Weight accountability log - Week 2

I pledged to weigh myself every Tuesday after exercise and to report the results to my fellow Challengers. Here's the data since the start of the Ultra Challenge:

Tuesday 9/11/2012: weight = 177.0 lb, need to lose 20.0 lb to reach goal
Tuesday 9/18/2012: weight = 174.2 lb, 2.8 lb lost since beginning of Ultra Challenge
Tuesday 9/25/2012: weight = 171.6 lb, 5.4 lb lost since beginning of Ultra Challenge, need to lose 14.6 lb to reach goal

I believe that the last time that my weight was this low, Sony had just introduced something called a "Walkman" (for $200!), everyone was playing a new game called "Trivial Pursuit," and the YMCA was suing the Village People for libel because of their song of the same name.

The goal is in sight --- but I still very much need all of your support. And it goes without saying that I'm here 24/7 to help all of you reach your goals as well, in any way that I'm able.



  • palheather
    Ok, here we go... Like The Thin Man, I also pledged to weigh myself and keep accountable to you all.

    Here's my data:

    Start of 90 Days: weight = 147.0 lbs., need to lose 20.0 lbs to reach my goal
    Wednesday, 9/19/12: weight = 145.6, 1.4 lb loss since beginning of Ultra Challenge
    Wednesday, 9.26.12: weight = 144.0, 1.6 lb loss since last week (3 lb loss since beginning of Ultra Challenge)

    I need to lose 17 more pounds to reach my goal.

  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks for the awesome report, Slim! You have your weight loss rate dialed in --- at this rate, you will lose 11 x 1.6 = 17.6 lb in the remaining 11 weeks of the Ultra Challenge, and you *will* reach your goal. Keep up the good work, my friend!
  • palheather
    Thanks for the encouragement, Thin Man! I really hope I can maintain this rate... it is a higher loss per week than I held regularly in either of the previous challenges. But I have increased my calorie burn per week by at least 500 these past two weeks so I know what I need to do. Of course, I will need to continue elevating my game as the end draws nearer...

    Now I get that what Nike is always talking about. No wonder they put it on all their shirts and stuff. ;)
  • kbchmacdonald
    Excellent work, both of you! Reading your posts, and your encouragement of each other (plus, airboy, your unflagging encouragement of yours truly and all of us) really helps. This a.m. I was ready to drop out. Now I'm ready to keep trying.

    Not sure why my accountability log (completed Monday) didn't show up here...but I'm not at all conversant with this website and how to use the community topics. Maybe it was here and has been eclipsed by late-breaking, very exciting news of your achievements.
  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    Heather: You have so much inner strength that I *know* you can reach your goal. It will happen!

    Clare: Stick with it! You *will* be able to hang in there.

    Kim: You can help yourself, and help others to help you, by being quantitative in your accountability reports. ("Slight increase" doesn't tell us much.) You're a scientist --- give us the hard data, and conceal nothing. And keep away from self-described "medical practicioners" who probably don't know their *kitten* from a hole in the ground.
  • mctlindsay
    Roger you are terrific. Thanks for saying it like it is!!! We will all need it for the next ten weeks!!
  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks, Ms. McT!
  • kstar137
    OK Roger, "slight increase" = 2.0 pounds. I will take them off before next Saturday.