Advice please!!!

So I have a question, and would appreciate any advice that any of you have! I've been reading a lot of the debates on MFP about how many calories people should be eating each day. It seems like there are two camps: the 1200 calorie camp and the camp that bases calories on a person's TDEE and BMR. It's left me really confused about how to figure out my own calories.

MFP has assigned me 1200 calories, and I think that works given my reduced metabolism. But of course, I would love to be able to eat more—but I'm scared to adjust because I'm afraid it will cause me to gain weight. So I'm wondering—when you factor in hypothyroidism and a slower metabolism—which method of calculating your daily calories works best for you?

A little background on me, in case this helps: I'm 32, and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's/hypothyroidism 5 years ago. I'm currently taking 125mcg of Synthroid.


  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Hi Beelikethebug,

    If you read through you will find some real good suggestions. This sight will give you so much information. Go to other sights here and read what interests you. Everyone with Hypothyroid is different and what works for one may not work for another. lmelangley has some very good information.

    Good luck and hang in there. :love: You have to try different ways of eating and do what works for you and is healthy. You won't lose a lot of weight at once and keep it off. This takes time and if you stick with it you will see a difference in how you feel and look.:drinker:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Hi new friend ;)

    I was like you and did 1200. I was on 1200 for about three months and lost 13 lbs before I plateaued for an entire month (granted, I had started weight training, etc., so loss of weight was not as accurate... but my inches didn't reflect a major change, either).

    I upped my calories, even though like you, I thought my reduced metabolism should keep me at 1200 forever. I haven't weight or measured in a month, since I exercise/lift so frequently I'm always worried about water retention.

    Well... my clothes don't fit.

    They're too loose.

    People around me are suddenly going, "Wow, you look skinny" or "have you lost weight?"

    Ultimately, I recommend adding strength training into your lifestyle, because it stabilizes hormones and you CAN eat more, regardless of thyroid, to build muscle: that's just how it works. 1200 is very low, I now realize, and though I think it's a benefit to people with thyroid (like you, I always feel I'm not sure what to take away from main forums since thyroid is so tricky!) at the get go, but I don't think anyone needs to stay on it long term.

    FYI: MFP sets EVERYONE at 1200 if they put they prefer to lose 2lbs a week and are female; men get 1400. If you're trying to lose less than 100 lbs, 2 lb a week loss is generally not sustainable/consistently likely. It's a flaw of MFP's :P
  • beelikethebug
    beelikethebug Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for the help! :-)
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    If you are losing 1/2-1 pound a week with hypothyroidism you are doing AWESOME! When you plateau, just change it up - add more protein less carbs.

    For those of us with slow metabolism, I think it's as much what we eat as it is how much we eat. If we eat 1200 calories of empty carbs - I mean the white, processed food with starch and sugar - like tortillas, rice, pasta, bread, bagels, etc... then chances are we will not lose weight. Our body cannot handle processed foods.

    Your best bet is to eat as much whole, fresh, organic food as possible. your body needs nutrients and minerals more than calories.

    Over the past year, I moved up from 1200 calories to 1450 calories and I usually eat back my exercise calories. I have not gained or lost weight since I moved up -- but I do exercise just about every day.

    Each person is different, but just do your best to be HEALTHY and make good choices about what you eat - your body will thank you for it.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    When I was trying to limit myself to 1200 calories, I became weak and irritable.

    I follow the intuitive eating method where I try to pay closer attention to how I feel. I think in general, I eat more like 1500 calories a day, but I honestly haven't logged in months.

    I'm still losing weight. It's slow, but it's working. I try to stay as active as I have energy for.
  • lucy2021
    I started at the recommended 1200 calories too, but after talking to a personal trainer and doing some experimenting on my own, here is what I'm finding...I can still lose weight on more calorie. I have my ticker at 1800 and most days i do not eat that much, I eat around 1500. I HAVE to cut out processed food!. NO MORE! I feel awful after eating processed meats or breads. If I stick with whole foods and whole grains I do pretty good. For me excercise is hard to get in but I know I feel 100% better when I can at least get a walk in.
    Thyroidism is so different for each person some of it is trial and error but you can't go wrong eating natural foods and getting exercise. As far as extra calories go try upping by 100 calories and then make every calorie a good calorie. Like what was mentioned earlier in the thread calories are not created equal.
    Just being on MFP means you are heading in the right direction. If you have questions it's great to get information here but make sure you are talking with your doctor if you are unsure of some of the information. Be blessed