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Hey guys! FINALLY got some face time with Jillian this morning after taking six - yes SIX - whole days off. I just finished day 7 of level 1, and was happy that despite the time off I was able to do most exercises with the 5 pound weights. I did slack off on the cardio near the end, and I couldn't do as many push ups as I had been previously.... but considering I felt like I coughed up a lung right before I started to work out and had to do the whole video with a cough drop in my mouth - I'm pretty proud of myself :)

I had decided I was going to do 5 days on, 2 off (on weekends)... but that is completely out the window now if I have any hopes of catching up. So I'll be starting level 2 on Friday - and thanks to all your posts know the following:

1 - Planks suck
2 - Jillian favors natalie the cheater
3 - Expect my abs will HURT
4 - Expect to get bored and hate level 2

How are y'all doing? What do you love about it so far? What do you hate about it? And just out of morbid curiousity - what is your favorite line of Jillians so far?

Mine is still, "I just love how these girls don't even cheat!" and "This move is simple but effective". :-)


  • sarah1334
    sarah1334 Posts: 77 Member
    Way to go!!!! Awesome job jumping back into it after 6 days off... that's amazing! :)

    I'm hangin' in there... even brought the DVD on a trip with me this weekend, haha. Managed to squeeze it in Friday and Saturday... missed yesterday though.

    I am kinda getting sick of Level 2 too and am excited to move on to Level 3. Might try to move up tomorrow, even though I don't know if I'm totally ready yet.

  • stacdjen
    stacdjen Posts: 52 Member
    Glad to hear that I'm not the only one that is bored with Level 2. I'm so bored that I haven't had it in me to do for about 5 days - 2 of those days being rest days so they don't count. I know that it's a great workout and I feel great after I do it but if given the opportunity to skip out of the house and go to the gym then I choose option 2. I need to start the toning process so I'm going to be strong and hopefully do the vidoe tonight. I know it works.....
  • lauralogan2010
    lauralogan2010 Posts: 20 Member
    I've been the same! Between having a cold and just feeling plain blue a lot of last week I missed a whole week of the 30DS. I am going to pick it back up this afternoon though! mssoulrebel_7 I hope you are feeling lots better soon!

    It may be a little early to tell, but has anyone seen some results yet? I feel like my arms are already a little bit better, but it could just be wishful thinking. ;)
  • SaraSapp
    SaraSapp Posts: 26 Member
    So, I took the weekend off from Jillian, but I did do a 4 mile walk/run on Saturday with my dog and I played volleyball Sunday night with my weekly league. Today will be day 10 on level 1. And I am not looking forward to level 2 based on all the comments!

    BUT..... I did get a little extra motivation over the weekend. I was complaining to my mom that I wasn't feeling a difference in my body yet. I've only lost 7lbs and I don't feel my clothes fitting different yet. I had her take a couple "before" pictures of me before I started the 30DS, so she suggested we take some pics and compare. Mind you, we did this Friday and I had only completed 8 days of the shred. I was like a giggly little school girl when I compared the 2 pics!!! I hope you all took before pics! If I knew how to post pictures on here, I would totally share with you guys. My motivation is through the roof now. If my body can change in 8 days, I can't wait to see what 30 days looks like!!
  • Here's a little bit of advice for level 2:
    There's a move called "walk-in push-up" and the idea is to bend forward with straight legs and walk forward on your hands to push-up/plank position and then move back up. (circuit 1, strength)
    I was stupid enough to try it with straight legs - not a good idea! I almost fell on my face and hit my head.

    So, if you're not flexible then do it with bent knees! We do not want any injuries! :wink:
  • I'm on day 4 of level 1 and I'm feeling the burn....but I'm very excited to see some results....Julian is very funny but very encouraging and ready to feel the even feel better throughout the day after I work out....Will keep you posted
  • Time4NUME
    Time4NUME Posts: 137 Member
    Glad to hear you are better... I took two days off and now I am sick.. I'm going to see if I can do something today if this headache will go away... If not then it will be three days off for me...oh, I just love how everyone never sweats and when I am working out I'm dripping all over the
  • eellington
    eellington Posts: 5 Member
    I was determined to do 30 days straight....But forgot about a 3 day trip scheduled last weekend and a 2 day music festival here in Atlanta this weekend.....SO- I am getting back on track tonight! So now I am way behind schedule!!
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    I finished level 2 day 5 today.. so half way done! I agree with everyone about level 2.. it sucks! And Natalie is totally a cheater! :)

    I've also been doing C25k a few days a week in addition to 30DS. Tonight my shins and legs in general are feeling especially sore so tomorrow may be a rest day for me.. we'll see!

