***Day Five***

Day five ladies! Just finished it. Again, seeing some improvement in my endurance. I was able to do 9 modified pushups the first round and 5 the second round. Still can't do a single real pushup though. Today was going to be my last day for the week, but I decided to go ahead and do it Saturday too. Sunday's will be my break day from the Shred. I will still walk though. I am actually starting to enjoy the Shred and look forward to it. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Happy Friday!


  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    Nice work. I wish I could get up and exercise but I am not ready to yet, lol.
  • lolaluv4
    lolaluv4 Posts: 36 Member
    I love doing the work out in the am! it makes my attitude so much better through out the day! yesterday I slept through my alarm and did the shred after work before cheer practice. the whole day at work i kept having to tell me self you have to do it today, you have to do it today where as if I do it in the morning I dont have to think about it at all, just get up and do it!
  • mrichardson1
    Day #5 done. its becomeing easier and i look forward to doing in the AM :smile:
  • n6435
    n6435 Posts: 17
    I decided to do my workout in the morning today and Im glad I did, I have so much energy now! And no soreness when I got out of bed. Yesterday I stretched for a little longer than normal afterwards, maybe that helped. Happy shredding!!
  • LoseSyra
    LoseSyra Posts: 75 Member
    Did Day 4 last night, finished at 10pm, did Day 5 this morning, finished at 7am and I upped my weights to 4lbs. So, I am happy I am back on track, although my arms feel weighted down today. My eating has been lousy this week, stressful, busy week with my son's bday in the middle (yummy rice krispie bombs and cupcakes).

    I am going to try to do real pushups (not on my knees) this weekend. I have been working on Level 1, for most of the summer, and really want my knees to be healthy and to have the arm strength and core fitness so I can get through Level 2 for the first time.

    We are well on our way to being shredded!
  • kfash
    kfash Posts: 10 Member
    Skipped the workout last night - I was so sore at work that I could not focus properly on what I was doing. I am going to try alternating this workout with walks or other exercise.

    On the plus side, I purchased new hand weights last night in 3 lb and 5 lb.!

  • MariahHubert
    MariahHubert Posts: 103 Member
    Day Five!! I only had to rest once this time! Such a great improvement. We're halfway through round one, aren't y'all excited?!?!

    I did my C25k running today and thought I might not make it but I pushed on and made it! It felt so good :)
  • jogo8995
    jogo8995 Posts: 75 Member
    Okay,I put today's smiley face on the calendar. I felt like I gave it my all today. My arms and legs feel so shaky still, but it is getting easier!
  • goofy1975
    Going to do day-5 tonight when the kids are sleeping. Did level 1 and 2 yesterday, feel great. Are you guys doing the challenge 7 days a week or do you take a day off? thanks and way to go to everyone :-)
  • mysweetsurrender
    mysweetsurrender Posts: 57 Member
    Day five done! :laugh: Keep up the great work everyone.
  • MariahHubert
    MariahHubert Posts: 103 Member
    Okay,I put today's smiley face on the calendar. I felt like I gave it my all today. My arms and legs feel so shaky still, but it is getting easier!
    It feels so nice being able to do that doesn't it? I think if we miss a workout we should put a big ole frowny face on it. Haha
  • womanwithamission
    womanwithamission Posts: 67 Member
    Five done! We are away for the weekend, I packed my DVD, exercise clothes and weights! I've never done that before. I'm so proud of myself. In the past the kids have been my focus, everyone having a good time. But I knew if I didn't bring my stuff I would be mad at myself. Nothing is stopping me! Now off to have adventures with my dad and kids.
  • kaybrose730
    kaybrose730 Posts: 143 Member
    Finished D5L1 this morning before work. I feel a difference in my core I think. Still can't keep up with the lateral raises though :( those are hard for me.
    Not sure if anyone else feels this way but i'm bored with level 1 already, not that I don't feel like some things are hard but I need something different! Just curious if i was the only one..
    Should i move on to level 2? decisions decisions.. :)
  • kgprncss01
    kgprncss01 Posts: 40 Member
    Day 5!!!!!! So proud of myself today! Really didn't want to do the workout today....but i did, and it was awesome! Felt so strong, kept up, think i may up my weights tomorrow! I also did Jillian's standing ab workout afterwards....it was a killer! Day 6 bring it on baby!!!!!
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    Loved it today. Finding my endurance is far better and i am FULL of energy. strange thing is it seem to have dipped my appetite and im just not feeling hungry?
  • apachebat
    apachebat Posts: 119 Member
    Day 5 went pretty well, but my arms were pretty tired. My 3 year old daughter joined me a couple of times using sidewalk chalk as weights. She was rapidly lifting her "weights" and looked up at me to say, "Are we sweaty yet, Mama? Are we sweaty?" It was pretty darn adorable and yes, I was sweaty!
  • amber_arend
    Loved it today. Finding my endurance is far better and i am FULL of energy. strange thing is it seem to have dipped my appetite and im just not feeling hungry?

    I am the opposite. I feel constantly hungry since I began working out. I am trying to keep my cals to 1200, but between the shred and my other exercise, it's just not enough.
  • melliebelly77
    Ive been pretty hungry too as I am doing my walking everyday with the Shred. My cals were 1200 but I am now averaging about 1400, and I burn between 800-1000 cals a day in exercise.
  • jessjphillips
    jessjphillips Posts: 72 Member
    Yay, day five down! So good to hear everyone's progress. I'm also a morning exerciser - such a good start to the day. I was happy with day 5 because I did the first minute of 'anterior raises with a side lunge' without stopping which is a first for me. The second set wasn't as good but I definitely feel like I'm improving :) Keep it up everyone!!
  • stephaniec78
    stephaniec78 Posts: 76 Member
    Day 5 complete. I didn't think I was going to be able to do it today as I spent another day at the hospital with my niece but she was discharged for the weekend and I got home around 5:30. I knew I would be mad at myself if I didn't go ahead and get it done. I did increase my weights for this workout and was able to do it, so I was very happy about that. The jumping jacks were easier today also. I still need to try to do regular push-ups but that is the only modification I'm doing now.

    I was going to take one or two days off this weekend, but with my niece having surgery next week I'm not sure if I'm going to have to miss days then so I am going to go ahead and continue over the weekend.

    Just 25 more days.