Please introduce yourself!!

Hello all!! I am Tina Osborne. I am married with five kids, ages 3 to 21, with a grandson who just turned 1! I work full time as an RN and also own my own biz as a Beachbody coach!

Please introduce yourself to the group so we all get to know you! I just changed my user name from Tinaoz to my name to make it easier for people to know who I am. You are allowed to change your user ID once, so if you want to do this, please do! It helps others know who they're talking to! (Totally fine if you want to remain anonymous though. :))

Also, please make your diaries PUBLIC or at least open to friends. Part of the reason we are all going to be successful is ACCOUNTABILITY!! If you know others can see what you've eaten, then you will be more likely to stay on track!!

So glad you've joined us!!


  • TinaOsborneRN
    TinaOsborneRN Posts: 73 Member
    oh, another addede benefit of making your diary public is that others in the group can get ideas of what to eat! so please consider sharing!!
  • Hi everyone! I'm Shannon (37) and mom to 2 boys.
    I was diagnosed with an auto immune disease that knocked me on my bum for a few years, but I currently have my condition under control.
    I posted for the first time today so, I haven't added to my diary. I've been using another app to log my foods daily.
  • TinaOsborneRN
    TinaOsborneRN Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome Sharon!! So nice to have you join us! How old are your boys?
  • 16 and 10
  • emilygh1974
    emilygh1974 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi, I'm Emily, mother of 2 teen girls 15 and 19. Married to a wonderful and supportive man. I'll be glad to share my diary although right now it's kindof a mess because I've been transitioning from WW to MFP, so I haven't been completely and accurately filling things out while I've been trying to decide to stick with one or the other. I've also been lost in a busy lifestyle, so my clean eating that I used to do is kinda out the window right now, so this is a good group for me to be a part of. I have about 80 lbs to lose.
  • TinaOsborneRN
    TinaOsborneRN Posts: 73 Member
    Sharon: I bet you're busy! If you're kids are like mine, they are involved in sports starting at age 5!

    Hi, Emily!! TWO teen girls in the same house?? Wow...I only have one, age 14, and that is quite enough! :) Glad you're with us!
  • lazylia8o
    lazylia8o Posts: 2 Member
    Hi my name is Lia and I'm 31, single living in Austin, TX. I had lost about 40 lbs 2 years ago and managed to put it all back on. Now i'm struggling to stay motivated. I've started to do a little weight watchers, and by that I mean I eat smart ones all day long and keep track of my points. I'm trying to find new ways to eat better and stay motivated. Happy to join the group. My goal is 40 lbs again. This time I want to keep it up!:smokin:
  • getterdone4u
    getterdone4u Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Tammy! I have 111 lbs to loose. I don't have a problem eating healthy but excercise is my down fall... I need a good beginner's routine for the gym if anyone has any suggestions. I have already started walking 30 min a day at the track but want to go to the gym as well...
  • Hello Everyone!

    I am a RN working part time in labor and delivery. I am also in a masters program working toward a nurse practitioner degree. I have to kids 19 and 14. This year I have finally gotten my workouts under control but my diet is on and off. I struggle with what I am eating when I get really busy and stressed. I am hoping this new group helps to motivate me to stay on track.:happy:
  • I am 49 years old and I weighed 302 lbs at the end of February. I have lost 68lbs since then, by cutting out most processed foods and eating whole grains, lean meat, fruit and veggies. I also started exercising in June, but I have been slacking off the past few weeks because of my work schedule. I have to figure out when I have time. I have 4 children ages 14, 19, 20 and 22 and a 21 month old grandson. I want to learn more about clean eating since I think that is the direction that I have been going towards. I have my parents who are in their 80's and my father-in-law who is in his 90's as inspirations. They don't "diet" and never have, but eat healthy foods and sweets as a once in a while treat. They also try to walk as much as possible. I know that my children and husband are proud of me for what I have done so far and I never thought that I would eat the way I do now. Beside the weight loss, I feel so much healthier.
    I joined this group so that I could learn more.
  • Hi I'm Jami, wife and mom to a very active 4 year old! I have 60 pounds to lose and could really use the support. Generally, I "go it alone" as I said in another post, but all the other times it was different because I didn't have my daughter then. Managing schedules, grad school and a full time job is well...busy! I need to eat clean and healthy and shed all this unwanted weight! I am open and ready to glean any awesome tips! I hope the things I contribute will be beneficial to someone in the group!
  • Hello, I'm Jen. I have been up and down with my weight quite a bit since I've hit my 20's and had two kids(3&7). I am turning 30 in January and would really like to finally get myself to a good weight in a healthy way. In the past I haven't been much of a cook and ate a lot of fast food and cheap easy processed foods. I am trying to change that and set a good example for my kids. My main challenges are the cost of buying fresh foods regularly, and time to prepare them. I am recently single and work full-time. I hope this site and group can give me some good tips and motivation to stay on track!! If anyone wants to add me please do :)
  • Hi all! I'm Sangeeta, from New Delhi , India. I'm working as an Editor in a UK-based Publishing House. I just turned 30, single, and I have struggled with weight almost all my life. A few years ago I managed to shed 18 kilos (almost 40 pounds) and then I moved back with my parents and gained all that plus more within a year's time. I now have approx. 60 pounds to lose. :(

