Welcome and Introductions



  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi ladies,
    My name is Yvette and I've been doing Paleo/Primal for almost 10 months now, losing 40 lbs within the first 3-4 months. I'm currently working on body fat composition, as I'm in the healthy weight/BMI range. I've done the Whole30 a few times but the longest I've ever gone is 16 full days. I always falter and give in to dairy somehow. I'm so glad to read all of your introductions and to read that others have thyroid issues. I, too, have thyroid problems, specifically Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, and so eating Paleo is a lifelong thing for me. Dairy is a huge problem for my acne and will now be rightfully avoided.

    Just recently I have come across the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol, which includes the regular Paleo/Whole30 foods but excludes some important items that need to be considered including nightshade vegetables, eggs, NSAIDS, guar gum, nuts and seeds (and seed spices), dairy including clarified butter/ghee, and limited amounts of fruit. This will be my next Whole30 challenge, as it's even stricter than Whole30 but a very important experiment to pinpoint my occasional joint pain.

  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    Hi All,

    My name is Stef and I've been generally following Paleo guidelines for a couple months now. I've only really been trying to get more serious/strict about it since August though. My first attempt at the Whole30 was in August, but I only made it 15 days or so (I also hadnt read the book at that point so I was sort of just winging it). Even though I only made it halfway, I still noticed some great benefits from eating this way and was determined to give it another shot.

    I started my second Whole30 on September 9th (I'm on Day 20 today) and have been much better at sticking with it this time around (my husband is actually doing it with me this time too which makes it a bit easier). I'm not sure I'm going to redo the entire Whole30 through the month of October, but I love the way I feel after eating this way for so long that I'm thinking of just extending it for as long as I can. Hope I can still hang around for the motivation and support! :flowerforyou:
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Natasha, and I am a working mom of two young boys. We just recently moved this summer, and I had a really horrible few months of eating as a result - selling our house, packing, moving, getting settled...not an excuse, but I'm so ready to get back on track! I read the book and have been wanting to start, but I have been a little nervous about it, and don't know anyone that will do this with me in RL, so I'm hoping this group will help me stay motivated!

    I always feel really good when I am off grains and dairy, so hopefully after the first couple of weeks I will lose this never-ending tired/lazy-ness that I have been feeling as a result of my not so good food choices of late.
  • lindzmt22
    Hey all! My name is Lindsey. I've been doing Paleo since the beginning of June this year. I have had great results and feel great. I have been wanting to try the Whole 30 ever since I heard about it but have now finally grown the balls to. (LOL) What scares me the most is the no alcohol, haha...but I can't wait to do this and prove to myself that I have the willpower to be strict. I want to break my food addictions (mainly sweets) and just do a whole body kind of cleanse. I have trouble with 'cheating' and it will be really good for me to not cheat at all even for a month. Getting excited for this! Feel free to add me for support! You guys are all awesome! :D
  • healthylife4kb
    I hope you all have a great start to the challenge tomorrow. I;m looking forward to the next 30 days of lifestyle change and sharing the journey.
  • sad0608
    sad0608 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, joined MFP today and in searching for groups came across this. I had started paleo in August was looking for more motivation. I am a mom to two boys, full of energy, and want to be able to have the energy to spend with them. I just downloaded the It Starts with Food and will be reading it. I'm excited and scared at the same time. Thank you for the group
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    hi everyone I'm Erica. A friend of mine introduced me to the paleo lifestyle a couple months ago. She looked awesome and she knows I've been "dieting" forever so of course I was interested. I started reading every web site I could to better understand what it was and why people were doing it and decided to give it a shot. Last Monday I started and was great until I cheated last night and then again this morning. I really want to see how I feel after 30 days of eating clean and am looking forward to having a group to share this with.
  • CWatermelon
    CWatermelon Posts: 146 Member
    Hi! My name is Rae and I am an elementary assistant principal, a PhD student in my last year, and getting married for the first time November 24th of this year! I am 45 years old. I successfully did 55 days of Whole30 starting July 22nd and only stopped my streak because of my best friend's wedding. I got sick after minimally eating the restricted foods so I went right back to Whole30 and have been doing it for a couple of weeks successfully until I took two bites of cake when I had the tasting with my wedding cake designer this past Thursday. Prior to Whole30 I had given up grains, legumes, alcohol, and then gave up dairy for Whole30. I am thrilled to be joining this journey with such strong women :) I lost 21 pounds and 12 inches in my first Whole30 and have lost more since then. I have tons of energy and exercise almost everyday and have no urge to cheat/splurge. My moods are better, I have donated three whole sizes of clothes and am fitting into clothes that I wore five years ago. I always said that once I finish my PhD I will focus on me, but woke up 105 days ago and had the sudden realization that when I finished my PhD I want to travel and conquer my bucket list with my new husband and I needed to make it happen sooner rather than later. I have my fitting for my wedding dress on October 30 so it is perfect to continue Whole30 for the month of October. This month I am going to seriously restrict my sugar intake with fruit as even natural sugars have a negative effect. I have finally found what works for me :) We so can do this!
  • rusty1257
    rusty1257 Posts: 30 Member
    I did my Whole 30 in August, but I'd like to join this group. I hope I can help with some hints and perspective. I'm past most cravings and have pretty good energy and sleep. I've lost 10 lbs and have plenty more to lose, but I've enjoyed my food without being truely hungry. The only things I've let back in since finishing my 30 are butter(occasionally) and cream (just a bit in coffee).

