Suggested "Eats" while running

geeksrule Posts: 143 Member
Hi All!

Wondering if any of you have recommendations as what you like to take on your long runs. I've not found any real gel, gu or shots etc that I'm fond of yet but just can't keep running on empty. Some said cliff bars - but how do you eat and run???



  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I don't. I only use gels for races (and a couple test training runs). I believe in deprivation training. Get the body accustomed to using the fuel it already has stored. Then, come race day, when you introduce that shot of carbs it will actually mean something to the body.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I rarely eat anything while doing training runs but for race day I prefer a homemade Gel/Gu made with honey, blackstrap molasses and salt.
  • klwtrask
    klwtrask Posts: 20 Member
    OOOOHhhh...I'm going to try that! :-)
  • Culley34
    I only use Gu when I know I'll be running over 120 minutes.

    In terms of foods that I found helpful: Swedish Fish, Fig Newtons, and Gummy Bears.
  • dmgbrown
    dmgbrown Posts: 14 Member
    don like Gu or powerstuff like that either. I eat almonds, granola bars or pretzels and I usually eat them during my walk brake.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    this is something that has started to interest as I'm getting into longer and longer distances, and am feeling the pain of lack of fuel on them (though I too believe in deprivation training). Usually the thought of consuming anything but water or rehydration salts turns my stomach though. Anything sweet, almost any time (even on a rest day) I can't get down - fruit is about what I can manage, and have wondered about carrying bananas . Anybody run with bananas? Seems to me it could get messy/mushy.
  • amandahume44
    I am training for my 1st marathon coming up in October and I have been fueling while running with Fig Newtons. I wrap two in a piece of foil togther and put several of those in my belt - usually have them every hour to hour and 15 minutes. Works great for me as the gu's, gels, etc... are not easy on my stomach. Someone else I talked to also suggested mini Twix bars.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    My husband is a long-distance runner and I tried to get him to let me make a gel of honey, molasses, and lite salt. He was not impressed with the taste and sticks with the premade gels. But he stomachs the premades just fine. He also ran with gatorade in his camelback and ate a candybar prior. He has a stomach of steel! Oh AND he carb-loaded the night before with spaghetti and texas toast! I don't know how he does it, but I'm wondering if all those carbs/fat will bother him the next time?

    A little history - he did an 18 mile run and didn't really have all that sugar. He was worn out at the end and almost called me to pick him up at one point.

    Next run two weeks later he loaded up on the simple carbs and did a 21 mile run. When he got home he said he could have gone further. But I wonder if all that sugar will go down differently the next time, or if he runs further?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Before I started making my own (honey, molasses & a pinch of salt) I used Clif shots (the raspberry tastes like something you'd have for dessert)
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    Brian, I kind of feel like if he'd take the honey and molasses route, it's a bit more natural. But who am I to judge HIM, when I'm overweight and he's in great shape?!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Brian, I kind of feel like if he'd take the honey and molasses route, it's a bit more natural. But who am I to judge HIM, when I'm overweight and he's in great shape?!

    Personally I started making my own because I'm cheap!:laugh: (and I was getting tired of seeing gel packets littering the running paths - I guess they're too heavy for some runners to carry to the next trash can /rant) It's a fraction of the cost of commercial products but most of them are good quality based on natural ingredients.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    Well OK, yes that has something to do with it, I hate to spend $3 a run when I could make the same thing for him for probably 50cents. OK so the runner GETS the gel pack to the point that he consumes it. How does he GET it there? My hubs has a little pouch that he carries his. When he's finished, he rolls the spent packaging into the same pouch.
  • draculaspointer
    draculaspointer Posts: 106 Member
    I had been using "sport beans" or shot blocks. But they dont sit well in my tummy. I had been doing deprivation type training for a month or so before I thought of something else. Those weeks were fine, but my time had slipped off pace towards the end. So a few weeks ago I tried some dried fruit. First run (12 miles) I took dried cranberries and dried cherries. I only ate about 5 cranberries and 2 cherries at the half way point, and only because my fiance had to stop for a potty break and I was bored, but it seemed to keep me fueled fine. I even picked up my pace the last 3 miles. Of course, it could have been psychological. Last week I had the same thing and it worked fine too. So I am going to try to add dried pineapple and raisins (Im getting bored of cherries) to the cranberries.

    Pre-run, I have 2 graham crackers with peanut butter, banana slices, and dried cranberries on top. Total about 400 calories for breakfast with a small variety of food. It stays down fine and helps me get to the end.

    And I tried the dried fruit partly because the gels made me sick, but also partly because we had them in the house. I get the walmart brand of them, at about 1.80 per bag (each bag is about 10 run packets), I cant complain with the price! Im cheap too lol.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    I prefer to think of it as being frugal LOL the less I spend on edibles, the more I can spend on a good quality running shirt for winter! :wink:
    I still use a couple or three Powerbar gels on my long weekend runs. I have tried eating raisens and such but I know from biking that I just am not coordinated enough to walk/jor/run and actually chew and swallow without choking on whatever I'm eating. I can barely drink from a cup while walking. Anything shorter than 90 minuutes, I just make sure I eat well beforehand and deal with it.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    Yep hubs can do 10 miles in about an hour and 20 minutes and does just fine. But anything over that and he, at the very least, needs water.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    Spark before my run, Rehydrate while running.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I eat Bloks. I like the taste and could eat them as candy. The watermelon sports beans are good too but the bloks are easier for me to eat and pack on long runs.

    I can tolerate Gu but prefer the Bloks.

    For my marathon I plan on eating 1 Gu, 4-6 bloks and gatorade.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Well OK, yes that has something to do with it, I hate to spend $3 a run when I could make the same thing for him for probably 50cents. OK so the runner GETS the gel pack to the point that he consumes it. How does he GET it there? My hubs has a little pouch that he carries his. When he's finished, he rolls the spent packaging into the same pouch.

    If you're making your own there are gel flasks available that attach to your belt (you should be able to find them at most running / sports stores). Some of the commercial gel manufacturers also make bulk packages but they're still a lot ore $$ than home made.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    What did people do before the little belts for holding things... Fanny packs? Was deprivation the main training/racing regimen? I'm talking old school training. Fancy new bells and whistles are great, but humans have successfully run long distances longer than we've had disposable pouches of space goo.
  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    I keep it simple. I suck on Bracks' candies. Usually one lasts me between 2-4 miles. It also keeps me preoccupied while I run. Plus, they are inexpensive. I've tried gu while running marathons (I've done 5). They did nothing for me. But they were being passed out during the marathon so I took one.

    Best advice, however, is to develop good eating habits and know how much you can eat prior to your race. You don't want to race on an empty stomach. You need your energy. I know I can eat a good breakfast of pancakes, eggs and coffee and go out and do my distance run one hour later and not feel any discomfort. But that's me. I wouldn't recommend it to someone who doesn't know their tolerances. I have gone and run four miles on an empty stomach and by mile three was totally spent.