    Over the past few years, I joined gym, exercised hard and regularly but did not lose much weight. I, however, am now concentrating on my diet since I think I was undoing all my efforts at the gym by eating wrong. My mother is also grossly overweight and has been suffering from all the obesity-related diseases and I see myself heading that way. Also, since we no longer have a cook and I started cooking, I find it easier to keep a tab on what my parents and I are eating.

    A bunch of us at work decided to join Myfitnesspal and maintain our food journals and sharing the diaries with each other. This I found was working more effectively than the time when I tried maintain the diary alone (I quit updating it by the end of the week).

    I'm now looking forward to more friends who can support and inspire me (and vice versa) in my weight-loss journey.

  • Hi, I'm 43, I work full time and just started going back to school part time this month for Elementary Education, I'm recently single and have no children, I'm not new to Mfp, this journey started 6mths ago, and went well for awhile I lost 20lbs, and have gained 10 of that back! I was drawn to the clean eating title, I'd love to be educated on this. I can get the food part down as long as I'm prepared, but the exercise is the problem, I have knee issues, and it seems as though alot of exercises are a problem. I'm here for support and to be supportive, and educated on the clean eating, I'm committed and my diary will be public to my friends, full disclosure..LOL!:wink:
  • TinaOsborneRN
    TinaOsborneRN Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome all the new folks! So excited to wake up this morning and see the new additions!

    Lia: Congratulations on your decision to lose 40lbs! You are in the right place. We've got to get rid of those Smart Ones though! While low in calories, they are processed. Our goal is to get you eating clean, fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats not cooked in oil or breaded, etc. Take a look at my diary if you want some ideas. Eating clean is not hard, we just have to learn how to do it. I love eating this way because I can eat more food! When you're eating more fruits, veggies, salad, you can eat MORE!! Welcome to our group!
  • TinaOsborneRN
    TinaOsborneRN Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome Tammy!! If you have the eating part down, to me, that is the hardest part!! Please find me on Facebook.!/tinaoz. I can help you with the exercise part. We have a workout/accountability group on FB that has helped a lot of people with their exercise and nutrition.

    I am very proud of you for taking this step. You have done the hardest part, and that is making a decision to lose the weight and asking for help. You will be successful!
  • TinaOsborneRN
    TinaOsborneRN Posts: 73 Member
    Hi heluvarn! So glad you're in this group Stacy! You are so motivating and will help a lot of others while getting yourself back on track!
  • TinaOsborneRN
    TinaOsborneRN Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome Ceeegeee!! Wow, 68lbs is AMAZING!! congratulations!! I have five kids, four living at home, so I know you are a busy woman!! So glad you joined us!
  • TinaOsborneRN
    TinaOsborneRN Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome Jami!! You have come to the right place! I have never been successfull working out or with my nutrition when I've done it by myself. I think we ALL need support, especially when everyone around us is eating processed JUNK food all day! We need each other!! You can do this girl!!
  • TinaOsborneRN
    TinaOsborneRN Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome, Jen! I added you! And yes, we have to get rid of the processed foods. Clean eating doesn't have to cost a fortune and the time in prep is sooo worth it. I have four kids at home, work full time and have a part-time fitness biz, so I can relate. Check out my diary for ideas. I have to keep it simple. We can do this!!