i weight 108 but trying to get alot thinner


Okay so I'm 5 ft 6 and right now I weight ~108ish pounds . I'm trying to to be 100 pounds or less.... even if I don't become a model. :flowerforyou:

Does anyone have diet ideas that wont make me feel super slow and tired? ( I do a lot of tennis and running)

:happy: :bigsmile: thank you so much!!! :heart:


  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    You are still a child. I think more of the girls in this group are concerned about healthy weight loss, not trying to be a waif! You are not going to be able to lose any more weight without feeling slow or tired, especially if you are that active. What's going to happen is you won't be able to stay awake at school, your hair will look dull and start falling out, and your nails will get brittle. You already look as thin as a model, I would highly encourage you to readjust your goals at this point.
  • AnastasiyaLOVE
    AnastasiyaLOVE Posts: 2 Member
    Yeah I agree, but I feel so much more comfy in a thin body.. :/

    do you think 105 is a good goal instead of 100?
  • aarilynn
    aarilynn Posts: 74 Member
    Yeah I agree, but I feel so much more comfy in a thin body.. :/

    do you think 105 is a good goal instead of 100?

    but you're already thin. I'm 5'6 and I couldn't imagine being 100 lbs. or even 105! :ohwell: I'd work on strength, getting stronger (I'm not talking about getting bulky) if I had zero weight to lose.
  • WillardsMommy1
    I think at your current weight you are already classified as underweight by BMI. I personally think you look amazing as it is. Maybe instead of a weight goal you should focus on a strength or fitness goal. And I do believe that some modeling agencies won't let anyone with a BMI under 17-18 model for them as they don't want to promote body issues to their intended audiences. I understand the need to have a goal to work towards but like I said maybe you should try to get stronger, or run faster, something that requires you to get fitter, not necessarily lighter.
  • rhymeswithfox
    rhymeswithfox Posts: 63 Member
    Yes, start weight training, it will help you replace body fat with muscle which will slim you down more. Don't worry about bulking up, girls don't bulk without very intense training and supplements, but your arms will look more defined and you legs will probably be slimmer and more toned. Some times losing weight isn't the answer because without giving your body a "shape" it won't look very good. When I ate very little and did HIIT everyday, I lost a ton of weight very quickly and got close to 100 pounds but still looked fat in my opinion. Weight loss isn't always fat loss. Replace your fat with muscle and you will be healthy, able to eat quite a bit of food, and fit in smaller clothes than you currently do.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    You are currently considered unhealthily underweight according to BMI information (healthy weight is 114-155 lbs for 5'6"). :sad: :huh:

    You very probably have body dismorphic disorder: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder

    PLEASE SEEK HELP. And do not try to lose any more weight. Even staying at your current weight is DESTRUCTIVE to your body and setting you up for a life time of damage and health issues.

    Also, this website (and group) is devoted to HEALTHY eating/fitness lifestyles. Don't attempt to have people help you continue in your destructive path.
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    You look amazing as you are right now :-\ You definitely do not need to lose any more lbs. I agree with some other posts, strength train instead and replace what little body fat you have with muscle. You'll look more lean (not that you aren't already) and have some definition.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    diet ideas? Yeah. Eat more!

    I'm not trying to be snarky either. I understand wanting to be very thin. You already are, just enjoy it and know it's not going to hurt to gain weight at this point. I agree with the other posters.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    In your profile, you say that you are 16, and that you'd like to be able to model. I would suggest that if you want to be a model, what you should be concerned about now is getting TALLER, not thinner! You can always lose weight anytime in your life, but at age 16 you are still growing. Your chances of succeeding as a model will be much greater if you are 5'8" or taller, so if you stunt your growth now by eating at a calorie deficit, you will be working against your own goals.

    Let me repeat: you are still growing. Make it your goal to help your body grow as tall as possible. You are still growing, and will still be growing until your early 20s. I grew a full inch in my early 20s, and then added another half-inch at age 35 by stretching my spine through Pilates.

    I recommend that you use MFP as a tool to make sure you are eating ENOUGH calories to fuel your growth, and also to track your macronutrients, especially protein and calcium. Eat a diet full of nourishing foods like lean meats, leafy greens, eggs and beans. For exercise, add in Pilates and yoga to stretch your body (including your spine, to help you get taller!) and consider studying dance, which will help build the grace you'll need to get you jobs walking the runway.
  • jenneal89
    In your profile, you say that you are 16, and that you'd like to be able to model. I would suggest that if you want to be a model, what you should be concerned about now is getting TALLER, not thinner! You can always lose weight anytime in your life, but at age 16 you are still growing. Your chances of succeeding as a model will be much greater if you are 5'8" or taller, so if you stunt your growth now by eating at a calorie deficit, you will be working against your own goals.

    Let me repeat: you are still growing. Make it your goal to help your body grow as tall as possible. You are still growing, and will still be growing until your early 20s. I grew a full inch in my early 20s, and then added another half-inch at age 35 by stretching my spine through Pilates.

    I recommend that you use MFP as a tool to make sure you are eating ENOUGH calories to fuel your growth, and also to track your macronutrients, especially protein and calcium. Eat a diet full of nourishing foods like lean meats, leafy greens, eggs and beans. For exercise, add in Pilates and yoga to stretch your body (including your spine, to help you get taller!) and consider studying dance, which will help build the grace you'll need to get you jobs walking the runway.

