
sandylion Posts: 451 Member
So I've always been the fat one in the family (I have 4 sisters), the fat one in my group of friends, and the fat one in my head. I've got excuses a plenty starting with my collapsed arches in my feet, crappy ankles, which result in poor knees and hips, scoliosis, and general dislike of "Hard" exercise. Really, anything that would make me sweat.

Somewhere in the past couple years I actually discovered I liked feeling strong. I worked an extremely physical job for about a year and really loved the fact that I could beat most of my guy friends in an arm wrestle. I still ate like crap though and maintained my weight, just stronger.

In 2011 one of my new years resolutions was to become an "active person", you know, one of THOSE people who actually liked getting off their butt and doing something, who would talk about their weekend hiking or whatever instead of what movies they watched and what knitting they accomplished (still love knitting, don't get me wrong). I have since learned to love walking, and I have taken up rock climbing. Climbing is becoming something of a passion. I have managed to lose a few pounds along the way, but I am still waffling, and trying to motivate myself to actually reach my GW and to get to the point where I wouldn't die of shame wearing short shorts.

Just today I discovered a race called the Tough Mudder. I am going to do this race. I am so excited I was watching it and I actually teared up! I have to do this. When I finish this race I feel like I can leave the fat chick in my head behind me forever.

Also, I would be more likely to survive a zombie apocalypse.

So, today I did week 1 day 1 of my journey to being able to do a 5k.

I amazed myself in that I was not dying at the end of it! I actually started jogging again not realizing it was cool-down time! I managed to do 4.37km including my warm up and my cool down in 33 minutes. Heck, that is almost 5k right there! Just, more walking then running.

So, I am looking forward to continuing this and seeing what you crazy "runner types" have to offer.



  • NatashaRuz
    Woohoo!! :) Welcome to the journey!!

    I'm gearing up to start Week 4, and I have to say, I'm freakin' addicted. I have come to just relish the work-outs and I there isn't much that beats the feeling of 'running' when you're actually doing it with ease (which doesn't happen right away! At least not for me!) :)

    I've seen the "Tough Mudder" runs, and they look like so much fun! I haven't decided what my goal is yet as far as an organized run. For now, I just enjoy running.

    If you're on Facebook, "Couch-2-5K" has a great page with lots of support too. :)
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Thanks so much!!

    On my second interval today I had that "This is actually pretty cool" feeling, which is funny because every other time in my life when I have been forced to run I have hated every minute of it. I guess when you do it for your own reasons it's a whole different thing! Who knows, maybe I will be an addict too! I hope my knees and back don't decide I'm not allowed. I have good shoes and orthotics so I'm optimistic!
  • maryinnc
    maryinnc Posts: 129 Member
    I think that is great and you will love it. I finished W6D3 today, actually ran 22 minutes which is unbelievable for me. I am 63 and haven't run in a long time! The program is addicting! I am curious to see what happens after week 9. Good luck to you.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Thanks Mary! Congrats, you're amazing! Hopefully I will be able to compare :)
  • Jamfrilly
    Really excited for you and gat encouragement for me, today will be W1D1, going out for my run in a few hours, actually quite nervous, think that's just a bit of self doubt. But kind of like you I don't see why it should be for just THOSE people, maybe by the end of it all I will be one of those crazy running types too. Imagine that!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Also, I would be more likely to survive a zombie apocalypse.

    I LOVE IT!! That was also one of my reasons I started running a couple years ago! (And I'm cheap and didn't wanna pay for a gym)

    I'm re-starting C25K this week, to ease back into running after surgery. Once I finish the program again, I'm get the "Zombies, Run!" app. You have to "avoid" zombie hordes and "gather" supplies to survive - really, you just run and the app every now and then tells you that you're getting stuff or plays zombie groans in your ear. I've heard it's very motivating! :laugh:

    And then I would also like to do an obstacle run, but I was thinking of trying either Warrior Dash or Run For Your Lives (once again, you're running away from "zombies")

    Good luck on your journey! Hope to see you around - and alive! :wink:
  • NatashaRuz
    Also, I would be more likely to survive a zombie apocalypse.

    I LOVE IT!! That was also one of my reasons I started running a couple years ago! (And I'm cheap and didn't wanna pay for a gym)

    I'm re-starting C25K this week, to ease back into running after surgery. Once I finish the program again, I'm get the "Zombies, Run!" app. You have to "avoid" zombie hordes and "gather" supplies to survive - really, you just run and the app every now and then tells you that you're getting stuff or plays zombie groans in your ear. I've heard it's very motivating! :laugh:

    And then I would also like to do an obstacle run, but I was thinking of trying either Warrior Dash or Run For Your Lives (once again, you're running away from "zombies")

    Good luck on your journey! Hope to see you around - and alive! :wink:

    OMG! That sounds soooo awesome!
    I'm stoked that there are other "Zombiefiles" on here ;)
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    That does sound awesome!! I might have to look it up and see if there is one in my area!
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Fantastic well done. I started it in late May, but been a bit stoppy starty for various reasons, and had to repeat a few weeks, attacking W7 now :-) I love the programme.
  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    You got this! I know after I did W1D1 I was really struggling. I just finished W3D3 yesterday.
  • Athenry35
    Athenry35 Posts: 13 Member
    So happy to find some people at the beginning stages of the c25k!

    I have been wanting to do this running program for 2 years - yes ... 2 years of excuses.

    I separated from my husband of 16 years last July ( after 23 years of being together dating/marriage combined ) and my father passed away 2 days after christmas last year. it's been a roller coaster of a couple of years. I was supposed to start the c25k with my friend this past January, but after my dad passed away - I got stuck in a bit of a haze of ' woe is me', my life sucks - what did I do to deserve all of this!?

    I have a wonderful 8 year old son that I share custody with and it is just TIME! Time for me to show him healthier habits (eating/exercise) - and now that I'm back in the dating world at 41 years old...well, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!

    I started c25k with the push of a friend the day after I turned 41 (Sept 2, 2012) - I just finished week 4 this morning. It was an awesome run. I've had ups and downs every week it seems - but I have to do this for myself.

    I have signed up for the 'Turkey Trot' on Thanksgiving morning and have plenty of time to complete the program (I hope) - even if I need to repeat a week, or three.

    Best of luck!
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Just finished W1D2!