    I do have a few obstacles this month, but I'll try to make it through them without going off plan too far. I have a trip to Great Wolf Lodge with my 7 year old. I'm planning to bring some food, but will also have to do my best at restaurants as well. I also have a rare date-night with my husband. Other than that, I think the month should be pretty routine.
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    Hey guys. My name is Stephanie. I'm 24 and just recently graduated from grad school. Right now I'm just working part time so I figured why not finally get in the best shape of my life! I am a huge pure barre fan and have also been running to prepare for my first 5k. I have extra motivation b/c my boyfriend is in basic for the air force right now so I wanna look super hot when he gets done in November. Even with exercise and eating semi healthy I haven't been able to get rid of my extra belly fat so I'm diving in and giving this a try. Do plan on eating small amounts of dairy and limiting myself to one beer with my college football.
  • Karen_ZH
    Karen_ZH Posts: 80 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Karen. I've been using MFP since February and have managed to lose 23 pounds since then (30 since last December). I am 48, married (we will celebrate our 26th this month!) with three grown sons. I also have two dogs, three cats and at any given time a foster puppy. I work mainly from home and I also teach computer classes for seniors.

    I just got the "It Starts With Food" book 3 days ago and had planned to start Whole30 on October 8. I hope it's okay to join the group a week early!

    I had done very well with my eating well and exercising until last month. Life came along in the form of a couple of foster puppies moving in and out, one son moving out, three funerals and a big increase in my work projects (I work from home). Somehow, crap food made its way back into the house...okay, it was from my hubby and youngest son. I found myself indulging in sugary snacks again.

    My plan was to start today by eliminating the white stuff: sugar, foods with sugar, anything with white flour, potatoes, etc. By the end of the week I should be ready to go entirely on the Whole30 plan -maybe before.

    One of my big hangups with the plan is dairy - I love milk and cheese and I do like having protein shakes for breakfast and/or lunch (my favorite is Optimum Nutrition brand). So how do you get past giving that up? That will be one of my biggest challenges!

  • singoldsby
    singoldsby Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, my name is Sarah and I would love to join your group. I am a working Mom of a 2.5 year old and I have been working towards eating cleaning over the last couple months. I have cut out pretty much all processed foods, flour, and sugar, but I know I am still making some bad decisions and I would love to participate in this (especially need help to avoid all the Halloween candy everywhere).

    There are a couple things that I will be doing that are not Whole 30 compliant (i.e. the very occassional butter or cheese in a recipe), but I want to commit 100% to 30 days of heathy and primal eating.

    Thank you!
  • 33runnergirl
    33runnergirl Posts: 80 Member
    Hello! My name is Sharon. I did the 21 Day Sugar Detox last March and loved it (after the carb/sugar cravings subsided). I've been maybe 75-80% paleo since then but I need to get back on track. Looking forward to feeling great and dropping some lbs in the process. :-)
  • alpepp
    alpepp Posts: 55 Member
    Howdy! My name is Alyssa and I am from College Station, Texas. I am embarking on the Whole30 with my long-term boyfriend John (8+ years) and my neighbors. As a group, we were all pretty unhealthy - a lot of crap food and way too much alcohol. Yesterday morning, I woke up and decided to do the Whole30, which was recommended by an acquaintance of mine. I printed off the information and got my neighbors and boyfriend on board. We cleaned out our pantries and fridges and restocked with Whole30 approved foods. I have been eating semi-Paleo on and off for the last year or so but a recent diagnosis of insulin resistance have forced my hand. We are also doing the C25K with the goal of a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving in November. I am using MFP to primarily track my macronutrients (that insulin resistance link and balance between carbs and protein). Feel free to add me!