10/5 day 12 thread Friday's bonus challenge within challenge

Day 12.... 65 squat minimum

Anyone doing jump squats?
Let's challenge ourselves and do 30 jump squats and 35 traditional squats

Jump squats is when you jump a little into the air and land into a squatting position
don't worry you don't have go jump and touch the sky...a small jump is key

This is not a required part of the challenge... but I thought it would be an added challenge.
Feel free to look at videos on YouTube for examples of a jump squat


  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    Done! :)
    Not the jump ones though... I did my squats straight after 30DS, which had plenty of jumping in it already haha!
    Maybe I'll do extra jump ones later :)
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    Day 1- 10 Complete 9/24
    Day 2 - 15 Complete 9/25
    Day 3 - 20 Complete 9/26
    Day 4 - 25 Complete 9/27
    Day 5 - 30 Complete 9/28
    Day 6 - 35 Complete 9/29
    Day 7 - 40 Complete 9/30
    Day 8 - 45 Complete 10/1
    Day 9 - 50 Complete 10/2
    Day 10 - 55 Complete 10/3
    Day 11 - 60 Complete 10/4
    Day 12 - 65 Complete 10/5

    I didn't jump. I always do my squats before logging in. I read your post after I've completed them. I am still doing them in one set, so I don't think I want to add much.
  • Done.... sore legs
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    Day 1 - 10 Squats - DONE!
    Day 2 - 15 Squats - DONE!
    Day 3 - 20 Squats - DONE!
    Day 4 - 25 Squats - DONE!
    Day 5 - 30 Squats - DONE!
    Day 6 - 35 Squats - DONE!
    Day 7 - 40 Squats - DONE!
    Day 8 - 45 Squats - DONE!
    Day 9 - 50 Squats - DONE!
    Day 10 - 55 Squats - DONE!
    Day 11 - 60 Squats - DONE!
    Day 12 - 65 Squats.... (30 Jump, 35 Trad).... - DONE!!!!
    They hurt really bad today...especially the jump ones.
    I had never done one before and had to just like...man through it.
    Grrrr....tomorrow is 70.
    OH MY GOSH!!
    Total of 450 Squats, AT LEAST, guys...let's keep going!
  • done! :) I added the jump squats to my routine and my legs can really feel it! ouch!
  • GraceK2012
    GraceK2012 Posts: 64 Member
    Day 12 - 65 squats DONE Oct 5

    Still doing the squats in one set, and still holding the dumbbells.

    Sorry, but there's no way I can add any exercise with jumps -- or any impact at all for that matter -- due to back injuries.

    I'll stay in for as long as I can and do as much as I can, but I mustn't even attempt plyometric variations. That doesn't mean I don't think they're not a great addtion for those who can do them, as I believe they offer significant benefits, both for weight loss and for building bone mass. I wish I could do them, but I really mustn't.

    So I'm still in, but at the more basic level.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I did a set of 35 this morning! It seems a little lame next to most people here, who can do all 65 in one set - but this is HUGE for me!! Previously, my largest sets were 25, so this was a huge jump that I pushed for this morning! I couldn't really walk afterwards, but I did it! :) I'll do another 40 later, but I'll probably have to break them into 2 more sets.

    ETA: And no, I didn't jump. For starters, I live on the top floor, so I think my neighbor might get pretty ticked at me jumping before 6am!
  • sniegparslina
    sniegparslina Posts: 40 Member
    No challenge accepted but mine 65 done...in two sets, but at least :)
    (and weirdly I've got a feeling that I'm not doing 'em right.)
  • beautifulreason
    beautifulreason Posts: 136 Member
    10 jump squats
    55 traditional squats done
  • Kioko1973
    Kioko1973 Posts: 56 Member
    Done but not with jumps. I didn't see this post until now. I did however use my kettlebell with the squats.
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Day 12- 30 jump squats + 55 squats. Total of 85 squats :)
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Wish I had read this before I did my 3 mile run and HIIT :cry:

    However....I did do it. with the jumping squats....and sh1t my thighs are letting me know they are not happy with me right now :grumble: .

    Also just to let you know, I will be in sunny Gran Canaria for a week from tomorrow so while I won't be able to log in and post I will continue with the challenge but I won't know of any variations so will just be doing regular squats until I am back.

    See you all in a week.
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    did the 65!
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    I did my regular squats.. still trying to catch up. I was sick Wed and Thur and most of today. I haven't exercised *gasp* since Wed morning and won't be doing so tomorrow either, since it's my day off from formal exercises. That being said, I did do 65 squats today, yay! I'll go back to jump squats on Sun with my workout.
  • two_octopodes
    two_octopodes Posts: 130 Member
    Did my 65. Was feeling proud of myself, but now I sort of feel like a failure for not doing the more advanced version. I thought the point of this was to keep adding more each day- that seems like enough of a challenge to me. Maybe I'm just in even worse shape than everyone else.
  • Geminihuntress
    Geminihuntress Posts: 199 Member
    Done w/20 jumps...bad knees wouldn't let me do any more but I tried...woohoo
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    Did my 65 on Friday, logging in now.
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    65 done no extra challenge.