Day 1/ let's log completed workouts here!



  • Advaya
    Advaya Posts: 226 Member
    I finished L1D3. I'm struggling with the repetition but telling myself one more week and then it switches.
  • soniabogonia
    soniabogonia Posts: 778 Member
    The only negative draw back to the workout was that my left knee started to bug me on the second and third strength exercises. I hope it doesn't get worse and keep me from continuing. If anyone has any advice, I would gladly take it!

    Ice your knees for 10minutes after your workouts. It helps a lot.
  • lrobson555
    lrobson555 Posts: 97 Member
    L1D1 done yesterday! Woop! Paying for it today though :(
  • oligracemom
    oligracemom Posts: 12 Member
    I am on Day 3 today as I took yesterday off to teach my Spin class. My calves are SORE!!!
  • chapelprincess
    chapelprincess Posts: 24 Member
    L1D1 done last night! So glad to find this group today! My legs are a bit sore today!
  • Nillia2
    Nillia2 Posts: 36 Member
    L1D1 DONE!...this morning, crashed so hard last night watching Castle lol. Hitting the gym this evening! It feels sooo good to exercise!! :) now im late for class lol
  • fitnessprincessy69
    fitnessprincessy69 Posts: 38 Member
    Did day 1 yesterday; I survived.. barely! I didn't use any weights because I couldn't find them in the basement.. but I decided not to use that as an excuse! LOL

    I still moved my arms to get the upper cardio, and I have to say the rest of my body is aching!! It even hurts to sit today! LOL

    I have found my weights and I am looking forward to completing day 2. I love that there are others in this voyage with me.

    SW (September 1): 152
    CW: 149
    GW: 130

    Waist: 31 inches
    Hips: 41 inches
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    L1D1 done this morning as I totally forgot yesterday was the first and did my "usual" at the gym.
    Today was good. I used 8lb weights and it was all good until those darn side lunges and lifts.... Unfortunately, I think I'm in a little better shape than I thought and may need to up the wieghts for the chest presses and other areas though. Whole I can't do a "proper" push up to save my life, I also don't feel any burn or soreness. That could change come tomorrow morning but for now I am going to have to step it up and get a burn going on. I am hoping that just changing my routine will help lose more weight though.

    Good Luck all! I might do day 2 tonight to catch up and see if I can get a burn going, accept I only have 3lb weights at home :( I could still use those though.... better than nothing! :D
  • Katrina_88
    Katrina_88 Posts: 164 Member
    Day 2 complete!! I wasn't feeling satisfied with just the 30ds so I finished it off with a 40 minute jillian Last Chance Workout... pheww that was a awesome burn!
  • Susantuti
    Susantuti Posts: 168 Member
    L1D2 Complete
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member
    L1D7 done! WooHoo! :tongue:
  • 30ds day 6 completed. It's getting easier finally. I feel great.
  • anieves815
    anieves815 Posts: 26 Member
    The only negative draw back to the workout was that my left knee started to bug me on the second and third strength exercises. I hope it doesn't get worse and keep me from continuing. If anyone has any advice, I would gladly take it!

    Ice your knees for 10minutes after your workouts. It helps a lot.

    Thank you! I'll try it tomorrow after my workout
  • L1D2 done! I've been doing it when I wake up and get the little one settled in. My energy levels were low today, I think I might eat a small healthy breakfast before working out for more energy! Although I'm glad how much I'm kicking butt. Still did every workout through, all the pushups, reps, and all in high intensity!
  • sarahcsmaller
    sarahcsmaller Posts: 68 Member
    Finally got day 1 done :) needed my rest day dadly yesterday. So motivated to see my results at the end of the month!!! Felt sick all day but so much better after i sweat it out...

    Looking forward to day 2
  • Varibaby
    Varibaby Posts: 22 Member
    L1d2 done! Man I'm gonna be so sore tmr but will be doing d3 first thing in the morning! Hopefully I can get off the bed lkl!
    Good nite everyone!
  • L1D3 DONE! So guys today I am VERY proud of myself! I've been giving it maximum intensity since I've started, and today I added in HIIT 20 from the TurboFire workouts! I've done the 120 day TurboFire before, so I have the set. I think for now on I am going to add 2 HIIT workouts, and one Fire, which is more of a regular advanced cardio class on top of my daily 30DS! Intense but I'm loving it. I feel so good right now even though it kicked my butt Idefinitely dont suggest doubling unless you were already working out regularly. Tough beans!
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    Today should be L1D4 but i missed yesterday as the night before i was up most the night with my youngest who was being sick. Ill make it up somewhere, hopefully at the weekend.

    Today's workout done, feels great!
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    Level1 Day 4 complete...i am loving the workouts but not too fond of Jillian. Tomorrow I am turning off the sound and using my own music with the workout....
  • Varibaby
    Varibaby Posts: 22 Member
    L1d4 complete! Loving how it's getting easier every day!:)