New to this...

Kacieso Posts: 16 Member
Trying to go low carb! This is day 4 of week 1, and its been harder than I thought. I know my carbs probably aren't low enough... I'm having a tough time eliminating stuff and still feeling like I actually ate! I have lost about 1.5lbs though, so I guess I'm doing something right?
Before I start rambling.... I'm just hoping for some encouragement! I want to make this a permanent change in my life, since diabetes is a huge family issue, among other reasons I just generally need to lose weight!
Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated!


  • suemorgan1969
    suemorgan1969 Posts: 132 Member
    I am on week 4 now
    week 1.....lost 7
    week 2 gained 2
    week 3 lost 2
    week 4 lost 1.5

    It does work. Good luck. I am missing my potatoes though lol. i go no higher than 40g a day, how many do you eat a day?
  • Kacieso
    Kacieso Posts: 16 Member
    I am on week 4 now
    week 1.....lost 7
    week 2 gained 2
    week 3 lost 2
    week 4 lost 1.5

    It does work. Good luck. I am missing my potatoes though lol. i go no higher than 40g a day, how many do you eat a day?

    Oh. My. Gosh. I miss potatoes! I've been having the oddest cravings... things I never thought I would miss!
    I'm trying to stay super super low. I think I hit about 30 yesterday, and that just feels way too high for the beginning of things... I guess I'm supposedly trying to do more of an Atkins type thing?? However, my goal is more so just to kill as many (unhealthy) carbs as possible and just eat cleaner.
  • suemorgan1969
    suemorgan1969 Posts: 132 Member
    and i could really eat a bit of toast right now lol, 30g a will do great.....well done....friend me if you want to
  • Kacieso
    Kacieso Posts: 16 Member
    Just added you! :)
    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • stl_nana
    stl_nana Posts: 99 Member
    Trying to go low carb! This is day 4 of week 1, and its been harder than I thought. I know my carbs probably aren't low enough... I'm having a tough time eliminating stuff and still feeling like I actually ate! I have lost about 1.5lbs though, so I guess I'm doing something right?
    Before I start rambling.... I'm just hoping for some encouragement! I want to make this a permanent change in my life, since diabetes is a huge family issue, among other reasons I just generally need to lose weight!
    Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated!


    I too am new to low carbing but not new to MFP. I previously lost 17 lbs utilizing this site and have been at a stand still for awhile now. My own fault of course.

    You will find that there is a host of knowlege and advice here.

    Good luck to you!
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    I am old new- I do really well with the low carb but I keep falling off the wagon! I am back on track now- this week I started and am surprised how good I feel. I also drink a glass of metamucil half hour before each meal. Three teaspoons of metamucil is supposed to lower cholestrol and fibre is supposed to help diabetes- I really think it helps me feel full too. Hang in-it gets easier. Usually my first week is the hardest. I am going to be bad this weekend because I am going to be at a camp where they serve you food and their motto seems to be "How many carbs can we get in a meal?!" without options for me and you aren't allowed to take your own food. But I will be back on track MOnday and try to work out more!1
  • Kacieso
    Kacieso Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks again for the welcome and encouragement! :)
  • mstorvik
    mstorvik Posts: 356 Member
    I didn't do any specific diet - just kept the NET carbs at 30 or lower and in a few weeks I was in ketosis and the water weight dropped off. Then i started to lose about 1 lb a week which was perfect!! Eating over 2000 calories a day and losing weight steadily? At 5 ft 9 inches and on my last 10 lbs? Oh I will take it!

    Hang in there. Everyone is different but once I stopped carbing, I stopped craving carbs. Seriously - once you cut them out totally and do it for awhile you could possibly never crave them again. Even my old weakness - Culver's Custard - doesn't bother me at all! Not when I can eat a ton of whipping cream in my vanilla protein shake! :) Or eat as much cheese as I want.

    So glad you're here!
  • rainlover711
    rainlover711 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm also new to low carbing, and new to the group.
    I'm on a plan from Swedish weight loss services, and it has my limiting my calories and carbs, and upping my protein.
    I try to stay below 80 grams of carbs a day.

    It's SO freaking hard! It's just crazy how everything has carbs....but i'm learning!
    and it's slowly getting better.

