I'm new-- trying progesterone for the freaking WEIGHT gain

I guess I'm lucky since I don't have hot flashes or insomnia, or headaches, or anger flareups or any of the usual peri-menopausal symptoms. I am 52 (53 in a few days) and my periods were like clockwork up until about a year and a half ago. Now they are more random but I still usually get one every month-- though it usually lasts for two weeks.

I never considered HRT because I feel fine and I'm still having cycles. But then I read about how estrogen dominance (often caused by low progesterone) can pack the pounds on us perimenopausal women. I also noted that progesterone is what causes the bleeding to stop each month, so maybe low progesterone is causing my periods to take so long to end. I have had a devil of a time trying to keep my weight under control these last few years. I have always eaten well, and not excessively. I watch the carbs. I've exercised (including weights) since I was in my early 20's. So those things are not my problem.

I ordered some progesterone cream to see if that does any good. I hope so!! I don't know what else I can do, except stop eating. :grumble:


  • SuzieQ430
    SuzieQ430 Posts: 44 Member
    Let me know how the progesterone cream works for you. I am struggling big time with sugar cravings and weight gain. I also have to deal with insomnia, anger flareups and lots more. The weight gain is my biggest concern because I feel so out of control with this.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member

    I'm trying this too and bought a book called "belly fat to belly flat" by a Dr Randolph and it also details a diet and what foods to avoid and which foods help.
  • GoJo65
    GoJo65 Posts: 52 Member
    same here..I was on both E&P & still gained weight so came off...
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I use progesterone cream religiously. It made such a huge difference in my that sometimes when we leave to go out of town DH will ask if I brought it along. I was struggling with a lot of the symptoms of estrogen dominance. I am on HRT, so cut my dose of that in half and began using progesterone creme. I cannot say it has made any difference win my weight
  • Hi

    I'm trying this too and bought a book called "belly fat to belly flat" by a Dr Randolph and it also details a diet and what foods to avoid and which foods help.

    Did the diet in the book help?
    How about the progesterone?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Have you seen your dctor about the long bleed cycles? It could be something other than hormonal, you really should get that checked.
  • Have you seen your dctor about the long bleed cycles? It could be something other than hormonal, you really should get that checked.

    Yeah, last checkup I was told everything looked normal and it was likely just a menopause thing--- It's not heavy bleeding. I have a few days of "normal" bleeding then a week or more of very light flow.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If you find it helps a little, but not enough, find a doc or naturopath who's willing to prescribe it. Compounded. It's stronger, more consistent and in a better "suspension" or whatever the word is.

    I've been using it (prescription) for about a year, and was using OTC before that.
  • I have never used the progesterone cream, but I use a progesterone shot and I have noticed that it at least helps me maintain my weight rather than gaining excessively. I have also noticed that I have more energy and my body feels better now that I have been on it for a while.
  • dynad
    dynad Posts: 85 Member
    Ah is that why I feel like I'm fighting a loosing battle? I flew through menophase used I cool for the flashes (which help me) and now I can't seem to stay away from the desert table!!! I glad I'm not a lone
  • sherdenise
    sherdenise Posts: 11 Member
    I just started a bioidentical oral progesterone and vivelle.dot estrogen patch for my hot flashes and weight gain. I've been on them a little over a week, and it seems as though the hot flashes are somewhat less intense, maybe a bit less frequent, but still continue. It's too early to have a verdict on the weight...but I haven't gained during the last week so I guess that is something!:wink:
  • So I've been on the progesterone cream for about a week now. I haven't experienced any weight loss or extra energy.
    The only thing I have experienced from it is a slight nausea now and then. I read up on this--- it's like morning sickness (Oh joy!)-- when you're pregnant your body has a lot of progesterone and you're nauseous until you adjust to it.

    So at least the nausea helps control my appetite. And it definitely makes me feel like avoiding alcohol, which is my pet vice.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    So I've been on the progesterone cream for about a week now. I haven't experienced any weight loss or extra energy.
    The only thing I have experienced from it is a slight nausea now and then. I read up on this--- it's like morning sickness (Oh joy!)-- when you're pregnant your body has a lot of progesterone and you're nauseous until you adjust to it.

    So at least the nausea helps control my appetite. And it definitely makes me feel like avoiding alcohol, which is my pet vice.
    oh that's interesting. one of the reasons I started BACK on progesterone was because I got morning sickness when I actually did ovulate. It was happening every 3-4 months. I haven't had it in a year now. (I've been on compounded progesterone for exactly a year and a week).
    It's NOT fun.
    Hope it passes for you quickly!
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    If you find it helps a little, but not enough, find a doc or naturopath who's willing to prescribe it. Compounded. It's stronger, more consistent and in a better "suspension" or whatever the word is.

    I've been using it (prescription) for about a year, and was using OTC before that.

    I use a compounded version prescribed by my doctor as well. Tried OTC and it didn't do the trick. Then tried a compounded pill form, but it was only a little helpful for sleep, my major concern. I've been sleeping at least half an hour, often an hour more each night since I started the compounded cream.

