Weekly Challenge Sun 09/31-Sat 10/06

kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
Let's do a personal weekly challenge. Challenge yourself to a meet a goal you would like. Post it here and follow up on your challenge.

My personal challenge is to walk 10 miles this week. I hope to do 5 days of 2 miles a day. Doesn't sound like much but I am lazy! haha


  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    Hmm, my goals...
    I'll have to think about that and come back. I don't have any really short term goals right now.
  • KayeArlana
    KayeArlana Posts: 42 Member
    If you had asked me yesterday what my goal for this week would be it would have been totally different. But this morning I woke up ravenous to realize it was that TOM. This is the hardest time of the month for me when I'm mostly to stray off my plan and eat anything not nailed down. So for this week my personal challenge will be:

    1.) To do my exercise tape (it's the one mile Walk Away The Pounds) at least 3 times
    2.) To pack and carry acceptable snacks with me everywhere I go avoid falling into a PMS induced binge or fast food run.
  • GypsysBloodRose26
    GypsysBloodRose26 Posts: 341 Member
    I hope to do 300 minutes of exercise (60 minutes 5 days). This is my goal, but I tore something in my knee a month ago and while it doesn't hurt, I never know when it will decide to be a cranky pants.
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    If you had asked me yesterday what my goal for this week would be it would have been totally different. But this morning I woke up ravenous to realize it was that TOM. This is the hardest time of the month for me when I'm mostly to stray off my plan and eat anything not nailed down. So for this week my personal challenge will be:

    1.) To do my exercise tape (it's the one mile Walk Away The Pounds) at least 3 times
    2.) To pack and carry acceptable snacks with me everywhere I go avoid falling into a PMS induced binge or fast food run.

    I totally understand, today is the last day for mine (thank goodness) - this past week wasn't pretty for me. ! lol
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    I hope to do 300 minutes of exercise (60 minutes 5 days). This is my goal, but I tore something in my knee a month ago and while it doesn't hurt, I never know when it will decide to be a cranky pants.

    Wow, that's a great goal!! I have my macro set for 30 min, 3 days a week but that's my absolute minimum!! I had a knee injury earlier this year so don't push it!! It's better to do 1/2 of that and keep going than to push and re injure it! Good luck!
  • REenvy
    REenvy Posts: 8
    New to the group, but my goal is to get outside with my toddler and walk at least 3 times this week. Not sure how far, but some, baby steps.
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    my goals this week:
    1) 240 minutes of exercise (I do JUST DANCE on the wii or a Richard SImmons dvd)
    2) stay under 1500 calories every single day.
    3) walk at least twice in the evening
    4) stay positive!!
    5) make sure I get fruits and veggies every day (oh, if I could have one wish, it would be to make fruits and veggies as appealing to me as chips and cheese!)

    I too have a bad knee----I have to make my exercises very low impact, and avoid sudden side turns.
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    I think my goals will be....

    1: 240 minutes or more of exercise last week I did 220, so it's do-able.
    2. Jog for 5 minutes straight. Might not sound like much but with my lung disorder and just-healed knee sprain, its a lot.
    3. Resist the Wendy's craving!!
    4: Don't go over my calories. Usually don't have a problem, but last week I did.
    5: Spend 2+ hours outside with the kids every day.
  • Jane61849
    Jane61849 Posts: 30 Member
    I want to be in too! I want to walk 4 days this week. Monday, I walked on the treadmill, so 3 more days to go.

    I think I'm going to sign up for one of these 3 day Challenge Walks, to support Multple Sclerosis. I have to get off my duff and start training! The walk is March 1-3, so it's kinda, sorta do-able in this time frame.

