Welcome ~ Please Intro.



  • Hello All,
    I am new here (My Fitness Pal) and have great hopes of loosing some serious weight over the coming months and year. Recently diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes (July 2012) and hi blood pressure. I expect the extra 70lbs + I am carrying around is adding to my issues. I have lost 25lbs over the last year and half but realize I need to do much better.
    Diabetes is new to me and my meter is running between 6.6 to 14... with a average of all tests over 30 days at 9.4 based on my IBG star meter. I need to do better.
    Hope to learn a lot from this Group that will help with my goals of losing weight and battling my diabetes.

    Best of luck to all!
    Ontario Canada

    HOPE I posted this in the correct area!! Did not want to hi-jack anyones post
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome MusicMuse, you have done a great job with getting your BG under control and your weight loss. You will find lots of knowledgeable and encouraging people here.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome Burr, your post is fine. You have made a great start and will find lots of great ideas here.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Thank you so much for this... both posting the wish to customize the carb goal and for your response! Yippee! I was frustrated by that as well. I'm all hooked up now:)
  • kmposey72
    kmposey72 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi All,

    My name is Kim and I have lived my whole life in a small mill town, Valley, AL. I always feel like I am posting a singles add when I write my introductions. So here I go: I am a single, white female, 40ish years old (light on the ish). I absolutely love reading, being outdoors, working with the children at church, working, shoot, I love life in general. God has been good to me and has blessed me with more than I could ever want.

    I have been diabetic going on 10 years now. To be quite honest, I have never been in control of my diabetes. I have allowed my sugars to run rampid and I have pretty much tried to ignore the problem. Not acknowledging it was my way of not admitting I have a serious problem. I had a wake up call recently. I went to the doctor because I have just felt plain awful. I found out that my A1C was 9.8 and my blood pressure was high. I have never had high blood pressure or that high of an A1C. Now to be honest, my A1C has never been below 8.3 so that tells you how I have done with my blood glucose. At that point the doctor did a urinalisys and of course found protien. The numbers reflected kidney disease. I know that it is not the end of the world in the beginning stages but it is the beginning of multiple health problems related to diabetes. It just plain shocked me into reality, the reality that I have diabetes and that at the rate I'm going I am digging myself an early grave.

    I did another test a week later and they found no signs of kidney damage (I did a little praise God dance :wink: ). I made a decision then that I needed to be diligent about my diabetes and my health (I also have hypothyroidism, which is running rampart right now as well). I was on the pump but after talking with my doctors, with an A1C of 9.8 we decided it was not working for me. I went back on Lantus and Novolog this past Monday and I am in the trial stage of getting my numbers worked out.

    In the perfect world of fitness I need to lose about 50 pounds but in reality I would like to lose 20 - 30 pounds.... My head would be too big for my body!!!! :laugh: I am not looking at this as a diabetic diet, it is a lifestyle, the way that I have to live. Diets come and go but you live your life. With God's guidance and a whole lot praying, I know that I can do this. Change is inevitable in life. We should not cower from it but we should embrace it and look at it as a new adventure. As I told my doctor and dietician this week, I am treating this as if I just learned I am diabetic and that I no nothing about the disease. That is the way I have lived my life over the last 10 years and there has been so many changes in diatetes care.

    I have a great support group in my family. I am close to them and they are on board with this as well. Diabetes runs in my family, well we don't run, it kinda comes in and lays on the couch. Anyway, my dad was diabetic and my brother is diabetic. My sister and mom do not have it but are both at high risk. We feel that we can work together to better our lives and the way that we feel. However, I feel the need to connect with others to learn from them and to seek guidance. I am the only one that is insulin dependent and it is just plain depressing at times. The repeated shots and finger pricking become tiresome and I just want to give up. Shoot, that is what has happened in the past, I get tired of it so I start ignoring it.... Can't do that this time and I am praying that by reaching out to like minded people and getting advice on how to deal with the day to day to day to day repeatedness of feeling trapped...

    God is good and has been good to me. I really should not be as healthy as I am based on the way I have allowed my sugars to run. This is a new beginning to a new adventure in life and I look forward to hearing from you on how you have coped. Thank you for reading my "novel" so to speak.... Kim :bigsmile:
  • Cameo530
    Cameo530 Posts: 155 Member
    Welcome to the group. You'll find a lot of good information and a lot of good people on this site.

