Day 1 of 115 days C25K

dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
Hello to all. I'm very confused by all the Topics and where to post progress. Today is day one for me. of 115 days. I walked ran to my heart rate for 30 min.. When my heart rate hit 114 (after warm up) I jogged till it hit 130's Than back down to 114. Than up to 135 heart rate... walked till 114 HR.... Than up to 140 HR... than walked till 114.... Than up to 145...... than walked to 114 HR.... than up to 150 HR...... I kept it there untill 30 min. up... It was fun.

So I hope to hear from you all too on what you're doing and if today's the first day for you too!


  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 218 Member
    Today will be my second day. Im using an app I have that the first day was walk for 5 minutes then jog 60 seconds and walk 90 seconds until the half hour was up. Are you just going by your heart rate? This is intresting I didnt know there are other ways to do the plan.

    Also, are you suppose to run everyday? I read its suppose to be every other day (3 times a week). I started Tuesday, but I still walked/jogged on the tredmill yesterday even though I didnt actually use the work out. I plan to use it again today. I wonder if this is a bad idea or its fine.

    Im just excited to be able to get active and learn to love to run again. Its been tooooooooooo many years!
  • Arlala555
    Arlala555 Posts: 61 Member
    Your only supposed to do it for 3 days a week @ 9 weeks. I have never heard the heart rate thing, doesn't sound like the same program. Where did you get this program at? Seems a bit on the complicated side to me. Too much to have to think about while trying to run.
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    Also, are you suppose to run everyday? I read its suppose to be every other day (3 times a week). I started Tuesday, but I still walked/jogged on the tredmill yesterday even though I didnt actually use the work out. I plan to use it again today. I wonder if this is a bad idea or its fine.

    It's suppose to be every other day so your body has time to rest. I've started taking up walking in between run days but I don't go at a fast pace but do walk the other end of the road I run on because it has a million hills.