    It's great to read everyone's progress on here. You're all doing a great job! Keep it up!
  • stacdjen
    stacdjen Posts: 52 Member
    I sucked it up and did level 2 last night. If my math is correct it would day 4 of level 2. It completely wore me out and I zoned out for about an hour afterwards. Legs are sore today so that's a good thing. Now hopefully I can continue for the rest of the week.
  • SOOOO thankful for this group.... cause if it weren't for ya'll I would not be forcing myself to do this video right now :)
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    Glad to hear i'm not the only one that had a little too long of a break.. i was out for 4 days! Although it did help my heels (I have Plantas Fasciitis) I felt super guilty for taking those days off. I completed day 10 of level 1 yesterday and were moving on up to level 2 tonight! I'm scaredddd.... I hope i can find the movitation to keep with it through level 2 cause I can see some people are struggling... right now if it weren't for my fiance keeping me in check i would have probably kept on going after my 4 days off.. but no.. that's not wha'ts gonna get me to finally get over my hump of my 180 and into the 170's. I gotta think WEDDING WEDDING WEDDING!
  • I feel bad. I skipped yesterday and I'm skipping today as well. Don't be mad... :flowerforyou: I didn't have a lot of time yesterday to do much exercising and my knees were sore so I skipped it and thought I would do L2D2 today instead. Alas, I have a paper due tomorrow for uni and because I'm a very skilled procrastinator I'll be writing the darn thing all day and night long. :drinker: (caffeine, yay!)
    I figure it's best to get the paper done in time because I don't want my teacher to scream at me. I'm more afraid of her then of Jillian - unless Jillian can magically make herself crawl out of my computer screen and brutally kick my *kitten*.

    What makes it worse it that it's level 2, I don't like it and just generally don't feel motivated to do it.
    BUT! I promise I will continue tomorrow! I'm not quitting!
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    I feel bad. I skipped yesterday and I'm skipping today as well. Don't be mad... :flowerforyou: I didn't have a lot of time yesterday to do much exercising and my knees were sore so I skipped it and thought I would do L2D2 today instead. Alas, I have a paper due tomorrow for uni and because I'm a very skilled procrastinator I'll be writing the darn thing all day and night long. :drinker: (caffeine, yay!)
    I figure it's best to get the paper done in time because I don't want my teacher to scream at me. I'm more afraid of her then of Jillian - unless Jillian can magically make herself crawl out of my computer screen and brutally kick my *kitten*.

    What makes it worse it that it's level 2, I don't like it and just generally don't feel motivated to do it.
    BUT! I promise I will continue tomorrow! I'm not quitting!

    We'll keep you to that tomorrow :)
  • Time4NUME
    Time4NUME Posts: 137 Member
    Glad to hear you are better... I took two days off and now I am sick.. I'm going to see if I can do something today if this headache will go away... If not then it will be three days off for me...oh, I just love how everyone never sweats and when I am working out I'm dripping all over the

    Did my workout today but still under the weather... I think I am going to take a few more days off....bummer.....
  • Glad to hear you are better... I took two days off and now I am sick.. I'm going to see if I can do something today if this headache will go away... If not then it will be three days off for me...oh, I just love how everyone never sweats and when I am working out I'm dripping all over the

    Did my workout today but still under the weather... I think I am going to take a few more days off....bummer.....

    I wouldn't worry about it - focus on getting better first. This is about being HEALTHY :-) I took SIX whole days off... so if Jillian will forgive me this, I'm going to quote Tony Horton (P90X) - just do your best and forget the rest :-)
  • We'll keep you to that tomorrow :)

    I did it! Day 2 -level 2 is done.
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    We'll keep you to that tomorrow :)

    I did it! Day 2 -level 2 is done.

    Good work!!! I'm doing day 2 level 2 today as well!! It is NOT EASY!!! My shoulders are killing and i HATE the new cardio segments!
  • Good work!!! I'm doing day 2 level 2 today as well!! It is NOT EASY!!! My shoulders are killing and i HATE the new cardio segments!

    It's really not easy. There are actually very few moves I like in this level. I miss level 1... :heart:
    I hate circuit 3, I don't mind the strength section even though it's killing my arms, but to do planks in both cardio and abs right after is way too much. I had to do other ab moves because I had no strength left in my arms.

    Hmm...hope we're not scaring anyone who hasn't gotten to level 2 yet...It's really not THAT bad.... :laugh:
  • It's really not easy. There are actually very few moves I like in this level. I miss level 1... :heart:
    I hate circuit 3, I don't mind the strength section even though it's killing my arms, but to do planks in both cardio and abs right after is way too much. I had to do other ab moves because I had no strength left in my arms.

    Hmm...hope we're not scaring anyone who hasn't gotten to level 2 yet...It's really not THAT bad.... :laugh:

    Uuuugh. I start level 2 tomorrow, and I think it's Safe to Say I'm Sufficiently Scared. (quite the alliteration in that sentence - lol)

    I took a sneak preview this morning and it does NOT look easy. I think what I've enjoyed about level 1 is I've felt the first circult was hard, but knew if I made it through that one the other two were easy enough with some periods I could recover. This looks like it gets progressively harder. Yuck.

    I think what I also enjoyed is I was getting to know level one so well I knew which strength segements went long and which ones she cut a little short (like the ant raise with side lunge at the end is only 45 seconds).

    I'm going to try to do it straight the next 10 days and start level 3 on Monday the 8th of October.