    Also, this line:
    Diabetes runs in my family, well we don't run, it kinda comes in and lays on the couch

    is PRICELESS. :laugh:
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    Welcome to the group to all the new members. There is information and interesting topics on here.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Hi Kim,

    You will finds loads of support and info here. I have seen so many people get their BG under control and be able to reduce meds. I think that is always the goal for all of us. I am a big believer in using whatever meds we need to keep BG under control but it sure would be nice to get off them.

    I'm glad you have chosen to work on your diabetes mgt. I have gone through bouts of being lackadaisical and then had a bit of a scare with neuropathy that got me back on track. Despite having diabetes I am actually one of the healthiest people I know. It has been the goad that keeps me eating healthy, exercising and keeping my weight under control. It is even the reason I quit smoking. Most of my friends are 5 to 10 years younger than me and can't keep up with me. It isn't wonderful having a chronic illness but with care, we don't need to have major damage from rot.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    I've been avoiding this intro. board since joining a few weeks ago. I was diagnosed two years ago, and also had gestational diabetes with my son, now 5. My "compliance" is a bit of a roller-coaster ride, and I oscillate between wanting to care for myself to wanting to be pissed off/angry/resentful and then punish myself with eating everything in sight. I guess I have a couple of issues.

    I know that for me, my struggles with carbs/sugar/exercise/weight will be lifelong journeys with high's and low's (lol - pun accidental, but fitting). I think that having an honest relationship with our bodies and with food requires a level of openness and vulnerability that is incredibly uncomfortable for me. I can tolerate vulnerability for a while, but then cross over into "shame" which pisses me off and lands me in angry denial. Usually an A1C or weight gain will wake me up. I'll fight for a while, and then I'll get back to an open and honest relationship with food and my body. ugh!

    Currently I'm doing really well, have been re-losing the weight I gained back during a 6 month temper tantrum. My A1C is okay enough, 6.3. Exercise and diet is looking pretty good, and without too much agony. I'm hoping to ride this wave of self-care, self-love, and vulnerability... without retreating into my old habits. I have a long way to go, and a 4 year old with Autism as well as a 5 year old that need me at my best (and that I thoroughly enjoy helping to raise... and learn from every day).

    I've enjoyed this group so far, and how supportive it is. I also hope it's a place we can be honest, throw our temper tantrums, wish outloud for a different "metabolism", reality check each other, and laugh with each other. I'm looking for a shame and judgment free zone, and can give that to others as well.

    Best all,
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome Jessie,

    I'm glad you are back on track. Taking care of yourself will make you more fit to care for your family. It is especially challenging to raise children with special needs so you need to be at your best.

    You will find so much support here. I'm glad you found us.
  • Hi! Lisa, 44, from Melbourne, Australia here. Diagnosed with T2 6 weeks ago. On my new journey towards a much fitter and healthier me! Hoping to be able to stop taking medication for T2 and high blood pressure one day...
  • cehare48
    cehare48 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I am Caroline, live in England...Dr not sure if I am diabetes type 2 or not as I have problem with my liver and they dont know if that is causing my high sugar!! more dr/nurses appointments await. However, I am now watching my sugar and cant believe how much I got through during the day!!!!!
    I hope that I can maintain my intake, its so hard as I have 3 kids and they wont eat what I need to eat, oh well. I have lost 3lbs so far and hoping to lose another 8lb by November. Fingers crossed.
  • Hi, I'm Steve, from Gloucestershire

    Retired early in 2001 as I was too big to continue working in a skilled manual job; weight at that time 411lbs. I had to do something about this situation if I were to prolong my life and for my family's sake. I have been dieting all my life, tried them all except the latest fad diets. So I just decided to cut down on the was was generally excepted as junk or other fattening foods. I lost weight over the next 4 years and manage to get down to 365 pounds by February 2005 but it was too late to stop me from becoming a diabetic. I found I could not see very well even with my glasses on and I was drinking like a fish, anything and everything and I still couldn't satisfy my thirst. I visited my optician for an eye test and the potician reffered me to my doctor. My GP diagnosed as Type 2 after just one fasting blood test.

    I was put on the standard regimen for Type 2 but found I could not cope with the side effects of Metformin; they put me on Gliclazide instead which for someone my size was the worst possible tablet to go on. I also take medication for; blood presssure, water retention, and for my heart (suffer from AF).

