


  • Raynne
    Raynne Posts: 2
    Hi my name is Raynne. I am an eclectic Wiccan and have been practicing for 21 years. My goal is to loose 50 pounds.
  • Hey there! I'm new to MFP, thought it might be a good idea to pop into some groups where I could develop a support base and what better than one filled with people who share the same beliefs as me! I'm a 21 year old solitary practitioner from Ontario, I've been practicing for 8 years. I was trained by my first priestess in Alexandrian but I've since branched out and I'm more Georgian than anything. I mostly work with the Greek pantheon but depending on who I'm connecting with for whatever I'm working on I will touch on other pantheons.

    Over the last year I've lost around 60lbs through weight watchers and moderate activity but then in February of this year I fell in love, while I was on an exchange to England, and fell out of love with my diet/exercise regime and so I've gained about 10lbs. But that was the wake up call I needed to get myself back into gear and since my WW subscription has expired I thought I might as well save money for the new wardrobe I'll need and join a free site like this.

    So hoping to make some new friends, add me and I'll add you back! I'd love to have as much online support as I can get.

    Merry meet!
  • Merry Meet-

    I'm a child of the earth, a daughter of the moon :) My best friends are animals and trees. Greetings to all of you. I'm happy to be able to reach out to other members in such multi-faceted ways. I can talk to other paegans, other writers, other lovers of literature, people who enjoy tea :), feminists, environmentalists... and we get to come together as a support group for people making the decision to treat themselves to the health and life they deserve. I'm new here myself and could use more friends. Get at me.

    And Merry Meet Again!
  • Sarahwillow
    Sarahwillow Posts: 56 Member
    Merry Meet!!! I finally found you all on MFP, I was really beginning to wonder :)
    I am an eclectic pagan, I love the Celtic traditions. I am a kitchen witch all the way! I love being in the kitchen either baking or cooking...needless to say, I like to eat as well.
    When I restarted MFP in July of 2012, I was 255, the heaviest I have ever been and realized at almost 41 years old that I need to change what I eat, and that I need to exercise. Not just want to be healthier, not eat okay some meals and surely STOP eating to fulfill whatever emotion I was dealing with at the time.
    I am now 30 pounds lighter with about 60 more to go.
  • Sachiel_777
    Sachiel_777 Posts: 12 Member
    Sadwyrn Emrys here (even though the account says Sachiel_777)

    I'm a Druid with an Iberian pantheon, and member of my local grove. It's good to find a group like this for support. Any pagan reading this is free to add me as a friend here.

    Salud !!!
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Eileen here.... Merry Meet! After 60 years I finally discovered the name for my belief system.... Naturalistic Pantheist... but rather than try to explain that to people I just say I'm Pagan. I don't believe in deities literally... I like to think of it as symbolic names for natural things, and if calling that gods and goddesses works for some people that is more than fine with me. I celebrate the seasons.... Yule is coming up fast! I revere the earth and the universe and all things in nature. Give me a breathtaking sunset... that is better than any cathedral to me!

    I am a full time fine artist, as is my husband. We live within earshot of the ocean with our little dogs and the occasional mostly grown child of one or the other of us paying extended visits. We are most blessed.

    I am working on staying fit. My weight was pretty high at one point and I lost it all and kept it off for 5 years, only to have 17 pounds creep back on. This was causing some health issues that had been in good control to resurface. I knew I had to get back with the program and so far I've lost 13 of the 17 pounds. I'm having a hip replacement (unrelated to my weight) in 6 weeks and I need to be the best ME I can be physically to insure a good recovery. Plus, I want to look as hot as a crone can look!
  • Merry Meet, my name is Thalia Raynne and I am a solitary practitioner in a small town Iowa. I have been on my path now for several years and have been on my weight loss journey for even longer. My path is leans more towards the Celtic and Norse pantheons. But otherwise I am pretty eclectic on everything else. Its always hard to find a group that has the has beliefs as mine. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone.

    Thalia Raynne
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Thalia, Blessed Yule and Merry Meet! And a Blessed Solstice to everyone!
  • richmondcowgirl
    richmondcowgirl Posts: 137 Member
    Hi Im RCG. I was a solitary practitioner for about 5years then non practitioner for about 10years due to an unsupportive relationship. I have recently refound myself thru the freedom and love encourAaronaged by my soulmate. Im still coming back to reality after an amazing Yule Bonfire.
  • Hello I am Cheryl a 49 year old Pagan, Mother and Grandmother. I am at 180 right now and want to get to 120. I am 5 foot tall so that is not an unrealistic goal. I am hoping to lose around a pound a week. My path is mostly Green Witch Craft with some Wiccan thrown in. I look forward to getting to know everyone and losing weight with you all.
    Bright Blessings
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member
    Welcome Cheryl.

    StarMouse is a cute name.
  • Merry Meet! My name is Maggie i am a stay at home mommy of 2 beautiful daughters a 2 year old and a almost 3 month old :) i have been practicing paganism for...ever...haha! Looking for support so please send some friend requests my way! I have a long ways to go i want to loose over 100lbs but i know i can do it!
  • Merry Meet. My name is Annette, I am a solitary Witch. I think of myself as Pagan. Just rejoined MyFitnessPal, I joined some time ago then discovered most of my friends are on SparkPeople, but I much prefer this site. My interests include jewellery making, cooking, gardening, and I run a small Healing Circle group on FB.

    I want to lose about 12lbs of weight, just to feel a little more sprightly and so I fit into my clothes a bit better. Nice to meet you all.

  • HI, I'm Ellie. I call myself an eclectic Neo-Pagan (which pretty much means I take bits and pieces of all non-Abrahamic religions and mush them together ) :) Been on my fitness pal since the beginning of this month. (new years resolutions and all :P). I live in Wisconsin so working out outside isn't really an option atm and gym memberships are super expensive. Going to school for nursing and work in a factory (for now). I'm excited to get to know you all and good luck on your journeys! Oh and I am Maggie's twin (honest to goodness lol).
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member
    no way! magickal twins?

    That's so neat.
  • no way! magickal twins?

    That's so neat.
    Maggie introduced our family to Paganism, it is pretty cool :)
  • Adrini
    Adrini Posts: 56 Member
    So glad to find you guys.

    Kate, I'm down just over 5 pounds but I also just started. I'm a recon pagan, matriarchal based. Glad to find a place to talk freely. Both my family and my husbands family are heavily catholic so I don't often get the chance.
  • sagreenious
    sagreenious Posts: 64 Member
    Hi I'm a solitary pagan, mostly practising by celebrating the sabbats, appreciating the outside world and praying when I feel I need to or desire to.

    Just joined MFP last week as a work colleague recommended it - I am trying to find ways to maintain my weight under 10 stone by understanding the calorie.carb content of what I eat. An unexpected benefit has been my discovery that being vegetarian my diet is somewhat lacking in iron... so for that reason alone I'm glad I joined MFP!

    Brightest blessings to all :)
  • Hello and greetings. I'm glad to find this group here. I joined MFP about 40 days ago and just starting to get the hang of this site. A coworker recommended it and it has helped me to watch what I eat and to really try harder to exercise and eat healther.

    Does anyone have any good earthy, healthy receipes that they would like to share?

    I look forward to getting to you you and send brightess blessings to you all on your path to health and happiness.
  • Marsha...And how was DCD??? Was it like the new album? One song by Brendan, one by Lisa, or did they do songs together?? Good luck on your goal!!