snack ideas?

Looking for snack ideas besides just grab an apple or yogurt ( prefer things I can make/bake/throw together) oh and under 100 calories..200 if it is really good.


  • bytrout
    bytrout Posts: 33 Member
    I like the Kellogg protein bars. About 170 calories. The MonaVie RVL snack bars are good. A hand not quite full of peanuts or mixed nuts. Rice cakes flavored or plain. One Ultra light beer. :-)
  • zanth07
    zanth07 Posts: 15 Member
    My favorite snacks - Babybel Light Cheese round, Black or Green Olives (healthy fats and really filling), Artichoke Hearts. Before gym on many days I'll have a "peanut butter cookie" that I make
    1 cup peanut butter (I use extra crunchy)
    1/2 cup splenda or Stevia
    1 egg
    1 tsp vanilla
    Mix well. Use a small scoop and drop on sprayed cookie sheet. Spray a fork with cooking spray and use it to flatten them in a criss cross pattern (may need to spray the fork a couple of times). Bake for about 15 minutes. Freeze individually. The cookies get crumbly if they aren't frozen, but they make a really good pre gym snack. Makes between 9 & 10 cookies at about 170 calories a piece.