    I'm happy I found this group, I will definitely need advice and food suggstions!
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    Hang in there. Everyone is different but once I stopped carbing, I stopped craving carbs. Seriously - once you cut them out totally and do it for awhile you could possibly never crave them again.

    Yeah, totally. It's weird to think you get a craving for a potato but you do. And it's just a craving it will pass. I mean, when you were eating carbs what did you do when you craved an ice cream sundae at 2 AM and didn't have any ice cream in the house? Surely you ignored that too and moved on!

    Also don't forget you can substitute...if you want ice cream have something creamy, sweet and low carb. If you want pizza make a low carb pizza. If you want Italian food have something low carb with garlic. You can easily quell your cravings!
  • Kacieso
    Kacieso Posts: 16 Member
    The cravings are surprisingly getting easier! I kicked up my water intake today, and its worked wonders!
    I made some cream cheese clouds yesterday, and I snacked on those to kill a sweets craving, but 1 was seriously enough.
    I'm finding more and more recipes on a daily basis for low carb foods that wind up being super yummy! I made cauliflower rice (something I never thought would be good) and it was totally yummy! I'm starting to think that this might be easier to make permanent than I thought, especially once I start reintroducing more carbs.
    I blew it last night on a strawberry mojito that turned in to 2. :( But still managed to lose a pound! Today is another day, and so far I'm doing great!
  • If you're doing an "Atkins-type" plan I suggest you go the Atkins website and follow their plan to the letter, at least for the first two weeks on Induction. (It's free.)That should rid you of your cravings after a few days, and you'll learn a lot about low-carbing, net carbs, trigger foods, etc. I did Atkins for nearly two years and dropped over 50 lbs, but I hit a long stall after eating too many artificial sweeteners and cheese. I did a Whole30 and cut them out, then switched to paleo and the scale is moving down again - woo hoo! I am glad I started on Atkins first. It made paleo so much easier to do, although many people do fine beginning with paleo. Paleo gave me more energy and I've started walking daily which helps.

    Good luck!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I have done low carb for a year now. I am up 10 pounds again after indulging during summer vacation but am back on track now.

    I love this site for ideas and recipes:
    as well as lowcarbfriends and the atkins resources. I try to stay under 30g as well. I don't get upset if a lot of my grams are vegetable based.

    Keep up your water!

    Figure out what you miss the most and try to find a suitable substitiion. I like low carb cheesecake as a treat. I like crispy cheese or flavoured almonds when missing chips. I love deep fried stuff and find plain chicken wings or pork rinds ground up on pork or chicken or around cheese strings or mushroooms can help fill that gap.

    I am loving this lifestyle and find after about day 7-10 i hit a groove, i enjoy the sustained blood sugar, no more cravings, and once the sugar withdrawal headache/aches fade, i feel great and have wayyyy more energy.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    The first couple of weeks were rough. I was always thirsty, I woke up with dry mouth and dreams of pigging out in pastry shops dancing through my brain.

    Lucky me, I love steak, pork, roast, butter, and olive oil, so except for one strange week where I just wasn't hungry and my grocery money was sort of in the egg region rather than the cow region, I do find ways to eat at least 1200 calories on average.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    Welcome, I'm new to this group as well. I'm following the Atkins version of the diet and just completed the 2 week induction this past sunday and am considering being gluten free as well. I've found a lot of good recipes on the internet and have just upped my net carbs to 25 which allows me some low carb fruits & nuts and other veggies. I have been experiancing headaches this week and thought it was an allegic reaction to almonds but as I research more maybe not. Anyhoo, I'm on this journey along with my fiance to get our blood sugar under control (we're both hypertensive) as well as to lose weight for our up coming nuptials. This will be a permanant lifestyle change for the both of us and so far so good. We've been on it before and dropped off to the yo-yo dieting which was low carb perodicly and food reward on the weekends. No more fooling around as our health depends on it. So wishing you good luck & happy low carbing. feel free to ad me as a friend.
    I've got a lot of good recipe I deas from Linda's Low Carb, Your Lighter Side, Maria's Nutritious & Delicious & Low carb friends just to name a few!
