Gotta love the Emulators

joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
Finding new life in old friends.

Final Fantasy VI on my Android Phone has been awesome states even more "save points" :D:D


  • Middangeard
    Middangeard Posts: 47 Member
    The emulators on the iPhone are very poor quality... you have choice of great sound and poor frame rates (making games unplayable), or great frame rates and horrible sound.

    I got a Canoo to be my dedicated mobile emulator -- but as soon as there's something like that has a better screen, I'm getting that!

    For Final Fantasy, though -- I'm set with my Vita having Final Fantasy I-IX! (Minus III & V -- That'll change soon enough.)
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    For Christmas a couple of years ago, my BIL made my husband a jump drive full of old games for his laptop, complete with a game pad. It was awesome. I got to play Thrilla's Surfari again. :laugh:
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    I only use emulators for Arcade games like MAME and Callus. All my calssic RPGs are in GBA, DS and Wii format.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    I would have thought the iPhone would have good emulators.
  • Middangeard
    Middangeard Posts: 47 Member
    I would have thought the iPhone would have good emulators.

    Well, my experience has only been in the NES emulators... and it's been a while since I've tried it (emulators were the only reason I jailbroke my iPhone), so maybe they've improved?
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    The android ones run at full speed, PSX, GBA, NES, Genesis's a good time killer
  • Middangeard
    Middangeard Posts: 47 Member
    That's good! The Ouya probably will be my first Android device... I'm planning on emulating there!