Important stuff will go here one day.
Started C25K
My friend and I have started doing C25K and now on week 2. We're finding it relatively straightforward as our main problem is stopping laughing enough to actually breathe enough to laugh! I recommend taking a friend with you! :-)
week 7 complete...!
only 2 weeks left,,,,,I can see the light at the finish line !! Purple Stride 5k for Pancreatic Cancer on November 10th awaits....wooohooo!
Starting C25K...Again [October 1st]
So i failed MISERABLY within the first week when i started in September. :laugh: Others who are restarting or newbies, do join if you like at any time :smile: Starting it AGAIN from October 1st and i've decided to open this thread so there is somewhere we can keep updating it. (3x a week according to the plan) just to keep…
Week 2 and Struggling
Ive attempted C25K multiple times before and I always give up because of how hard it gets. This time I've gotten to week 2 day 2 and I'm struggling. Today's run was awful. I got horrible shin splints and my calves burned the whole time. I realize most of you are C25K graduates (or at least a lot further along), but did…
Stats For 9/24 Check-in
O.k you guys another week down. How did you all do and what are your stats? I did horrible this week only did one day. :sad:
Day 1 of 115 days C25K
Hello to all. I'm very confused by all the Topics and where to post progress. Today is day one for me. of 115 days. I walked ran to my heart rate for 30 min.. When my heart rate hit 114 (after warm up) I jogged till it hit 130's Than back down to 114. Than up to 135 heart rate... walked till 114 HR.... Than up to 140 HR...…
Week 5, day 3...I did it !!
This day is infamous (google it) , because this day is the first 20 minute run with no stopping....and I did it !!! Wooohooo!!!!!!!!! (somebody buy me a bottle of water and we'll pretend its a
Stats For 9/17 Check-in
I'll post mine tomorrow after work. :wink:
outside or inside on treadmill ?
which do y'all do your C25k on? For me personally I do it inside on a treadmill (at 5 am!) basically because its early and the track closest to me is at least 5 miles away. My neighborhood has monstrous hills and Im just not ready to tackle that beast just yet :tongue:
thinking about registering for 5k
There is a 5k coming up the first of December, is it too soon to think about signing up?? I am starting week 3 today...any opinions??