    Last year I lost my head with food, don't do denial very well and always end up pigging out; why I don't know as I knew if I carried on I would end up on the surgeons table or dead. My blood sugars went through the roof and I was in all sorts of trouble with my weight, heart, eyes and muscles. I often became depressed, confused and very irritable. I had to visit a professor that specialise in Diabetes and nutritionists to get me back on track. The professor halved my Gliclaxide tablet, put me on a slow release metformin (I am tollerating that at this time) and on a daily injection of Exenatide. Now that injection is working well for me but I must take more advantage of it. Not only does it increase insulin levels, it increases my bodies ability to use insulin properly it also suppresses my appetite by delaying the emptying of my stomach. I need to full advantage of this and eat less ( why don't I, idiot I am). My blood glucose levels are now beginning to drop to normal values and I feel much better now but still have a very very long way to go. My weigh now is 291 lbs and I am considering rejoining the gym to improve fitness, burn calories and lower blood sugar levels.

    All the very besy to you all,

  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome Lisa,

    I'm glad you found us. For many people weight loss and exercise can reduce or eliminate meds. For some it can't so don't feel bad if that happens. You will still be a much healthier person making these changes. I know that without diabetes I probably wouldn't take as good care of myself. You will find lots of great support and advice here.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Hi Caroline,

    It is so hard when the drs. haven't figured out what is going on. My thyroid is in limbo right now because the dr. isn't sure why I have a goiter with normal levels. This has been dragging on for a while now and it is disheartening.

    It will be healthier for your kids to learn to eat more like you are but it can take a while. If they are older then they most likely won't change at this point. What I do is cook a main dish that I can eat so it is generally some kind of meat. Then I make a veggie and a starchy side. Depending on my day and mood I eat the meat, a salad, the veggie and maybe some of the starch. By making everything separate I can control my carbs. Look around for recipes for lower carb foods. I have found that everyone will eat gravy thickened with xantham gum. Experiment a bit with your recipes and see if you can make lower carb substitutes.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome Steve,

    You have had quite a journey. Yes, you should join the gym. Exercise help relieve stress and make you feel happier so you are less likely to get into a funk and eat. It sounds like you have found your mix of drugs to get your BG under control. You have lost a lot of weight already so keep up the good work!
  • Hello all! My name is Charlene and I've had diabetes for almost 5 years but only started meds in April. My A1C was 7.2. I'm on metformin and a 1500 calorie diet since. I've lowered my A1C to 6 and have lost 28 pounds. I do know that this is not my fault. That even if my lifestyle had been different years ago someday my diabetes would still have happened. I feel lucky that after being told about my diabetes that I was able to keep it under control with a diet. This web site has been a big help to me. Being able to keep track of what I'm eating, without all the looking up make it all easier. The nicest thing is to need to buy cloths because the old ones are to big, not getting to small. Both my husband and son seem please at my progress.
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Hi Charlene and welcome to the group. You're starting from a really good positionand will find lots of encouragement and practical help in this group. You've done well to realise that what we are doing on MFP is adapting a lifestyle change and are not engaging inyet another fad diet. Take your time to read through the various boards where you will find useful links to sound information. When you're ready to ask questions you will find lots of knowledgable people in this group who are willing to share their experience with those of us who are still learning. I wish you well for the future and look forward to reading your input to the group.
  • Just a quick G'day to all the new member's I am a type 2 diabetic.. Please feel free to add me as I am 32 days into MFP and was diagnosed in July 2012.. looking forward in getting to know you better...:flowerforyou:
  • deeschange
    deeschange Posts: 186 Member
    Hi all.

    well my story....I had the AC1 test taken (mid day) back in July

    Does the time of day make a difference?

    I received the results Aug 17?

    Since starting meds my morning numbers upon waking seem to range from

    112, 135 (had 25g carb bar before bed), 112, 118, 79, 103

    Before starting meds my morng range upon waking was 124

    I'm trying to learn as much as I can, but I'm wondering how much "prolonged stress" has an impact on sugar readings

    Additionally I'm having a really hard time with breakfasts...I don't seem to really find my grove until "dinner". I' don't know if it's my thoughts or what but things I used to find pleasure in eating for breakfast I no longer seem to tolerate well; i.e. eggs, oatmeal

    Additionally can other medications impact your sugar levels; i.e. asthma Advair?

    Any assistance or support would be greatly appreciated.

    It would be nice to also have some friends...I'm not a blogger but I do like to email members specific questions.
