Diet change/soy to reduce hotflashes?



  • Annec0911
    Annec0911 Posts: 48
    Hi - I haven't tried soy products ...but here's what's been working for me to reduce hot flushes:

    - Remifemin - two tablets in both morning and night
    - A good sweaty* work-out 3-4 times per week...for a burn of 350-450 cals per workout
    - Cutting out coffee - I still drink black tea and green tea which have caffeine but not as high as coffee.
    - This forum! - makes me realise I am not going nuts...well maybe I am? :huh: but at least I feel I am not alone!

    *I've recently started doing 30 Day Shred and similar Circuit Training DVDs by Jillian Michaels after reading lots of good reports on MFP - I 've built up being able to do 2 or 3 sessions, back to back (50-75 mins) - They get me absolutely dripping (sorry, that's a bit gross!) I think this goes a long way to decreasing the impact of the hormone storm brewing in me.

    I've also begun to see some long-lost definition in my arms and stomach!

    I've been a runner for about 5 years. It really bugged me that I never seemed to be able get out of the 5-7 lb gain/lose cycle than earlier posters mentioned....I think that running (or walking) alone won't cut it (for me)...these circuits seem to really get my furnace burning...Clothes are fitting better....Although decreases aren't showing up fast on the scale, I dfefinitely feel better!

    I aim for around 1200-1350 nett cals per day. Some days...heck, some weeks, I am way off...but long term persistence/consistency is the game...and I'm winning on that front.
  • bimpski
    bimpski Posts: 176 Member
    :smile: I increased my progesterone through food and it has helped curb my symptoms. If you try soy to increase your estrogen do a little research to find out how much soy you should be eating as there are some differing opinions on it's safety. You can also do a google search to find out if there are foods other than soy to increase your estrogen. Good luck!
  • Bikerchickmomma
    Bikerchickmomma Posts: 99 Member
    I have been eating one serving of soy products daily since I was 40. I am 57 now. I have not experienced any "real" hot flashes. I also exercise regularly and I truly believe between the exercise and soy I have kept the "flashing" at bay. I also find that if I don't indulge in too many processed carbs, I stay "cooler".

    My main source of soy is tofu, which I mix in yogurt or cottage cheese. It can be mixed into a lot of different foods as it really doesn't have much of a flavor of its own. Sometimes I'll have a serving of soy nuts, which are dried soybeans that look and taste a bit like little peanuts. They have fewer calories and less fat than peanuts too.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    Hi ladies
    I have been on a fitness journey now for about 12 months, working out six days a week cardio, and three days strength training, and this has not helped my hot flashes at all. My. Diet had improved tremendously and I am off processed sugars too. I have soy several times a day usually but at least once per day, and also started taking Oona recently but while things are a slight bit better not seeing dramatic changes yet. The Oona is a formulation of Black Chohash. I am now down close to 80 lbs as well and 11 percent body fat, so I think I am going all of the right things. This started for me in 2002 with night sweats off and on and has been much worse the last few years now. My last menses was in Feb so I am on the countdown again as I too stop and start up again usually after 7 or 8 months each time for the last 4 yrs! I have never heard of Amberen I might give it a try if another month on Oona appears to be a waste of time.
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    I was telling a friend about feeling queasy, lightheaded and putting it down to the start of menopause. She has brought me some YMEA. It contains Soya extract, Hops extract and bitter melon extract. Comes highly recommended although I have not tried it yet.

    Can any one give more advise?
  • workshy000
    workshy000 Posts: 90 Member
    Soy definitely helps reduce the hot flushes for me, as I've found out since I've stopped taking it.
    I was taking a cup of soy milk a night, as well as tofu, soy grits and soy sauce at least one night a week. However, due to my stupid memory I had forgotten since last winter that if I take too much soy for too long (nearly every night) I end up feeling like I've swallowed cement and been punched in the stomach for about a week. Very unpleasant. But since I've stopped having a cup of soy milk at night my hot flushes have gone through the roof.
  • deeschange
    deeschange Posts: 186 Member
    Same for me.A cup of soy milk made the hotflashes bearable, however it also brought about chest congestion....and digestive issues.... I had to give it up and well.....the hotlfashes are right back.....

  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I can't take estrogen either, so my doctor put me on Peroxetene, which helps calm the hot flashes quite a bit. I also cut back on alcohol - red wine really triggers the flashes. I went to a wedding this weekend and had "a few" glasses of white zin - I was a broiler all night long! I found chocolate can trigger the flashes, too. I've tried soy but find it sort of acts like estrogen, and maybe not in a good way. After my sister had a full hysterectomy, her doctor told her to avoid soy, so I'm not sure if it is the solution. Spicy foods can be a trigger, too. Though I love Mexican food and a nice Coronna Lite, my face turns bright red and I practically have to take my shirt off I get so hot. I keep fans nearby in my office and bedroom. No amount of winter can prevent a flash when it's coming! :mad:
  • godsown1961
    godsown1961 Posts: 6 Member
    Drinking Soymilk helped me along with Black Cohosh. It takes a while to kick in, for me soymilk was about one month and black cohosh after 2 bottles. I stopped and they restarted, so Im starting all over again. lol
  • GodzGirlStarria
    Hello, I'm new to the group.:smile:

    What is Amberen?
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I read that its progesterone that needs replacing not oestrogen. As progesterone levels drop we become oestrogen dominant so it seems odd that doctors then give us more oestrogen!

    I've started progesterone cream and the oestrogen dominance diet to see if I can just flatten my tummy. Soy also intereferes with thyroid function which can slow weight loss if happen to have already slow thyroid.
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    No, I keep saying I'm going to try sweet potatoes. I'm already on Lexapro for my depression which is also to help with hot flashes.
  • dynamicwon
    dynamicwon Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I think I will give that Remifemin a try until I decide if I should go on estrogen.