***DAY ONE*****



  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    Day 1 for me today done 6.30am What was I thinking !!! I tried it before but only got to day 6 or 7. Now on a mission to complete all 30 days.
    How does anyone record the calories burnt?

    I am 5ft 2 "
    cw 202lb
    already lost 36lbs

    This is my second time to do 30DS. The first time my starting weight was 168 and I usually averaged 215 calories. I'm lighter now, but still only burned 200 calories on D1L1. I do wear a Polar HRM, so I feel it is an accurate reading.
  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    Yeah DAY 1.. it was not great.. I didn't completely finish the 20 min..i thought I was going die... seriously I have no endurance just yet..:cry::sad:
  • I log it as a 20 minute circuit. It comes up as just under 200 Cals I believe. :)
  • superraachel
    superraachel Posts: 106 Member
    Started one day late (at least Oct has 31 days)... Completed L1 D1! May have overestimated my "muscles." 5 lb weights seemed heavy but ok at first, but by the 2nd circuit I thought my arms might fall off and I had to put them down. I'll have to dig out the 3 pounders for tomorrow.
  • Day one was yeterday for me and Ive been so sore today! Really struggled to get down onto the floor in the nursery i work with and the kids were looking at me funny!
  • Did my Day one yesterday...arms hurt this morning when i woke up so im guessing something is working :D
  • mitzhogue
    mitzhogue Posts: 132 Member
    took yesterday (day one) off.. mondays are lousy. kicking butt today though, no matter what.
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    One hour of zumba and D2L1 finished. Burned 695 calories tonight. I better dig out the peanut butter in order to get all my calories in for today. :smile:
  • AradiaStone
    AradiaStone Posts: 132 Member
    Day One finished!!! late in the evening but better than never :) Hoping to get up early in the morrow to do Day two before the kiddies get out of bed :)
  • kfash
    kfash Posts: 10 Member
    Confession - I missed Day One. I am on medication for a pinched nerve in my shoulder and had a sleepless night.

    But I will not miss Day Two!

  • Day 1 done.

    Ah, foolish me. I looked at spots on the workout on YouTube and thought it didn't look too bad. Ha! I had to stop twice! But I did hold it to the five second rule. Holy cow! That was NOT easy!

    But I did it!
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    I did day one on the first. I skipped up to today. I will try day two. I have been really super sore all over my body.
    I have done 30 day shred before about 6 months ago, and I also did Ripped in 30 after the 30 day shred.
    Then I was very sick and diagnosed with Reumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Osteoarthritis in my spine. So my summer was very slow.
    I am on meds now, and have some pain free days here and there. So I may not catch up to you guys on days, but I will try my best.
    It feels very strange to me to have done this before and strengthened my body....I still did get through day one with no resting, and I did the pushups which I couldn't do my first time, I had to do them against a wall. So I still have some strength, but my body is just not working with me, and I feel like I am starting all over. I had only gained back 4 pounds and I only have 2 more to go before I am at my last check in weight. So I am trying.