Day 3

I just finished Day 3. I put JM on a very low volume.. just to the point where I could hear the changes when I'm on the ground, and turned on my pandora to full blast. I got through it and it was a lot easier. I didn't bust out crying and I only stopped once during the first jump ropes things... my poor calves!

How was your day 3?


  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    Day 3 done! Feels good to be sore! 27 to go! Have a great day all!
  • Getting a little easier everyday! But hating Jillian's voice a little more everyday, too!

    I took the advice of putting music on to avoid listening to Jillian say the same thing everyday- Very helpful! Made it go by a little faster and me less focused on when each exercise was going to end. Still love the workout!
  • Nina1116
    Nina1116 Posts: 35 Member
    Finished Day 3 this morning. I finally picked up 5lb weights last night and it was SO much better than those awful 8lb'ers I had. I was able to do the arm raises with the hand weights instead of just lifting my arms up while doing those side squats (which btw, is so hard for me, I guess there is too much coordination required for that exercise lol).

    It does get easier, but I still hate jumping jacks and lunges!

    Is anyone taking the weekends off or just powering straight through?
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Finished Day 3 this morning. I finally picked up 5lb weights last night and it was SO much better than those awful 8lb'ers I had. I was able to do the arm raises with the hand weights instead of just lifting my arms up while doing those side squats (which btw, is so hard for me, I guess there is too much coordination required for that exercise lol).

    It does get easier, but I still hate jumping jacks and lunges!

    Is anyone taking the weekends off or just powering straight through?

    Well done! I will be doing Day 3 tonight when I get in from work.

    Personally, I'm planning on not taking a day off. I know what i'm like and if I have one day off I will find it harder to get back into.
  • I think I'll be taking Sundays off. My husband has agreed to do it with me on Saturdays, but we decided we needed one day to sleep in and rest and just take a break from everything. Having the one day to look forward to helps me stay motivated throughout the week. I'm going to add on the days at the end so I will still do the video for 30 days, not 26.
  • francaise3
    francaise3 Posts: 89 Member
    Done with Day 3! It seemed easier except one thing - PUSH UPS! I hate them! I do modified version - and my arms hurt like hell!
  • Was dreading doing day 3 because I'm sore, so I was afraid it was going to be terrible. But once I got into it, it wasn't as bad as I expected. Still hard, but not as hard as the last two days. Yeah for feeling stronger already!! Only 27 more days to go!

    As for the weekend, I'm going to try and do it, but not going to beat myself up if life gets in the way (we might end up going out of town)

    Have a good workout all!!
  • Day 3 is done! My body is definitely craving a rest day in order to recuperate, but I'm not giving in just yet. Good to see everyone else on here powering through!
  • jhall1255
    jhall1255 Posts: 99 Member
    the hardest thing for me still is the lunges with curls...just omg the lunges hurt so bad. and then squats and dumbell press. i feel like this dvd works your legs more then any other part but i guess we'll see.
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    the hardest thing for me still is the lunges with curls...just omg the lunges hurt so bad. and then squats and dumbell press. i feel like this dvd works your legs more then any other part but i guess we'll see.

    I agree with you completely! My abs aren't hurting that's for sure. but my legs and arms are so sore that when i straighten them out I'm in a bit of pain.

    As for the weekend, I just can't do it. I don't have the time cuz I work long days. I have short days at work during the week, then the weekends they work me like crazy.
  • Day 3 was easier[relatively]. Except the final abs crunch, things were easy. I usually modify that to basic crunches.
    Anyone else feeling the same heat ? How do you tackle it ?
  • kathers01
    kathers01 Posts: 164 Member
    Day 3 done! I am burning less calories every time I do it boo! I had to do some extra work to get to 200 today :)
  • I still struggle on the shoulder raises, jumping jacks, and jump ropes but even those I can do a little more every day. One thing I've really noticed a difference in is my flexibility: I couldn't reach my toes during the cool-down at first, and I definitely couldn't do the quad stretch. I still struggle with the quads but it's getting better every day.
  • Didn't want to, but I did it! After I shampooed carpets! I feel like jello.
  • Today was a lot harder because I did it right after taking a 2 mile run lol. But I'm still chugging along! I don't plan on taking any days off, just getting it DONE and seeing results! I hope I'm not disappointed. I see what it's done for other people and I want the same.
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    Well, I missed it. Day of classes, clubs, and dancing.....
    If I do it twice today, can it count that I'm still on day 4?
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Completed day 3 last night. Really aching this morning! think day 4 is gonna be hard today but youwill not beat me Gillian!