    Can't speak to weight loss as I didn't start the cream until I had lost most of the weight. It's certainly not causing me to gain, however.
  • workshy000
    workshy000 Posts: 90 Member
    I have to say I am a convert so far. I have plenty of information telling me that Bio-identicals are unproven and akin to snake oil but even if it is placebo effect I have had much more energy; night sweats and hot flushes have diminished and I have lost a little weight (1 kg) despite not exercising due to injury (or reducing my calorie intake during my down time! Previously I was jogging at least 5k a day for 4 days and lifting light weights a few times a week and although my clothes are much looser I hadn't lost any weight and still have a bulging belly!)

    I've been using an over the counter cream*. I may step up to a prescribed version if I feel it necessary down the track. I really didn't expect any change and only tried it out of desperation to do something/anything to try to alleviate my menopausal malaise.
    I haven't had any side-effects as yet but I've stopped taking it for 7 days to see if my period kicks in which was already due when I started using the cream.
    It's only been 12 days of using the cream so although I am happy with the result so far I won't put any stock in the effects until more time has passed. Fingers Crossed!!

    *Source Naturals Progesterone Cream
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have to say I am a convert so far. I have plenty of information telling me that Bio-identicals are unproven and akin to snake oil but even if it is placebo effect I have had much more energy; night sweats and hot flushes have diminished and I have lost a little weight (1 kg) despite not exercising due to injury (or reducing my calorie intake during my down time! Previously I was jogging at least 5k a day for 4 days and lifting light weights a few times a week and although my clothes are much looser I hadn't lost any weight and still have a bulging belly!)

    I've been using an over the counter cream*. I may step up to a prescribed version if I feel it necessary down the track. I really didn't expect any change and only tried it out of desperation to do something/anything to try to alleviate my menopausal malaise.
    I haven't had any side-effects as yet but I've stopped taking it for 7 days to see if my period kicks in which was already due when I started using the cream.
    It's only been 12 days of using the cream so although I am happy with the result so far I won't put any stock in the effects until more time has passed. Fingers Crossed!!

    *Source Naturals Progesterone Cream
    When I first started taking the store bought stuff my period RESET. LITERALLY. The timing of my cycle was completely changed. I was stunned. If that's a placebo effect well, okay! At least twice in my early 40s (I'm not proud of this lol) I tweaked my dates to avoid things like: a period on my honeymoon. Placebo? I doubt it! But if it is, it's damned powerful.
    I'm now a year into the compounded stuff and menopause symptoms have greatly improved. :happy:
  • workshy000
    workshy000 Posts: 90 Member
    I wish I had continued for the full cycle instead of mucking about it with - already, after 4 days, the 'symptoms' are coming back. And the thing with the reports on these studies that are usually available to the public is they are vague. We are meant to swallow what they say without knowing the parameters of their studies (and even when they do I don't often understand beyond the basics)
    This article came out yesterday: http://www.theage.com.au/national/hrt-may-reduce-heart-problems-20121010-27def.html
    I think it is a good example of vague and conflicting advice.

    One thing I read about compounds that made sense was that there are a lot of negatives (in terms of efficacy) due to the product not being as described - either wrong quantities or substitutes. Either way if it works for me I'll be happy!
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    bump for later
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I wish I had continued for the full cycle instead of mucking about it with - already, after 4 days, the 'symptoms' are coming back. And the thing with the reports on these studies that are usually available to the public is they are vague. We are meant to swallow what they say without knowing the parameters of their studies (and even when they do I don't often understand beyond the basics)
    This article came out yesterday: http://www.theage.com.au/national/hrt-may-reduce-heart-problems-20121010-27def.html
    I think it is a good example of vague and conflicting advice.

    One thing I read about compounds that made sense was that there are a lot of negatives (in terms of efficacy) due to the product not being as described - either wrong quantities or substitutes. Either way if it works for me I'll be happy!
    Boy. First they said HRT was good. Then HRT was bad, now HRT is good.... arggggg
  • workshy000
    workshy000 Posts: 90 Member
    Essactly! :) another thing - Mammograms. I've been looking into this for quite a while due to my Dr telling me to get one because of early Menopause. According to her I should get checked out but I have read that mammograms hurt like hell (imagine how much more that would hurt if you have cysts or sore breasts for some other reason!) that sounds like I'm being a sissy but also, the trauma to the tissue from being squeezed is suspected of causing some breast cancers to initiate. And if you have tender breasts there is a likelihood that you have denser tissue than normal which is notorious for throwing up false positives. But hanging over my head is the spectre that if I don't go and have it done I may be courting disaster.

    That sounds little strident but is just a reflection of my frustration. Still, there is good news on the horizon so I guess I'll wait:

    "Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, have studied a new gamma camera for breast imaging. This device can detect small cancers in dense breast tissue and therefore may be better suited than mammography in screening and evaluating high-risk women."

    You can read the transcript here if you're interested: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/healthreport/breast-imaging-technology/4187954#transcript