  • Mom3x2000
    Just joined the group -- so my goals for the rest of this week are:
    1) walk at least 2 of the 4 remaining days
    2) use hand weights 2 of the 4 remaining days
    3) stay between 1200-1500 calories each day
    4) 1 type of exercise at least once each day
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    An update for me - I have walked 3 miles of the 10 in my goal. Today is Thursday (still Wed night for me at work) and I am off so I really want to get some walking in today. I plan to do a 2 mile walk when I wake up and another walk with hubby in the evening. I have to work this coming weekend so I am going to push to do 3 miles tomorrow and friday to make my goal. Monday was just hard for me coming off a 16 hour shift so I didn't get any exercise and lost 2 miles that day. I am so lazy! haha
  • eys81
    eys81 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm new to the group too. I would like to commit to doing my 15mins of yoga each day and drinking 8 glasses of water until Sat.
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome Eys81 and Mom3x!!

    Update, I did the full 3 miles today of "Walk away the pounds" - I was sooo tempted to just give up at the end of 2 miles but I pushed through and midway through that last mile, when she went to the 60 seconds of jogging (the boost as she calls it) omg, I wanted to die but I actually enjoyed it and made it through the whole 60 seconds!! lol Mind you I am 295 lbs jogging in place, haha.

    But 3 miles down today!!! And I still have my neighborhood walk tonight with hubby!! :)
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    my goals this week:
    1) 240 minutes of exercise (I do JUST DANCE on the wii or a Richard SImmons dvd)
    2) stay under 1500 calories every single day.
    3) walk at least twice in the evening
    4) stay positive!!
    5) make sure I get fruits and veggies every day (oh, if I could have one wish, it would be to make fruits and veggies as appealing to me as chips and cheese!)

    I too have a bad knee----I have to make my exercises very low impact, and avoid sudden side turns.

    1) 175 down!
    2) Pretty close to 1500 a day---I think I was over by 50 or so once
    3) walked once. maybe tonight will get the other one in :-)
    4) so far, so good on being positive
    5) also have fruits and veggies every day----I have fruit for lunch, and v-8 . its not much, but its a start!
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    Well I didn't make my goal today of 10 miles today but I got 8 miles. I was hoping to do my last 2 miles today but after 5 miles yesterday, I was wore out. My roommate is home on weekends and hogs the tv in the living room which is where I do my walk away the lbs dvd, but maybe she will go somewhere long enough tomorrow so I can get it in before coming to work!! If not, 8 miles it is!!!! It's still better than I have done before!
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    I think my goals will be....

    1: 240 minutes or more of exercise last week I did 220, so it's do-able.
    2. Jog for 5 minutes straight. Might not sound like much but with my lung disorder and just-healed knee sprain, its a lot.
    3. Resist the Wendy's craving!!
    4: Don't go over my calories. Usually don't have a problem, but last week I did.
    5: Spend 2+ hours outside with the kids every day.

    1: At 227 minutes right now and leaving in a few hours to go on a walk with my stepmom and my kids, so... done
    2: Not done, got to 4 minutes and started seeing black spots in my vision, I did jog for 10 minutes total in a workout though.
    3: Resisted! Yay!
    4: Haven't gone over, and I won't today, so... done!
    5: Done, once we go outside today :)
  • eys81
    eys81 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm new to the group too. I would like to commit to doing my 15mins of yoga each day and drinking 8 glasses of water until Sat.

    WTG! Ladies!! Keep up the good work!

    I have been drinking my water each day, which is huge because I can go days and days without drinking any water - just soda and tea.

    I did yoga this morning. Not the 3x that I was hoping but I'll take it!! I'm glad we had this challenge to push me otherwise I wouldn't have even tried this morning. :tongue:
  • KayeArlana
    KayeArlana Posts: 42 Member
    So my goals were to do my exercise tape and pack snacks to take with me. I would say I was kind of successful. I did pack and take all my snacks but didn't do my DVD. But all is not lost I did make an effort to get in some extra walking, like taking the stairs and walking around the mall. Hopefully this week will be better.
  • sheilanowell
    sheilanowell Posts: 15 Member
    I am new here, but was wondering if the weekly goals thing was a regular post or not? I think it would really help me out! This post was for last week. I think if I were to start this week, my goals would be simple: stay within calorie range (2160 according to MFP) and to do a WATP video, STTO video, or go swimming at the gym every day. I'm a stay at home mom, so this is very feasible, but I always have better things to do around the house than to exercise. :(