any other nurses?

Just wondering if there are any other night shift nurses out there? I am in a kind of unique nursing position. I work alone in an ambulatory setting and respond only to emergencies. It can be very boring and of course I turned to food and packed on the lbs over years and now am struggling back to lose and refocus with proper habits.:smile:


  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    Hello! Fellow night shift worker here. I work 11p-7a, in a long term/rehab facility.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    i work 11p-7a in labor and delivery/postpartum. totally hear ya about the food thing-i notice i tend to grab something to chow on when i get sleepy-boooooo!
  • milllake
    Hey girls nice to hear there are other nurses out there. We tend to sometimes be loners and food sometimes becomes an all to comforting companion when I'm tired and bored or just need a boost to get me through the wee hours of the night. Just tallied up my food diary and it was not a good day for me. I went way over the calories and and carbs and can't seem to get the fibre and proteins in that I need. Then there is the exercise issue. I have many demons. On a good note, I did weigh myself today when I got up and I did not gain anything so that is good. Does anyone else feel like I do? I'm 49, peri menopausal with a BMI of 29. I'd like to lose 30lbs but I don't know if I really have the will power to leave those carbs behind. I just have no will power when I want a butter tart or pecan tart. Of course they come in a package of 6 and I must eat at least 2-3 then feel guilty and the cycle of shame, guilt and self sabotage begins over and over. I'm educated. I know better. When I'm thin I know I'm a knockout but I feel its safer to be pleasantly plump and avoid attention.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Hi all, I work on a trauma surgery unit.
    6 nights in 2 weeks time from 8pm to 6.15 am.

    Funny enough my eating habbits are better when I am doing the nights work then when I have late or early shift.
  • JFray0427
    Just wondering if there are any other night shift nurses out there? I am in a kind of unique nursing position. I work alone in an ambulatory setting and respond only to emergencies. It can be very boring and of course I turned to food and packed on the lbs over years and now am struggling back to lose and refocus with proper habits.:smile:

    Boo to having to work alone! :)) I am an ER nurse and usually work by myself the last 4 hrs of my shift in triage which is why I turn to the message boards and crystal light energy!
    I love coffee, but I only love it if it is so sweet it could cause diabetes so I try to avoid it. lolol The key to night shift is self-control and planning meals ahead of time. It took me a looonnggg time to develop the discipline to plan and pack my meals.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • mukluk2
    I am an RN in a group home of 7 residents. There are two other staff that are similar to CNA's. I also have quite a bit of down time, and it is easy to eat too much. I have to pay very close attention to the sound monitors from the rooms (seizures, breathing difficulties, etc..) , so I can't hang out and watch TV in the living room with the other staff. Chewing gum and tic tacs are my friend. Although I love knitting, at least I used to, I can't seem to get myself to do it, even though I have the perfect opportunity to get in 3hrs of work a night.
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    I'm an LPN in a long term care facility. Twelve hour nights. 40-50 residents per floor, and from 11-7 it's usually just me and 2 CNAs (on a normal night). Sometimes I only have one aide for part of the shift, and sometimes I have to take half of a second floor. And despite what people seem to think, the residents do NOT sleep all night. In fact, they seem to sleep more during the day than they do at night :-P.
  • nuffexercise2012
    I'm an LPN in a long term care facility. Twelve hour nights. 40-50 residents per floor, and from 11-7 it's usually just me and 2 CNAs (on a normal night). Sometimes I only have one aide for part of the shift, and sometimes I have to take half of a second floor. And despite what people seem to think, the residents do NOT sleep all night. In fact, they seem to sleep more during the day than they do at night :-P.

    Especially on the dementia floor, feel and know your pain
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    Oddly enough, I find the dementia unit to be the most "fun", as it were. More people up wandering, and you never know what to expect ;-). They keep me on my toes more. It's the residents who are alert on the other floors who seem to get to us the most!
  • dream_big
    dream_big Posts: 75 Member
    I'm an LPN in a long term care facility, work mostly nights from 11-7. 7 days on 7 days off which is nice but night shift sure screws up your system!!
  • nannanorem
    nannanorem Posts: 98 Member
    I'm an LPN in a long term care facility. Twelve hour nights. 40-50 residents per floor, and from 11-7 it's usually just me and 2 CNAs (on a normal night). Sometimes I only have one aide for part of the shift, and sometimes I have to take half of a second floor. And despite what people seem to think, the residents do NOT sleep all night. In fact, they seem to sleep more during the day than they do at night :-P.

