Monday and tuesday

Monday - my first day out :

Was happy to wake up to another pound weight loss even though i had a Bloody Mary Sunday evening. Breakfact of oat bran and frappuccino - then on the road, where I had to fight the car from turning into Whataburger for the usual breakfact taquito. Finally did succumb to Chick Fila for a grilled chicken sandwich without the bun and everything else. Oh but lunch.. Longhorn steakhouse, where i refused the bread, had steak, grilled vegs, and small salad. It was heaven.. then dinner was the soup on youtube witht he chopped chicken, chicken broth, onions, and FF sour cream. It seemed a lil salty.


Morning: 1 and a half pound gained. Was it the salty soup or after effects from the bloody mary? Oh well. Stayed on course all day and went to a birthday dinner this evening. No one noticed I didn't eat bread. We split dinner entree (steak and shrimp) with vegs, and neither of us wanted baked potato, opting for salad. Very easy to turn down the key lime pie. Still. I feel full,a nd that was two days of cruising. Back to attack tomorrow. A little worried about the weekend. PF Changs. if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears.


  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    At PF Changs I generally eat about a half order of the lettuce wraps. I also think your Tuesday was water retention and it will come off.

    I drink more water daily then I ever have. It helps.

    PS. Congrats on not going on auto pilot for the breakfast taquito. I missed breakfast tacos at first, but learned to just have scrambled eggs with salsa. And for skipping the bun on your grilled chicken at a fast food place. I still can't bring myself to eat bread, potatoes, rice or pasta. That's not what dukan preaches for stabilization, but I just can't.
  • blondepsychobrat
    blondepsychobrat Posts: 55 Member
    This has happened to me too with certain "cheats", salt will make me retain water quickly or if there is anything high-carb. Don't let it freak you out though, it's usually water and will literally get shed. :-)
  • blondepsychobrat
    blondepsychobrat Posts: 55 Member
    here is a very explanatory link on water weight vs fat loss etc: