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  • inspirationalmom32
    inspirationalmom32 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I htought that I would try to give you a little positive encouragement...I was having those fears also but you can do it.It takes alot of disiplin but its not impossible.Everyone neens at least 2000 caloies a day to maintain thier weight,3500 to gain a pound of fat and to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week you need to decrease your calories by 500.If you are more active than normal you need to put more calories in your body because you need fuel to burn.You need to try to eat more protein and less carbs.Eating certain things like processed foods and sweets have empty calories and they make you crave more and eat more because it lets off a chemical in your brain called cortisal that makes you think you need to eat when you don't.Its ok to have a treat once in a while but don't make it into a habit.You can eat more to weigh less but you have to do it the right way.I have lost 55 pounds in the last 5 months doing that but in the right way and in the right combinations.I went from 256 now to 201.I have 81 more pounds to go but I'm gettin there everyday.I have learned alot of things in my journey and I would love to share them with you.If you need a helping hand than I'm your girl.Don't get discouraged and just know that you can do this...