    I agree. I know there's a lot of pressure out there especially in the fashion industry but this ^^ is great advice. I'm also 5'6" and I'm 118lbs. I couldn't imagine being 100 or less. The only reason you can get away with being the weight you are without looking way too thin is because you're 16. You look great so work on building lean muscle :)
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Yes, start weight training, it will help you replace body fat with muscle which will slim you down more. Don't worry about bulking up, girls don't bulk without very intense training and supplements, but your arms will look more defined and you legs will probably be slimmer and more toned. Some times losing weight isn't the answer because without giving your body a "shape" it won't look very good. When I ate very little and did HIIT everyday, I lost a ton of weight very quickly and got close to 100 pounds but still looked fat in my opinion. Weight loss isn't always fat loss. Replace your fat with muscle and you will be healthy, able to eat quite a bit of food, and fit in smaller clothes than you currently do.

    This. IMO, you look great and being under 100 is going to make you look sickly. Weight training is awesome and does great things for you. Read this and maybe it will help you see what it can do for you.


    I hope you don't take my comments as picking on you. You are a beautiful young woman and I would hate to see you damage your body. Getting stronger rocks, and you'll thank yourself later on in life.
  • laura_lynn66
    You are still a child. I think more of the girls in this group are concerned about healthy weight loss, not trying to be a waif! You are not going to be able to lose any more weight without feeling slow or tired, especially if you are that active. What's going to happen is you won't be able to stay awake at school, your hair will look dull and start falling out, and your nails will get brittle. You already look as thin as a model, I would highly encourage you to readjust your goals at this point.

    I totally agree with Kelsey..I think you should ask your doctor what he or she thinks....
  • tattedchic
    tattedchic Posts: 66 Member
    Please don’t let your dreams of being a model interfere with your health. Been there, done that. I’m a former model. I worked runway from age 15-19 and did print and high fashion until I was 21. Then I got heavily tattooed, so now I model for tattoo magazines and pin up/glam shoots. Unfortunately like one of the other girls said, you need to grow a few inches. I’m 5’9”, and I was one of the SHORT models! This doesn’t mean you can’t be a model though, you have a great all- American look for print. BUT- print models are not runway skinny. Honestly if you want to work print you should gain a few pounds. Stay healthy, and make sure you’re eating enough so you can keep growing. Be well.
  • sunnykt
    sunnykt Posts: 66
    So much good advice here, and so many people aren't being snarky or condescending about it either- just informative, which is great! ^.^

    Hopefully you'll take people's good advice into consideration. Also; remember that school is not reality, and the people your own age might not be the most objective sources of information on how you look, how much they weigh or dietary and fitness advice. I went to a private school, and now go to an elitist private university (I know in some countries private and public are mixed up, so "private" to me means "the expensive paying type"), so it might be a little different- but don't fall into the anorexia in high school trap. Three or four of my best friends now have sluggish metabolisms from that, three out of the four people who were anorexic in high school that I know are now "chubby" and the other eats about 600- 800 calories a day in order to look "normalish-thin". Maybe they all developed anorexia from being bullied about being fat in junior school, so were naturally inclined to weigh a bit, but still- you have to eat properly as a teenager or you won't be able to eat normally when you are 21 and want to. I ate more as a teenager, and now I'm rewarded with a better metabolism than them now. Don't **** up your metabolism.

    Also in terms of food; green tea, oats, vegetables, fruits, salad, nuts, seeds will all help and provide lots of energy.
    Things like protein shakes, chicken salads, lots of avocado (good fats for the calories), bananas, greens, apples and berries.
    Those will help and keep up your energy.
  • VegasStage
    VegasStage Posts: 17 Member
    Most girls actually don't keep growing past age 16, unlike males who will continue to grow. You have probably reached your adult height. However, consult your pediatrician about a healthy diet and continue to exercise regularly. Toning up might be your best bet. I am huge believer in yoga and pilates. I think it's much more fun than just lifting weights, but that can be good too. If you are serious about modeling there are plenty of agencies out there that can get you started. If they tell you to lose weight they are not the right agency for you. Since you are still a minor your parents will have to go with you and they can help you make decisions on which agency is best at this time. Best of luck to you.
  • lmwfrosty
    lmwfrosty Posts: 16 Member
    Don't do that. I'm guessing your reasoning for wanting to be under 100lb has more to do with your insecurities (which are way normal at your age) than your body. Please get help.
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    You are currently considered unhealthily underweight according to BMI information (healthy weight is 114-155 lbs for 5'6"). :sad: :huh:

    You very probably have body dismorphic disorder: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder

    PLEASE SEEK HELP. And do not try to lose any more weight. Even staying at your current weight is DESTRUCTIVE to your body and setting you up for a life time of damage and health issues.

    Also, this website (and group) is devoted to HEALTHY eating/fitness lifestyles. Don't attempt to have people help you continue in your destructive path.

    ^^^agreed! You are already model thin. You're awesome looking girl, so don't ruin it by turning into an unhealthy looking girl. take care your body with HEALTHY intake and exercise and you'll be fine.
  • ines25
    ines25 Posts: 107 Member
    If u really want to be a model baby girl start eating cause what u doing right now is stoping your growth by having a bad nutrition quit the Bs you are 16 and 5'6 weighting 108 you gonna kill ur dreams