Weighing In

Fitby31 Posts: 106 Member
I'm thinking about staying off the scale for the full 30 days. I'm a daily weigher...bad I know...whatever. But I know that when I start the 30DS I gain weight, which is usually why I quite...thinking "whats the point if the is going the wrong way?!"

Hoping that if I don't weigh in & wait until the 31st day that it'll workout better for me.

what about y'all?


  • ifitkillsme
    Nice to know that I am not alone on gaining weight with this. But I do feel better. So hopefully we will lose inches!
  • jaguirre8898
    I think waiting till day 31 is the best plan it gives your something to look forward to and i think you will see it will be worth it in the end.
  • scouvson13
    I will be waiting until the 31st day.
  • jhall1255
    jhall1255 Posts: 99 Member
    you have to remember that your gain is most likely muscle not fat. so thats why i said measuring would be a good idea
  • smittenkitten4
    I'm still losing, but more slowly than I had been. I decided in addition to weighing I will record measurements at least monthly as well, so I won't get discouraged if the scale stops moving but the measurements shrink.
  • AluminumKraken
    AluminumKraken Posts: 23 Member
    I think I'm going to weigh in each week (on Friday), but am going to pay more attention to the body fat % and muscle mass % on the scale. Especially if the weight doesn't change or starts going up.
  • Nina1116
    Nina1116 Posts: 35 Member
    I think I'm going to weigh in each week (on Friday), but am going to pay more attention to the body fat % and muscle mass % on the scale. Especially if the weight doesn't change or starts going up.

    Body Fat % and Muscle Mass % are more telling that weight...great idea! I started tracking my BF% this month, will be interesting to see how it changes by the end of October =)
  • amandaxonicole
    I'm going to keep weighing in every Monday because it's something I really look forward to. I don't think I'll have much of an issue going down because I've been losing weight with lifting, cardio, and c25k.
    Good luck ladies! Let's all get shreded :D