September check-in and chat thread



  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I wait about 90 seconds between sets but I also do the assistance exercises during that time, just impatient I guess.

    This week I worked out at a hotel while traveling on business and realized the bench height there was fine for me. My bench at home isn't adjustable but is definitely too high so I am going to search for a new one this week.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Here is where I am today.....still stuck at certain weights, still slogging onwards and upwards, becoming impatient as want to trim the fat a month's time or so, maybe sooner.

    Squat - 90 kg (198 lbs)
    Bench Press - 55 kg (121 lbs)
    Barbell Row - 70 kg (154 lbs)
    Overhead Press - 37.5 kg (82.5 lbs)
    Deadlift - 90 kg (198 lbs)

    Tried some isolation and dumbell exercises (at least 5 - 8 in each set) to see strength gains : 12.5 kg (27.5 lbs) in each hand bicep curl, 25 kg (55 lbs) one armed row, 52 kg (114.4 lbs) lateral pull downs...5 unassisted pull ups...getting stronger, leaner, but feeling a bit frumpy *kitten* at the mo...(tummy, leg, back and bum fat ugh!!!)

    Still 162 lbs at 5 foot 5.... I eat 2000 calories on average per day. Only eat potatoes, starchy veg and brown pasta and rice, etc on training days. Otherwise it is complex carbs (lotsa raw vegetables) and protein protein protein, try to get 162g of it per day down the gullet) Also eat fruit too most days.

    Great lifting!

    Hi, by the way. I am new to this group, been lifting for awhile but not stronglifts. Planning to start tomorrow, although I should really have been studying more, watching more videos, eep.

    My stats are similar to yours, which is why I noticed your post; I am 5'5" and hit my new low at 159.8, a couple weeks ago, but I fluctuate a lot. I've also just finished a break week so my weight is undoubtedly higher if I were to actually weigh myself tomorrow, which I won't.

    Anyways, hi everyone!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've drunk the Kool-Aid and started Stronglifts today! :smile:

    I've been lifting, but not following a program. I'm also lifting at home with no squat rack or spotter, so instead of regular squats, I'm doing front squats.

    Squat 45 pounds
    Bench 65 pounds
    Row 65 pounds

    Overhead press will be 45
    Deadlift I'm going to start at 75

    And if I can really progress as quickly as the program says, I better start saving up for more plates.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Finished week 1, I am enjoying it so far! I feel strong and pumped!

    I am also grateful to my husband for the stockpile of weights we have...I'm set for some time. And he may be feeling slightly sheepish that he is not really using them at all at the moment. Or for the past...years.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    I am finally back to SL again. Actually I restarted the begining of the month!

    Squats: 105lbs
    OHP 50lbs
    Bench 70lbs
    deadlift 105lbs
    row 70lbs

    I am only doing the program 2x/week since I am doing more running!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Here is where I am today.....still stuck at certain weights, still slogging onwards and upwards, becoming impatient as want to trim the fat a month's time or so, maybe sooner.

    Squat - 90 kg (198 lbs)
    Bench Press - 55 kg (121 lbs)
    Barbell Row - 70 kg (154 lbs)
    Overhead Press - 37.5 kg (82.5 lbs)
    Deadlift - 90 kg (198 lbs)

    Tried some isolation and dumbell exercises (at least 5 - 8 in each set) to see strength gains : 12.5 kg (27.5 lbs) in each hand bicep curl, 25 kg (55 lbs) one armed row, 52 kg (114.4 lbs) lateral pull downs...5 unassisted pull ups...getting stronger, leaner, but feeling a bit frumpy *kitten* at the mo...(tummy, leg, back and bum fat ugh!!!)

    Still 162 lbs at 5 foot 5.... I eat 2000 calories on average per day. Only eat potatoes, starchy veg and brown pasta and rice, etc on training days. Otherwise it is complex carbs (lotsa raw vegetables) and protein protein protein, try to get 162g of it per day down the gullet) Also eat fruit too most days.

    WOW!! Those are impressive numbers!!!!!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I haven't checked in in quite a while. I'm still splitting my workout into A & B like SL, but not really following the program exactly anymore. It's been 7 months so it was time for a change. I switched to 3x5 on the upper body, increasing 1 lb each workout, if I can. I still want all the benefits of squats at 5x5, but I'm not increasing those every workout anymore.

    Current stats:
    Squats 5x5 3x: 121 lbs
    Bench 3x5: 84 lbs
    Pendlay Rows 3x5: 79 lbs
    OHP 3x5: 68 lbs
    Deadlifts 1x5 3x: 137.5 lbs
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hi ladies. I'll be here in a couple weeks and can't wait. If I start Stage 7 of NROLW on Saturday, I'll be able to start SL on 10-15. I work out at home in the mornings before my day gets crazy with work and kids.
  • valeriesh
    Hey everybody,

    Wow, I'm really impressed with all the weight that's being lifted here! Well, yesterday I completed session 11 of SL. Almost 4 weeks completed! Here are my stats for the 5x5:

    Squats - 95 lb.
    Bench Press - 70 lb.
    Barbell Row - 90 lb.
    OHP - 65 lb.
    Deadlift - 135 lb.

    I'm still amazed that I can lift this amount of weight after just 11 sessions! My husband (who's doing it with me) says that I'm a beast! I haven't hit any plateus yet or de-loaded but it's definitely becomingmore challenging. The only think I don't like is seeing the scale creep up! Yes, the added muscles means added weight but I know my diet is to blame too. I'm trying to get the diet part right,but it's always difficult for me to find the balance between fueling the wrokouts and promoting fat burning. Too many carbs I'm sure! Next week, we're going to resume a much cleaner diet (a la Dr. Fuhrnan's Eat To Live - we did that for a month a while back and lost 30 pounds!) But I'm thinking that we'll need to modify a bit to allow for the strength training needs. I may end up going to a personal trainer after this to focus more on body sculpting and to get help with crafing the right eating plan.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I'm ending Sept at

    squat: 130 lb, 4/4/3
    bench: 77.5 lbs, 3x4
    Row: 80 lbs 3x4
  • Jaxster92708
    Jaxster92708 Posts: 130 Member
    Just started a little over a week ago, so have completed only 4 workouts.

    Squats: 60# 5x5 (still pretty easy, but working on form, form, form)
    Bench: 50# 5x5 (very manageable so far)
    Rows: 70# 5, 5, 4, 4, 4 (can tell this will be a slow-going one!)
    OHP: 40# 5x5 (had to start at 30#-so weak in my upper body!)
    Deadlifts: 105# 1x5 (starting to get challenging already...I used to be able to do 135# but it's been a LONG time!)

    Looking forward to progressing...I love all the posts here because they are very inspiring.