    Oh I can definable relate! I also work in LTC 3 12hr shifts a week. 7p-7a and work with 2 CNA's from 10pm on. I too have a hard time with my eating at night. I try to bring low cal foods with me to work and half the time I don't get my supper until after midnight, so yes it has been a struggle especially now that the weather is getting cooler and I don't get in as much walking as I did. And your right, they don't sleep at night and when I have a day nurse that says "oh we had a good day, no troubles with so an so, I just want to scream and tell them they "try working my shift!" "They don't sleep!"
  • KelleyRob
    KelleyRob Posts: 97 Member
    I work 7p-7a in labor/delivery and postpartum. sometimes the night gets really long, but other nights fly by. would love to be friends with any night shift nurses.
  • KaseyWolf
    KaseyWolf Posts: 122 Member
    Hi there, I'm a night shift nurse (1900-0730) and work on a cardiac/clinical decision unit. Good to see other nurses out there. I have often tried to contact some of the "experts" with help regarding diet, activity, etc giving out unique lifestyle. Most plans are designed for the 9-5'rs who sleep nights and don't work weekends. Definitely not us.

    I got serious a year ago and have finally made some progress. Always looking for new folks to help motivate and keep me motivated.

    Good luck to you all as we all work on becoming healthier folks (and practice some what we often preach!)
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    This is a new facebook page for night shift workers.
  • Msdjt75
    Msdjt75 Posts: 24
    Hi I am new to the group, am an RN 36 hour nights 745p-815a, I float around in an acute care hospital. I did this per diem for years and back in April I became full time. before I became full time I lost about 13 lbs going to gym and using this website. Once I became full time I had a hard time adjusting to my schedule and stopped going to gym and gradually reverted to my old dietary habits. I am not new to weight loss in fact back in 2003 I lost 50 lbs and I maintained good eating habits for years, I divorced 6 years ago and managed to somehow gain 20-25 any event, on the nights that we work how does one use the tracker. I find that meals eaten are more so ovr a 24 hour period versus a 10-15 hour day because I only get in 6-7 hours sleep on days that I work but am awake for the rest of it....what do you guys do? I also found this book called the new abs diet and want to try it because I like what I read.....not sure if any of you guys have ever heard of it??
  • TardisMom
    TardisMom Posts: 35 Member
    Just got my first full-time nursing job doing the 11-7 @ a ltc/rehab facility. Nervous to do my first night shift job but whatever gets my foot in the door.
  • Nursestyle
    Nursestyle Posts: 26 Member
    Hi I am new to the group, am an RN 36 hour nights 745p-815a, I float around in an acute care hospital. I did this per diem for years and back in April I became full time. before I became full time I lost about 13 lbs going to gym and using this website. Once I became full time I had a hard time adjusting to my schedule and stopped going to gym and gradually reverted to my old dietary habits. I am not new to weight loss in fact back in 2003 I lost 50 lbs and I maintained good eating habits for years, I divorced 6 years ago and managed to somehow gain 20-25 any event, on the nights that we work how does one use the tracker. I find that meals eaten are more so ovr a 24 hour period versus a 10-15 hour day because I only get in 6-7 hours sleep on days that I work but am awake for the rest of it....what do you guys do? I also found this book called the new abs diet and want to try it because I like what I read.....not sure if any of you guys have ever heard of it??

    Hi, Welcome back.
    I am returning poster myself, I really like MFP, it keeps me motivated but I must be consistant, I get bored very easily I have been pretty good about posting since I returned. As far as my tracking goes, I work straight 8 hr /Midnights 2400-0800 so whether I am home or work...When I eat....I track, sometimes it appears that I haven't made enough calories for the day, but that's because of short period between getting off work and my sleep period.

    Yes I have seen the ABS Diet, it seems pretty straight forward if you need a guide to follow. I don't do diets anymore, I generally only use them for meal ideas, since I have a book shelf full of every diet know to man..Lol....Currently I am just monitoring my calories and follow Dr.Oz Recommendation of 80/20 ---Eat healthy most of the time, without depriving myself. This is working best for me right now, and although I still have my Pepsi several times a week and some unhealthy choices as well. I am still losing so this works for me. I am learning discipline in some areas..."A work in Progress" For example I eat light at work, and have begun exercising. No matter how bad my eating habits are I track it, if lets say I eat fast food, I make sure I eat better for the remainder of the day. No guilt here, I just enjoy and keep it moving. I also have a huge DVD collection of every workout program, infomercial types made. So I have no excuse, I like working out at home; it's very convenient and when I feel the need to get out, I will go to the gym or take a live Zumba class.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Night shift LVN here. I work med/surg - tele. Feel free to add me. I like having nurse friends. We get it. LOL!!
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    This is a new facebook page for night shift workers.

    We are a roudy bunch on this page, but we sure do have fun.
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    Sent out a request! I'm always looking for other nurses to talk to as well - we definitely do get it! ;-). Trying to tell my husband or family and friends about certain things, and I always get odd looks. Sigh ;-)