Ripped in 30 level 2

I am starting tomorrow week 2 of Ripped in 30.
I loved week 1.


  • athomew7
    athomew7 Posts: 12 Member
    I am exactly where you are. I am surprised how exhausted I feel after only a 20 minute workout!!
  • krisam007
    krisam007 Posts: 17 Member
    I will be starting week 2 on Sunday, loving week one, and am surprised how sore I am all over especially my but and legs which is my focus. How is it going, should I be scared, lol? :)
  • athomew7
    athomew7 Posts: 12 Member
    I have liked it so far. Still surprised how wiped out I am after only 20 mins though!!
  • it is incredible how fast my arms and legs are changing. I can feel my muscles. I sweat a lot doing this exercises. On Sunday I will start week 3.
  • I was a little scared but it is a good workout. I watched week 2 before starting just to check how hard the exercises were.
  • Tomorrow: week 3. :)
  • I have started week 3. It is hard. My legs are sore but I feel great