuck to the meal plan and how many have done there own thing? I love Jillians workouts and have no problem motivating myself to work out. Eating on the other hand is the challenge. It's not that I over eat too much its that my metabolism is horrible. I look at the meal plan though and get discouraged as to how I am going to stick to all this planning and cooking. I enjoying eating with Kathy Frestons cleansing tips and clean eating style. wondering if I should kill myself trying to stick to Jills 90 day eating plan or try the latter with a little less have to planing and cooking?


  • I say pick a meal plan that you can stick to without feel deprived, unhappy with, or will stress over. I am a picky eater so meal plans don't work well for me. If you are unhappy with a meal plan and don't stick with it, your feel discouraged and will quit.

    Welcome to Body Revolution! I am on Week 7 and love it,
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member
    I didn't follow the plan because it's too time consuming to cook that meal in addition to what my husband and kids eat. From what I've noticed of her 1200 calorie meal, the first week is mainly lean proteins and very little carbs and sugar. I looked at it like it was for people who were not eating healthy beforehand, this is kind of a cleansing. I would do it if you feel you could use help with cleaning out your diet. Otherwise I stuck to the 1200 calories and did not eat back my double workout calories (I was feeling a little run down by Saturday so I gave myself extra calories). I generally eat pretty healthy, I don't like restricting carbs even though I don't generally eat a lot of them.
  • I agree and glad to hear others feel the same. Thanks for the input!
  • phillips529
    phillips529 Posts: 194 Member
    For me following her meal plan is daunting. The calories consumed are to low given the fact that it doesn't suggest eating back your exercise calories.. The bare minimum I can consume is 1800 calories given into account the other activities that I do. I think if one was to do her program alone as the only form of activities...and then sit at a desk all day them maybe I can see how 1200 may be sufficient, but I find that to be seriously to low. I just plug in my numbers in to MFP and go from far it's been working! Follow your intuition and will be fine..
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    From what I've noticed of her 1200 calorie meal, the first week is mainly lean proteins and very little carbs and sugar. I looked at it like it was for people who were not eating healthy beforehand, this is kind of a cleansing. I would do it if you feel you could use help with cleaning out your diet.

    I agree. I did the kick start and since I was eating terribly, the diet really gave my system a shock. So in tandem with the 2 workouts/day, the weight did come off. I knew that 1200 wasn't sustainable and honestly, her meals are very time consuming. I also find that I'm buying so many groceries and only having to use a little of the ingredients since my family won't eat those meals.