We make ALL decision for 2 reasons only, what are they?

Every decision you make is based on 2 things only.

Avoiding Pain or seeking Pleasure.

Let me have you thoughts.

Healthy Regards

Roland Chandler (Personal Trainer)

Keeping you thinking and talking


  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Every decision you make is based on 2 things only.

    Avoiding Pain or seeking Pleasure.

    Glad for the provacative thought process, Roland -

    Procrastination is Avoiding Pain...and Impulsiveness is seeking pleasure or Avoidance...lol
    I do this...and trying to go beyond Avoiding Pain to get things done...like my fitness and health. In the past, I sought pleasure in all the foods that caused my mild heart attack in '09. I went on a Sugar Free Challenge at the end of 2011,...joined MFP...and have lost 8 solid pounds. I was only 120 (already lost 5 lbs when I joined MFP)...but weight wasn't the issue...it was my clogging arteries...which led to a blod clot, and a BIG warning that if I did not change my ways...I would get into bigger trouble. My doctor says I was an "anomoly" Yup..Star Trek...but today, I am 112.2...GW: 110. I seek pleasure now in the my Health Victories...and I still procrastinate...but LESS than ever...cause the key to me is being MINDFUL!! We can say TOMORROW I will start...but as the old saying goes...Tomorrow wiil never come. JDI (Just Do It)...has always been a fave saying of mine...and FINALLY...with two beautiful grandchildren to run after...I *am* doing it!! Enjoying Life to the Fullest...getting my Health and Fitness to my FITTEST since my 20's and 30's. No more SKINNY FAT...Defined, Strong, and Focused is the name of my game now!!! It takes HARD WORK...but gettin' er done!! No more avoiding Pain (well not too much) :drinker: :laugh:
  • bodhi9
    bodhi9 Posts: 2
    AMEN!!! Only wish I had figured this out when I was a teenager, it would have made a profound difference in my life. One thing that strikes me about this statement is the fact that we think we are invisible to all of those around us. Our choices are plain to see from a stranger's view while we think we are so very clever. Thanks for putting this out there! :smile:
  • What I find more fascinating is that

    We try to avoid pain and rely on the emotion of fear to help us with our choices to avoid pain.
    We try to acquire pleasure and rely on the emotion of desire to help us make the correct choice to acquire pleasure.

    The problem is that neither fear nor desire are reality and are emotions and subject to massive distortion, especially if those emotions have been cultivated in a distorted childhood environment.

    Healthy Regards

    Roland Chandler (Personal Trainer)

    Lets keep talking! :happy: